Chapter 500: Killing you with love

Soo Yin was about to watch quietly but Dae Hyun was always interrupting her. Didn't let her sit alone on the couch. Made her feel even more hot and wanted to distance herself.

"Dae Hyun, go to sleep," said Soo Yin, who was getting more and more uncomfortable when Dae Hyun started sniffing the nape of her neck.

"I don't want to sleep before we go upstairs together. You said you've watched it so many times, then why do you watch it again?" Dae Hyun said, he was deliberately disturbing his little wife. He didn't like it when Soo Yin looked at Jack in the movie so closely. For him, Soo Yin should not look at other men for too long.

"You said you prepared everything for me. But when I just watched it, you've been bothering me," Soo Yin grumbled as she folded her arms across her chest.

Even though the film was in full swing when Rose and Jack hugged each other at the end of the ship.

"Rather than you see it, we better practice it," whispered Dae Hyun, realizing if his wife was now upset.

"Never mind, I better just sleep," said Soo Yin while pursing her lips. She had lost her patience with Dae Hyun since earlier.

"You said you weren't sleepy yet. Now I promise I won't bother you again. You can watch in peace now." Dae Hyun released his embrace, then shifted his body until Soo Yin was no longer in his lap. It seemed that Soo Yin had not yet understood what he wanted.

Dae Hyun chose to lean his head on the back of the sofa slightly away from Soo Yin. He didn't want to make Soo Yin angry anymore.

Not long after, sleepiness overtook him until Dae Hyun slowly closed his eyes. Wanted to treat his drowsiness for a while.

Ten minutes passed, things were getting quieter. There was no commotion after they kept their distance.

"Honey, are you asleep?" Soo Yin shifted her body closer to Dae Hyun. Watching alone without anyone bothering her made her feel bored instead.

"Hmmm," said Dae Hyun with his eyes still closed. Actually, he didn't sleep but he didn't want to disturb and irritate Soo Yin.

"Honey, wake up. I'm tired of being alone," Soo Yin whined as she patted her husband's cheek.

"Didn't you say earlier that I shouldn't bother you?" Dae Hyun said with his hoarse voice.

"Open your eyes quickly. I don't like watching a movie alone," Soo Yin whined with pouting lips.

"Okay but there are conditions," Dae Hyun said while smiling crookedly in the dim light so that Soo Yin wouldn't notice.

"What?" asked Soo Yin with furrowed brows.

"You have to promise not to be angry if I disturb you. You also have to promise not to refuse what I want. I will do whatever I want," said Dae Hyun. His other eye had opened slightly to peek at Soo Yin's current facial expression.

"Okay, I promise," said Soo Yin in a weak voice.

Dae Hyun then woke up with a cracked face. Like a child who just got ice cream from his mother. His ass kept shifting until they were pressed against each other.

Soo Yin was now focused on the television screen again. Now Dae Hyun's hands were wrapped around her stomach so that Soo Yin rested her head on her husband's chest.

Dae Hyun's hands had now started to move mischievously, sneaking into Soo Yin's clothes so that Soo Yin can't focus anymore.

"Can't your hands be still?" Soo Yin grumbled while rolling her eyes.

"You promised not to be angry," Dae Hyun said casually and didn't feel guilty at all.

"Ughhh, you always set me up," Soo Yin cursed because she was so annoyed.

"I'm an expert," Dae Hyun said with a chuckle. Luckily Aunt Xia wasn't home so she didn't listen to what they were doing at the moment.

Soo Yin was about to get up from Dae Hyun's lap. But before she could move, Dae Hyun had hidden his head in Soo Yin's recess, causing strange feelings all over her body.

"Where are you going?" Dae Hyun whispered in Soo Yin's ear then kissed his wife's neck.

"Dae Hyun, stop it. I have to go to college tomorrow, don't make me get into trouble again," said Soo Yin breathlessly, holding back the desire that was becoming unbearable after a long time.

"You don't have to go to college tomorrow," whispered Dae Hyun with his hands already playing with the two springy objects that fit perfectly in his hands. The thing he always wanted to play with.

Soo Yin moaned and sighed as Dae Hyun's hands became more adept at playing on the sensitive areas of her body. Until she squirmed and pulled Dae Hyun's hair tightly. Pulling her husband's hair to channel her passion.

"Let's make a little sibling for Yeon Ho," Dae Hyun teased in between making Soo Yin even more infatuated and wanting more.

Soo Yin was still aware of her husband's words until she pinched his waist.

"Ouch, why are you pinching me again?" Dae Hyun groaned. With a quick movement Dae Hyun turned Soo Yin's body to face him, now they looked at each other. Seeing Soo Yin's lips, which were about to open, Dae Hyun then landed a kiss on her lips first. Not giving her a chance to protest.

Dae Hyun immediately carried Soo Yin's body without breaking the kiss even when climbing the stairs. He had just let go of Soo Yin's lips when he saw her gasping for breath.

"Do you really want to kill me?" Soo Yin accused while holding her tight chest.

"Killing you with love. I want to kill your love for another man," said Dae Hyun while smiling a lopsided smile. In between the desires that were already in the crown.

Dae Hyun took Soo Yin to the room next door to Yeon Ho's. A room that was rarely occupied but was neatly arranged because Aunt Xia always cleaned it. It had white walls and not much equipment there.