Chapter 22 - The Scarf That I Gave (14)

Translator: Kimmy


After reading the book twice quickly and focused almost like he wasn’t breathing, Karlos let out his breath. 

Her work never disappointed him.

It was just the beginning but he could sense that this novel would be a hit. 

Just like the Chancellor’s foresighting sense, he had a pretty accurate sense in novels. 

Oh, I need the next part! It’s time to use my personal account! Drain all my money out, Eva!

That’s exactly what he felt like at the moment. 

But there was no next part. And he couldn’t even pay for it because it doesn’t exist yet. 

Karlos was unsatiated. 

He had the money but there was no next part, there could not be a more painful wait. This is the tragedy of a serialized novel. 

He looked up.

“Did you finish?”

Eva was looking at him. 

She blinked those huge eyes of hers as she sat on the table with her hand cupping her face, then she giggled and came down. 

‘What? Cupping her face with her hands? Is she inventing new cuteness?’

Karlos could only blink. 

“How was it?”

“Ah, yea. The hook where the story starts with a robbery is very interesting. I also like the male lead’s struggles at work. Is he based on Bri? The description of the main character’s personality and actions are adorable. I enjoyed the part they met, it was beautiful. There were no forced things for the plot, and the narration of the main characters’ minds when they meet on business occasions make it relatable to anyone. You really did thorough research. You ended the story at just the right spot making the reader want the next part. I think it will get even better from now. Also, the foundational atmosphere was already set and explained in the beginning so it would be easy for the people to understand it. You are amazing. The scene in page 15 where Lemiden appears was good and the impact of the appearance on page 39 was also good.” 

Eva vacantly blinked at Karlos’ smoothly continuing cascade of compliments. 

She was in awe of this brusque man’s sudden burst in words. 

‘And beyond that, he was counting the pages as well? He is meticulous.’


Karlos studied Eva.

Was she not happy with something?

Looking at her blank eyes, Karlos was not sure if he should put this manuscript on the table or to hand it to her and apologize. 

‘If only I had half of the Chancellor’s talent of speaking.’

Karlos was not confident in delivering his appreciation accurately. 

In fact, he wanted to talk more excitedly. 

He could have talked for hours with this overflowing joy but the result of him controlling himself because he was too shy to talk to her directly was this. 

‘I shouldn’t have done that.’

He felt bad for his weak compliments. 

Eva slowly blinked again and walked towards him.

Karl moved back in surprise as well but Eva did not stop. 

‘Is she angry? What do I do? Do I apologize first?’

Just as he was about to speak, Eva held his wrists. Her hands were too small to even grab them properly. 

Karlos froze like a boulder again. 


“Uh, yea, yeaa.”

His mouth dried up from the nervousness. Karlos forcibly swallowed and waited for her next words. 

Eva stared at him with a stern face and opened her small mouth. 

“Karl, you are undoubtedly the best.”


Eva smiled radiantly. 

Her smile was even more blinding than that sun ray shining through the window. At least that’s what Karlos felt. 

He narrowed his eyes, getting the feeling he was staring directly into light. 

“Feedback is the best!”

He was still confused but he was fine because Eva was happy. 

Karlos could not escape Eva’s grip on his wrist and could only move his eyes. 

He was patiently caught in Eva’s hands, only able to move his eyes as Eva cheerfully bounced until Brigitta called. 

*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*

Glenn entered the lobby of the Central City Hall. 

He was a special detective for now but he was still an outsider so to meet someone from the City Hall, he had to notify the office clerk. 

“Good afternoon. Would you please call Lieutenant Alex of the 2nd Criminal Investigation Division?”

“Yes, Lieutenant Alex. And who should I say requested?”

“She will know if you say ex-husband.”

He grinned at the puzzled office clerk. 

*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*

Glenn was drinking coffee in the Cafe inside the City Hall and read the newspaper. 

He came here often and the coffee here was as bitter and terrible as the tea he usually drinks. 

It was a universally known fact that the detectives drank this extract of Hell not for the flavor but to wake up. 

“What do you want?”

Someone sat in front of him. 

It was a plump woman, who was quite chubby.

“Hello, Alex. You look well. Your hair still looks like chocolate cotton candy.”

“Your tongue hasn’t changed much either. You can say that to my messed up curly hair from all that late-night work?”

