Bai Qiyou's lax eyes have already explained the problem.

Jiao Yiying strikes while the iron is hot, grits her teeth and pours on Bai Qiyou with all her strength!

Bai Qiyou suddenly raised his hand to seize her wrist, stopped Jiao Yiying's action, and kept a safe distance from her, "what did you do?"

Under normal circumstances, Bai Qiyou should not have just a series of reactions.

At present, he is still in great pain, and his soul is resisting and struggling tenaciously.

Jiao Yiying didn't expect that she was so close that Bai Qiyou could stay awake!

She does not dare to take risks. After it's done, it's easy to say. Now, she hasn't implemented her plan to have a relationship with Bai Qiyou. How can she show her flaws?

"You scratch me!"

Jiao Yiying wriggles her body, intending to get closer to Bai Qiyou.

Bai Qiyou's eyes changed, and he kicked Jiao Yiying's stomach!


At this moment, Jiao Yiying's voice is not pretended, it's absolutely true.

Bai Qiyou forces himself to calm down, gets up and walks out with his mobile phone.

The first problem didn't go on smoothly, so it happened. Bai Qiyou didn't know what the consequences would be if he continued to stay.

The reason to ask Jiao Yiying is that although he has a lot of information, no one knows what happened on that day.

Bai Qiyou intends to find some clues from the conversation with Jiao Yiying.

Now it seems that he did not find Jiao Yiying wrong, at least let him know Jiao Yiying's face.

Not only about the children, Jiao Yiying even kept the photos at that time. When I found them for him, they were so accurate, and what she said just now!

Call Wang Yan, and Bai Qiyou drives away from the military region.

Jiao Yiying had no chance to go back to work, so he was sent to a place by Wang Yan.

When Geng Qining saw Bai Qiyou calling, several people were having lunch. He looked at Ming Xiangsi.

Acacia is feeding her daughter.

When the phone was connected, Geng Qining got up and walked away.

Geng Qining knew that Bai Qiyou was injured. He was in the Boren hospital, and Jiang Yuexin's hair group. They all knew that.

He also went to see Bai Qiyou several times. Geng Qining was also clear about the disharmony between Ming Acacia and Bai Qiyou.

"What's the matter?"

To be brief and to the point has always been the way of dialogue between the two men.

Bai Qiyou said, "I will send you a person, and the criminal evidence will also be sent to you, but I need your help."

Geng Qining, "..."

At the end of the call with Bai Qiyou, Geng Qining put away his cell phone and sat back.

The nature of his work is there. Jiang Yuexin has been used to answering the phone anytime and anywhere.

Ming Acacia and Yu Yuan are more used to it!

No one asked him about his phone call. Geng Qining didn't say he wanted to leave, so they knew it wasn't urgent. That's enough.

That night, Bai Qiyou didn't go home.

If you don't answer Xiao Zou's phone call, you may not be cranky.

Knowing the news that he was discharged from hospital, Ming Xiangsi had been restless for a long time before going to bed at night.

More than eleven, head next to the pillow, Acacia self mockery to mutter, "self amorous."

It seems that Bai Qiyou really figured it out.

In a certain interrogation room of C City police station that night, the process of interrogation was different from that of general interrogation.

"Say, whose idea."

Merlin put one foot on the chair and asked the man sitting in front of her.

Meilin and Geng Qining met this man for the first time, but other police officers in the police station were not strangers.

This person is not someone else, is recently and Ming Acacia relationship is not gregarious man.

Today, Bai Qiyou talked to Geng Qining on the phone.

What Bai Qiyou asked Geng Qining is what Meilin is doing now.

When Bai Qiyou asked someone to take the prisoner to the police station, Geng Qining was still in the scenic spot! He said hello to Merlin.

Meilin looked over the organized criminal record, and was puzzled at that time!

Now that Geng Qining is not in charge of such a small case of unsociable men, Meilin is curious!

Geng Qining sends a message and tells Meilin what Bai Qiyou guesses. Meilin volunteers to do things for Geng Qining.

Geng Qining came back from the scenic spot and sent the two girls to the old house of the Jiang family.

The two are still in school today, and the people in the old house of the Jiang family have already taken them back before they came back from the scenic area.

Meanwhile, Bai Qiyou tells Prynne and Jiang Yuhan in the military compound.

"The Acacia child is gone. Don't trouble her."

Originally, Bai Qiyou could take the initiative to go home. Brandy was happy with something! It's for him to eat, it's for him to drink, brandy is happy to ask Acacia, Bai Qiyou gave her such a sentence, it's like a bolt from the blue, brandy was split down!

"What's your name?" Prynne didn't want to hear the bad luck in words“ "Bah, bah, bah!" Prynne reminds Bai Qiyou anxiously. But now Bai Qiyou is no longer Bai Qiyou as a child. With a cold face, Bai Qiyou said again, "I'm serious. Don't trouble her." After that, Bai Qiyou went upstairs to his room. Jiang Yuhan took a long breath and calmed down. I thought I was going to be born soon, but I don't have any“ What a fate I am Before Jiang Yuhan could fully digest the sad news, brandy began to cry“ I've got everything ready for him. How can God do this to me? " Brandy's cry, more and more painful, can't take care of Mrs. Gao Gan's expensive“ Xiaoyu, do you think Qi you lied to me? He doesn't think I'm good enough for Acacia, and I'm not good enough for his daughter? " Brandy turned her head and asked Jiang Yuhan with tears in her eyes. Jiang Yuhan sighed and said, "I don't know.". This time, there was a noisy old lady. Jiang Yuhan stood up and left, his ears quiet. In Norda's house, Prynne cried for hours. In the middle of the night, in the police station, Geng Qining said softly to the person with bruise on the corner of his mouth, "if you tell me all about this, all the criminal records in the previous files will be eliminated." Meilin understood Geng Qining's meaning and turned her wrist. "I heard that you still have a friend? You said that if you offered him such terms, would he explain it? " Meilin's man is Jiao Yiying's fake boyfriend. That man is crazy and has committed many heinous things. In front of this person, there is still some help, a little conscience. Meilin beat people like this, he didn't let go, from another point of view, this person is very trustworthy. Meilin is not as good-natured as Geng Qining. She has no patience to talk to him“ I'll give you five seconds to think about it. Hurry up