449 Mano's Inferno 2

Cohnal moved all his soldiers secretly about the estate. Things were doings his way, Delju is taking care of Mano, and Tamnaeth will taking care of Delju. All he and his main force needed to do is take control of the household guards.

However, the first thing he had to take care is to erase all his competitors, and that meant killing all of Mano's wives.

This task wouldn't be hard for him, after all, he and his advisors have seduced many of Mano's wives over the years. Luring them to their deaths would be simple. Like Delju, they too will die by poisoning, but if they put up a fight, their lovers will be there to finish up the job.

There was only two of Mano's wives left that he needed to worry about, Thalia and Lyra. Since Lady Jaelah was kicked out of the clan.

Sister Thalia is still ill, but not ill enough to die. He will have to help her to her final resting place. As for Sister Lyra, he never had much contact with her over the years.

The information his men bought back on her, says she is a docile and quiet female. He figured it wouldn't take much to kill her, so he sent a few of his soldiers their way to deal with them.

Smiling at his work as he moved throughout the clan, clearing out other family members that could potentially stand in his way.

"Cohnal, what are you going to do about his offspring?" Drannor, his uncle asked.

"Sister Thalia's sons have entered the military with their grandfather. By the time they find out about all this, it will have been too late." Though Sister Thalia barred four males, they took after her father and entered the military. He didn't have to think about them just yet.

"...and Lyra's daughter…"

"Mikaela? ...Heh, someone else is already handling her." Cohnal didn't go on to elaborate.

"Fine, then after we finish with these people let's find Mano's supporters." Drannor suggested.


The cries and shouts from his other siblings and their families filled the night air as his soldiers killed them off one by one.

The whole Amara clan now knew what was going on, and although we wanted to help those other branch families. The sight of Cohnal and his men scared them into not doing so.

As Cohnal and Drannor, with their group of soldiers, made their way to the next residences on the estate, another group of soldiers cut off their path from the front and the back. They were surrounded.

"What is this!? Who are you?" Drannor shouted out, when the group wouldn't move.

From the soldiers blocking their path in the front, a person stepped towards them.


"Yes, dear brother, you look confuse to see me."

Cohnal was shock to see Mano standing there in front of them, What happened to Delju and Tamnaeth?

"Huh? It seems like you want to ask me something." Mano smirked as he shouted out.

Mano looked healthy and energetic, nothing like what Cohnal hoped he would be right now. At this point he was very worried about his younger brother.

"Cohnal…! What are you doing!? You need to kill him, now!" Their uncle Drannor whispered to him, bring Cohnal back from his thoughts to see the danger ahead and behind them.

Mano heard his uncle's whispers and turned to look his way, "Oh uncle Drannor, I didn't see you there. I would have figured that all the elders would be asleep in their beds tonight, not joining my eldest brother in his coup."

Hearing Mano confirming that he knows what they been up to, they decided to drop all pretenses.

"Attack!" Cohnal and Uncle Drannor ordered at the same time.

Mano held up his hand, signaling for his soldiers to raise their bows. Swinging his hand downward, his soldiers let loose their arrows.

The shower of arrows hit many of his brother's men before the two parties clashed in a vicious battle.

Mano didn't stand to the side, he hacked his way through the traitorous household guards on his way towards his brother.

Cohnal never expected Mano to be so well prepared. How did he know?

Suspicious that someone in his party must have betrayed him, Cohnal felt he had no other choice than to fight now.

In less than ten minutes, the two brothers were confronting each other.

One held Clemency, the heirloom to the Amara clan in his hand as the other had a knock-off version of it in their hands.

When Cohnal eyes saw the halberd Mano held in his hands he wanted to scream and snatch it for himself.

Even though it was cover in blood and grime of his soldiers, he still found it to be the most beautiful thing he has ever seen.

Captured by the sight of Clemency, Cohnal was unprepared for Mano's first attack against him.

Swing the halberd in dazzling arch over his head, Mano brought down the weapon over his brother's head. Too late to avoid to sudden strike, the only thing Cohnal could do to not have his head cut in half is to fall backwards onto his butt.

However, Mano never stopped his strike mid-way, even after seeing Cohnal dodge it. Instead the halberd kept following on its path and landed in between Brother's legs with loud thump.

Sitting on the ground with Mano's weapon landing so close to his family jewel, shock him enough to stop daydreaming.

Mano didn't waste time as he pick up the halberd again and swung it, this time from the side so he can go for Cohnal's neck.

Rolling out of the way, Cohnal tried to escape every attack his young brother threw at him, but Mano was determine to see this through.

When Cohnal was finally able to get himself off the ground, Mano delivered a swift attack to his arm which left a big gouge as Cohnal spun away.

"ARGH!" Blood soaked his sleeve as the weapon nearly cut all the way to his bone, "You!...Aaah!...You will pay for that!" Cohnal yelled. He couldn't believeMano was able to hurt him. For years he has looked down on this youngest brother of his in contempt.

The fact that he is the first one to get hurt didn't sit well with him. Picking up his own halberd, he swung crazily at Mano. Back and forth they went, attacking each other as the real battle began.