“Well, that’s because I’m being truthful. I could fill a hundred papers of compliments for you.”

She scoffed at her ex-husband. 

She knew that he referred to himself as her ‘ex-husband’ to mess with the office clerk. 

She also knew this surprisingly-playful man wouldn’t visit her for nothing.

“Don’t joke around so much. We parted ways well but people are still uncomfortable with it y’know.”

“Oh, right. My two black-haired bosses were really uncomfortable around me for a while. That was fun.”

“That’s a bad habit of yours.”

“If I can’t even play around this much I wouldn’t survive this job. Cotton Candy, should I just come to the City Hall?”

“You think your boss will let you?”

“That’s the problem. Would you tell me?”

A divorced wife and husband. A parted couple. 

It sounds like they must be awkward with each other but they were congenial. 

They were frank like old friends and they were kind to each other. 

They were rational lovers that had to break up well for a cause. 

Ha, an old lover. 

Glenn brought the cup closer to his lips to hide his bitter smile.

He didn’t want her to worry after seeing his bitter smile, looking at how tired she was right now.

“I heard you are very busy with TT the murderer.”

“Ah, don’t even get me starting. That freak. I don’t know what the superiors are thinking. I mean code name TT? Who the hell decided to name it so adorably?”

“We are controlling information with the excuse of public order but I think the papers will blow it up soon. You should be careful. Since His Majesty doesn’t really allow me to control the media.”

“Give me that coffee……”

Glenn silently passed the coffee to her.

Her darkened under eyes showed that she must have been basically living in the City Hall for at least 3 days. 

She drank all of that horrible coffee and grimaced. 

The City Hall was a newly established and neglected department that the Emperor separated from the Public Order Department just 5 years ago. 

And because of that, they are always busy with the lack of human resources and know-how.

The City Hall was only around for 5 years but crime has been around way longer. 

However, they were getting all of the blame and scorn from the citizens for all the mishaps.

If every hateful word was a life extension, Alex would live as long as a dragon. Or perhaps she would live forever. 

She pressed on her temples. 

“So what is it? If it is a request, I’m not taking it.”

“Oh, my. Do I like someone that would request you?”

“As my ex-husband you would not but as the Chancellor you would.”

“You know me too well. This is why we had to divorce.”

He snickered. 

‘Lovely Alex. I fell for that capability and insight of hers.’

Once a mere cop Alex became a veteran of the 2nd Criminal Investigation Division in no time. 

“It’s nothing much. I would just like you to put Special Detective Glenn under your team. And collect all the letters sent to that name. Also, I will tell the Chief Inspector about that so don’t worry.”

“It doesn’t matter with me but what’s going on? Is it serious?”

“Not really? It’s just to lay the foundations.”

Alex looked at Glenn attentively. 

Judging by his face it seemed to be true that it was nothing serious. 

She could tell his genuinity just by observing his face from her long time friendship with him.

And him flipping through the newspaper leisurely looked normal enough. 

The men passing by the Cafe trying to have a glance could have never imagined that this man would be ‘the’ Chancellor. 

She scoffed and put on a smile.

*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*

It was already around 4 when Karlos and Brigitta finally left the house. 

Karlos was still blank. 

Eva’s words telling him to visit again lingered in his ears. His walk was weak like his soul left his body.

Honestly, he wanted to stay longer. 

But, he shouldn’t. 

He tried to suppress his desires. 

“That was unexpected.”

“What was?”

Brigitta was grinning. 

Karlos was a little sulken after remembering how Brigitta only spectated excitedly instead of helping him. 

Despite the Emperor’s sulkiness, Brigitta continued speaking.

“You were good at speaking like normal people.”

“Ah, that.”

“Since I never saw you using such language. Especially with the timing I met you.”

Karlos rubbed the back of his neck. 

When Brigitta first met him, it was already after he was crowned.

He had a hard time since then with the Chancellor’s strict training of speaking in a courtly manner. 

Karlos shook his body remembering the Chancellor’s endless scolding that started as soon as he opened his eyes and just before he closed his eyes. 

“You know, in the first place I was a normal person for 20 years.”

He was just a ‘prince’ because of his blood and he was never taught court orders or manners. 

The only people he met when he lived in the detached palace was the few chosen supervisors and Prince Leroy, and the previous emperor he barely saw once a year. 
