On the laptop screen, the first to appear are two small steamed buns, biting their fingers, crawling on the bed. Their dark and bright eyes slowly look at Gu Liuyue and Gu Liusha.

"Qi Xiaojing, my aunt and sister." Gu Liuxing's voice came out.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee." After shouting, the two steamed buns giggled, raised their hands to poke at each other, and then fell to both sides.

Gu Liuxing sighed and held the two together. An excessively beautiful face appeared on the screen and said with a smile: "it seems that the two will often quarrel when they grow up."

"No, baby can teach them to love each other." Gu Liusha's face was full of seriousness and said it seriously.

Gu Liuyue and Gu Liuxing laughed at the same time. Gu Liuyue rubbed her head and said, "quicksand, you should protect your younger brother and sister in the future."

Gu Liusha nodded solemnly, then stared at Gu Liuyue's stomach without blinking. "Mom, will you have a little brother in the future?"

Gu Liuyue was stunned and said gently, "mother, just one quicksand."

Gu Liuxing has some accidents. Baby hasn't called cold night Dad for more than a year. It's only a few days now. She called her sister and mother.

Little girl is really eccentric.

Gu Liusha smiles when he hears his mother's words.

"Sister, how are you doing?" Gu Liuxing asked, and finally added, "if E.C. really needs help, I can find Fu Yanchen."

Gu Liuyue shook her head, "no, I have talked with lengye."

Gu Liuxing heard the words, and his eyes twinkled slightly.

Talk to lengye? So fast? Looking at my sister's expression, I didn't seem to mention any conditions.

Is it so easy to talk on a cold night?

Gu Liuxing thought of her wedding unexpectedly. She took her baby away in the cold night. After a few days, she sent her back in person.

She still remembers the expression before the cold night, which was no different in peacetime, but the deep eyes, which were like a cold pool, showed a light sadness and reluctant to give up.

Lengye likes baby very much. In recent years, she has come to Xingchen villa almost every month. When she looks at baby's face, she always looks at others through baby.

But it's amazing that he can look at the baby, but he won't give her this face with a look, which once made her unable to feel the idea of cold night.

In fact, lengye loves her sister very much. Otherwise, with his temper, the development of things will not be like this.

Looking at Gu Liuyue on the screen, occasionally suddenly, Gu Liuxing smiles, "that's good."

A few people teased two steamed buns for a while, talked about some daily topics, and then ended the video call.

Gu Liuyue received the computer, and Gu Liusha lay down together, patting her chest, coax her to sleep.

Looking at the delicate face, he gradually lost his mind. The pictures of getting along with the cold night in his mind came up and finally settled on the ferris wheel of that day.

Gu Liuyue blinked her eyes and pulled her lips with self mockery. He and she are impossible.

The next day, Gu Liuyue just got up, her mobile phone suddenly rang. She quickly walked over, first pressed the bell, and then looked down. It was a cold night.

Connect, cold night magnetic indifferent voice came out, "nine o'clock to sign the contract. Take the quicksand with you. She still has a study task today. After signing the contract, you can take her to the villa. The tutor will wait. "

Gu Liuyue said, "good."

When I went to Leng's with Xie Yun, it was 8:50.