"Hurry up."

Bai Qiyou took off his vest, threw it on the table next to him, and stared at her dripping hair. He pulled her back to him, grabbed the towel from her hand, and wiped it against her hair.

Acacia mingacacia, "..."

Scared to death!

I was going to wipe her hair!

"If you want to wipe my hair, just say it. You don't have to take off your clothes. You can't get wet."

Bai Qiyou looks like a fool. He is not interested in talking to her.

Ming Acacia brain melon seeds are still pondering, today this how suddenly so good? She's not used to it!

"What's your mother doing here today?"

This question, Bai Qiyou is willing to answer, "say something."

Ming Acacia, "... You might as well not say."

What's the matter, big brother!

You said it!

Acacia wants to hit people.

Well, I don't have to talk to him.


Towel away, white Qiyou standing behind her asked her.

Acacia side of the body, the towel away from his hand, "no, I can blow."

Let him do it?

She'd better forget it.

"I'm in a hurry to sleep."

Ming Xiangsi is about to walk away with a towel. Bai Qiyou gives her such a sentence.

Ming Acacia thrilled, "you sleep!"

Can she stop him?

"Just leave me a place to lie down."

With that, Ming Acacia continued to walk to the bathroom, to dry the towel.

Bai Qiyou sat on the edge of the bed and waited.

When Ming Xiangsi blew his hair out and saw that he didn't sleep, he was curious, "what else do you have?"

Bai Qiyou looks very bad. "How long do you need?"

Ming Xiangsi, "... When do I sleep, affect you?"


White Qiyou two words serious exit, Ming Acacia quickly ran to the door of the house, to turn off the light, "so?"

I'm afraid it's not that I can't sleep with the light on?

White Qi you endure, "I ask you, still need a few minutes to sleep?"

Acacia hesitated, "I don't know."

She likes to dawdle before going to bed.

Recently, she suddenly became very interested in sketch. She was learning sketch and didn't apply for any training class. She just looked up some simple books on her mobile phone. She bought elementary books in the bookstore and learned them with interest.

She wants to draw two strokes.

Bai Qiyou, a little angry, asked her, "about the time?"

When she doesn't go to bed, he can do something according to her time, or squint for a rest.

Ming acacia is very difficult to understand the idea of this ancestor, can only follow the others said, "about an hour."

Bai Qiyou said, "OK." he lay down on the bed and closed his eyes.

Acacia mingacacia, "..."

Is there something wrong with this man?

Hesitated, Ming Acacia light handed, walked to the bedside, "you, what's up?"

What do you mean by asking her the time, asking her the time and falling asleep?


Who says women's minds are hard to guess? Who will say that again in the future, she is anxious with whom.

It's hard to do this in front of you.

Bai Qiyou did not open his eyes, "what to do."

Ming Xiangsi is kind-hearted. While Bai Qiyou doesn't open his eyes, he pats his mouth, moves his mouth and doesn't make a sound. He leaves the bedroom and goes to the living room.

She didn't seem to have to worry about sleeping in bed at night. Bai Qiyou left her a big place.

The door of the bedroom is closed, and the light of the living room can only penetrate into a crack in the room.

Bai Qiyou on the bed didn't sleep, thinking about things in his mind.

From childhood to adulthood, from adulthood to the present.

The past is vivid in my mind, the days of tears, bleeding, sweating, unconsciously, so long, so long, so long, Yan Xiyang has had a second child.

She should be happy now, whether it's given by Lou Moyang or by her children.

Ming Acacia in the living room drawing, painting painting, have forgotten the existence of Bai Qiyou.

As time goes by, I want to go to the bathroom. When I get up and see Bai Qiyou's car key in the room, I suddenly think of Bai Qiyou at home!

Looking at the time, the acacia is over!

And she said an hour, the whole out of almost half an hour!

Just now, she specially watched the beginning of the time!

The bathroom is not on, Ming Acacia quickly open the door of the bedroom, stealthily, look at the people on the bed.

Bai Qiyou closed his eyes, how high his brows were, and his face was full of sorrow.

See he didn't wake up, Ming Acacia quickly quietly quit, action very light with the door, quietly, toward the bathroom.

Come out from the bathroom, look at their unfinished sketch, and then look at the time, Acacia yawned, decided not to draw today, continue tomorrow. Anyway, she has a rest these two days! Stand at the door of the bedroom, open the door of the bedroom, Acacia are screen breathing. As a soldier, she has learned how smart her ears are. Looking at a quilt on the bed, Ming acacia is in trouble. Although it's a hot day now, it's OK not to cover the quilt, but there's nothing on the stomach, so it's uncomfortable. Ming Xiangsi went to the cupboard, looked at it for a while, fished out a four Jin quilt and put it on the side of the bed. I forgot to take it just now. That's true! I can sleep now. Thanks to the bright moon today, otherwise, she will be killed! Open the quilt, lie down, Ming Acacia atmosphere dare not pant, yawn, cover the mouth. She yawned and shivered with fright. Bai Qiyou looked at her coldly and said, "I want to scare you to death." Bai Qiyou hung in front of her face, "an hour from what you said, 43 minutes more." Ming Acacia later dawdled so long, lying in bed now, it's almost the same. Ming Xiangsi is very depressed, "I mean" probably. " Bai Qiyou frowned, as if he was deciding to do something very painful. Acacia gall small, swallowed saliva, "you, can start first? It's blocking the oxygen around me. " Bai Qiyou can't help but go to pull the pants of Ming Acacia. Ming Acacia scared to death“ What are you doing? What are you crazy about? " Bai Qiyou didn't explain. In fact, he was very upset, "don't make a noise." Acacia trembled, "you just say, what do you want? If you really don't want to sleep with me... "Bai Qiyou lowers her head, presses her mouth, stops her from opening her mouth, supports the bed with one hand, and removes the obstacles from her body with the other. Ming acacia's eyes, staring can not be bigger, but unfortunately, she can not speak. Bai Qiyou extricated himself, squeezed open the legs of Ming Acacia, straight to the destination. Acacia is dying. Issued a pig like protest, kicking, Ming Acacia even if speechless, also tenacious resistance! Bai Qiyou can't stand her reaction, pressing her mouth to leave, "can't be honest?" Acacia staring at him in disbelief, "I'll be pregnant if you do this!"