Seeing Li Beinian gasping for breath, muxichen bullied him and said in a slow voice, "do you remember the first time we met?"

Li Beinian leaned back habitually. Muxichen held her with both hands and supported her on both sides of her. "You get up from the water and treat me..."

Musichen's breath is getting closer and closer. Li Beinian thinks of the scene immediately in his mind.

That day, she just woke up from the darkness.

All of a sudden, she found herself still alive.

Life, tongue, innocence And her family, all here.

She knew that Li Xueqing would block the only exit and wait for her to fall into the trap.

However, just as she was playing a circuitous tactic and wanted to change places to run, another wolf was in her own territory and had a good rest.

As soon as she broke out of the water, she got up and ran into his place

Li Beinian was so ashamed that he pushed him away. He said, "it's been a long time since all of them have been gone, and they still say something about it!"

Muxichen was not pushed away, but more and more blocked closer, voice some hoarse, "you take advantage of me so much, still afraid of people say?"

"No, I just ran into it by accident."

"You know I'm standing and I'm rushing up," musichen pressed over, his voice as low as sand. "That's not careful?"

"I didn't see you!" Li Beinian's voice was wronged, "if I saw you standing there as a big man, I would certainly not go up..."

When Li Beinian spoke, his legs were already resisted by hard things.

Li Beinian breathed heavily and said, "how can you..."

"Well?" Muxichen seemed to be a little unaware of her embarrassment, arrived at the end, "how am I?"

"How can you go everywhere..." Li Beinian couldn't go on and said, "the water is so cold."

"The water is a little bit cold," said musichen, holding her hand and reaching down. His lips passed through her face and fell on her cheek. He said in a hoarse voice, "you are going to burn me in this suit."

"You didn't let me wear it yet!" Li Beinian pushed his face away.

Muxichen grabbed her palm, and his lips were burning under her jaw, moving little by little.

Li Beinian was breathless. Before he could say anything, muxichen grabbed her lip and sucked it. He pried open her lips and teeth and sucked her little tongue.

Muxichen took her palm with one hand and put the other on her side. The body became heavier and heavier.

The strength of her lips kept stirring her small mouth, which gradually deepened her possession. Her lips and tongue were flexible and ingenious, giving her another layer of different feelings.

Li Beinian felt that his breath was going to be eaten. His legs were a little weak.

The only hand that was left was clinging to his arm, and the curly muscles in the palm were distinct.

But the body strength is getting smaller and smaller. Li Beinian is afraid that he will fall down and drown.

The feeling of weightlessness made her feel insecure.

At this moment, an arm suddenly stretched out and took her waist.

At the same time, Li Beinian was released.

Body virtual soft lie on his body, under the eyes, his honey skin in the sun under the flow of a different sex appeal.

When Li Beinian thought it was over, the warmth of his neck was scorched.

He seems to be on purpose. Li Beinian clearly feels that every time there is a heavy suction, and the smacking sound of mouth foam separating from skin. , the fastest update of the webnovel!