When I went upstairs in early summer, I began to rummage through the whole bedroom, but I didn't find what I wanted to see.

When Kong Shu came up with the decoction, he was surprised to see that the bedroom was more chaotic than the bird's nest.

"Young lady, are you looking for something?"

"Oh, uncle Kong, I'll find the marriage certificate!"

At the beginning of summer, I saw that it was Uncle Kong. I answered him and continued to lie on the carpet and look at the bottom of the bed.

Where is the marriage certificate.

Why can't she find her bedroom?

Uncle Kong heard that she was looking for this, and saw that she was lying on the ground and looking for something like a child. He couldn't help but feel funny..

"Young lady, don't you remember where you put the marriage certificate? Shall I help you find it? "

Uncle Kong didn't know that the marriage certificates were all in beimingyu's side. He thought there was one in early summer. He put down the medicine and planned to help her find it together.

"No, I'll just look for it myself. I don't know where Beiyu is."

At the beginning of summer, I got up, pulled the messy hair on my head, and looked at the chaotic room. I was very depressed.

I guess I can't find it.

On hearing this, uncle Kong's eyes flashed. How dare you accept all these things!?

"Young lady, if you ask the young master directly, you will know where to put it?"

Uncle Kong can't help laughing at her sad face.

"Yes! Thank you, uncle Kong At the beginning of summer, she suddenly brightened up. She foolishly searched for it for a long time and forgot to ask someone.

It's just that the man hasn't replied to her information up to now, and probably hasn't got off the plane yet.

In an instant, the delicate eyebrow twisted again.

"Young lady, you drink the medicine first, and I'll ask someone to help you clean up the room!"

Everything in the bedroom was disrupted in the early summer. There were many things scattered on the floor, just like being robbed.

"Ha ha, please uncle Kong!"

Seeing the confusion he made, early Xia was embarrassed, so this time he took the medicine and finished it in front of Uncle Kong.

Glancing at the candy on one side, she quickly took one and opened the package and threw it into her mouth.

"Uncle Kong, did you bring this up?" She yelled candy in her mouth, and her words were not clear.

I didn't see candy when I was just turning things!

"Yes, it was bought by the young master. Let me bring it up to you!"

Early summer thought that it should be the box of candy that someone promised her.

Eating happily.

At this time, the servant came up and began to clean up without uncle Kong's supervision. His action was very quick. After a while, he cleaned up the room in early summer.

"Thank you for your trouble. Please eat candy

At the beginning of summer, I handed the candy box to them and let them take it.

Two servants a little embarrassed, subconsciously looked at Uncle Kong, see Uncle Kong nodded, just reached for one.

"Thank you, young lady!"

"You're welcome!"

At the beginning of summer, the candy is really delicious, much better than Xiao Heng's, "Uncle Kong, do you want to eat it?"

"Thank you, young lady. I don't need it. I have a bad mouth!"

Uncle Kong refused with a smile. He took the empty bowl and told her to have an early rest before he followed the two maids out of the bedroom.

And help her close the door.

Looking at the room that had been cleaned up, early summer sat on the bed, put down the candy box, took the mobile phone, hesitated to call Beiming Yu to ask.

Dribbly water eye swept to the room again, suddenly eye bottom a bright.

By the way, maybe he put it in his study!?

Thinking about this, I ran downstairs in a hurry at the beginning of summer and found it in my study.

I didn't dare to rummage around like my bedroom.

She was very careful and didn't dare to mess things up, but she had looked for all the places except the safe where things could be placed, and still didn't find their marriage certificates.

Is it hard to put it in the safe?

The beginning of summer stares at that code lock, show eyebrow a tight, even try all don't want, he should not put here just right.

In the study and turn around, see can't find, she just give up upstairs.

Took a bath out, lying in bed, can't help but take a mobile phone directly dial the number of Beiming Yu.

I thought it was power off, but when I heard that it was connected, her heart suddenly got nervous for no reason, and she kept beating.

Oh, my God!

If he got through, what would she say?

At the beginning of summer, she blinked and held her breath, but before the man answered, she hung up the phone.

Dong Dong!

In the quiet room, you can hear her heartbeat, especially clear.

Call him in the middle of the night, will he feel noisy?

I don't know where he's going on business.

At the beginning of summer, I couldn't control my imagination and tried to control my restless heartbeat.

I don't know how long after that, when she was about to fall asleep, her mobile phone rang.

She felt on the bed for a long time without touching the mobile phone. She got up and looked for it for a while, but it was a pity that the phone hung up.

See is North Ming Yu call, she Leng next.

"What does he want me to do?"

At the beginning of summer, I was sleepy and forgot that I had called someone before I went to bed.

When she pouted and was ready to put the mobile phone back on the bedside table, the mobile phone vibrated in her hand, which scared her and made the sleepers fly away.

She calmed down her panic, slipped her finger and picked up, "hello?"

Hearing her voice, the other side stopped and said, "are you asleep?"

Low voice, seems to be with a trace of fatigue, but still beautiful touching heartstrings.

"Well..." at the beginning of summer, leaning on the head of the bed, her face was red and her heart was bumped by deer.

It's broken.

Now I hear his voice, my heart beats faster. It's a shame.

"I was busy at noon and didn't notice your information. What did you just ask me for?"

Deep voice through the microphone, into her ears, early summer nervous, suddenly do not know how to ask export.

Just a little thing

"Well, are you tired? Where are you going on business? "

The other end pauses for a while, and the man responds, "in country f, it will take a while to go back. Do you miss me?"

"Who, who missed you?" At the beginning of summer, my tongue was tied and I was very annoyed.

She is so nervous that she can't be seen.


"Ha ha..." the man's deep laughter made her blush and charming.

"I miss you so much!"

With the sound of laughter, I feel my ears numb at the beginning of summer.

It's hot. It's hot.

It's like someone talking to her.

There was a palpitation.

She mumbled the corners of her mouth and said in a flustered voice, "I just want to ask you, where did you put your marriage certificate?"