To isolate all the chaos, Gu Liuxing suddenly seems to be taken away all the strength, limp against the wall, gasping.

The corridor is cold, quiet and safe.

Gu Liuxing closed his eyes, raised his head against the wall, stroked his abdomen and calmed his mood.

Her stomach is still aching, and she doesn't even have the strength to step out. Gu Liuxing grabs the clothes on her side and coaxes her in a low voice: "darling, let mom slow down. I'll take you to the hospital right away. Be nice, mom will lose strength soon..."

Inside the door, suxiyuan's shrieking voice and a man's coarse growl were heard.

I can imagine what it's like inside.

Gu Liuxing coldly raised her lips. At the beginning, she felt that Xie Dong's breath was unusual. She was drugged.

Otherwise, she would kick her hard and even get up!

Susie deserves the bad consequences!

Taking a deep breath, Gu Liuxing bit his lower lip and stood up against the wall.

At this time, the elevator there suddenly sounded a Ding Dong, followed by a messy discussion.

"Ah, big news, I heard that the movie queen and a group chairman, who are in the spotlight in the entertainment circle recently, are setting up a house here!"

"I've just asked the people who joined Miss Fu's birthday party to see it. Gu Liuxing is not here, and neither is the chairman of the group."

"After a while, we'll bump into the door together, and then we'll say that the door is open and we won't recognize it!"

"This news is enough for us to eat for half a year! The next period of time is full of film festivals, too much can be written! "

Gu Liuxing's eyes sank. He was a reporter!

Her eyes swept sharply around and finally settled at the embedded door of the next room some distance away. Sipping the corners of his lips, he quickly flashed over and held his skirt tightly against the door. In the dead corner of his sight, those people didn't see her.

Carrying the camera, a few male reporters look at each other, slamming into the door, and then quickly raise the camera, start shooting!

In the click of the flash light, Su Xiyuan's shrill cry almost spread all over the floor.

Gu Liuxing paid close attention to the whole thing.

From the beginning of this year, "Mi night" audition, after so many things, almost all have su Xiyuan contributed. This time, she should also taste the taste of being completely submerged by public opinion!

The hand empty grasped to grasp, just discovered that the hand grasps the bag to fall in just struggling time, can only go down to wait for Fu Yanchen.

She took the safe passage to the next floor and pressed the elevator.

More and more pain in the abdomen, bean sized sweat from Gu Liuxing's forehead came out, his brain was dizzy, almost unable to stand.

All of a sudden, a touch of heat flows slowly down from the thigh, accompanied by the sensitive smell of blood to the nose

Gu Liuxing's eyes widened in horror, his scalp numb, and his hands pressed tightly on his abdomen, where he had severe pain like mincing meat.

"Child... Child..." Gu Liuxing's lips were extremely white and trembling. His tears immediately fell down. He was too scared, causing his face to twitch.

Suddenly, the elevator in front of her gave a Ding Dong sound. She seemed to catch a straw. She didn't even see the man's face. She only saw his tall and slightly familiar figure.

She grabbed his arm and said hoarsely, "please call an ambulance for me. Please, I'm pregnant. Please call an ambulance for me."

The man looked at the back of her blue hand and the red dot on her skirt, and was surprised.

"Please, child, my child..." before he finished, Gu Liuxing fell into a coma and fell on the man.

The man quickly held Gu Liuxing and gently shook her, "Gu Liuxing! Gu Liuxing