167 Our quickies are never quick

"is this your way of making up with me?" kiyohira glares at her, not falling for her charming smile. 

"don't lie. you like it this way." she raises her head to peek at yuta again. "i just don't want to get caught by yuta."find authorized novels in webnovel,faster updates, better experience,please click www.webnovel.com for visiting.

yuta sighs and sinks deeper into his seat. he covers his head under the blanket. his parents can't wait for this plane to land, can they? never mind. why did he pack the earphones in the luggage? he regrets it deeply. 

"then, get off me," kiyohira tells her in a commanding voice. 

she leans closer and lifts her chin. she looks into his eyes. "give me a kiss first."

"why should i give in to your demand?" he questions her. his arm wraps around her waist. "i am the one offended here. you don't trust my flying skills. you don't apologize either. you won't have my lips before you say that you trust my flying skills."

"if you are flying the plane, how i would demand a kiss from you?" rie whispers to him. "we have to make up for the time we were together. that's seven years, give or take. also, your lips are already mine. i am your owner. don't act high and mighty."

she's his owner his wife is good with words. he is delighted to see her being possessive of him.

"how do you plan to make up for the lost time then?"

"we forgive each other for stupid moments and don't waste time over grudges." she moves her face closer. her lips hover over his, not touching. he can sense the heat radiating from her skin. "we spend our free time we have fulfilling our son's wish."

"is he really sleeping though?" kiyohira traces her jaw with his finger. 

she glances at her son again. yuta's head is covered. did he do that in his sleep? he must have. she nods at kiyohira. "yes."

his voice is so low that only she can hear him. "want me inside you, then?"

"as soon as possible," she replies to him, excited. her eyes shine with anticipation. 

little pervert! he flicks her forehead. "then, learn to wait."

she flinches in pain. "kiyohira, you..."

"have some shame. we have a son. we shouldn't set bad examples for him." kiyohira scolds her with a light tone. "what will he think of us if he hears us?"

yuta covers his face with his palms. they are not doing a good job anyway. he worries for his future siblings. he will do his best to keep their minds innocent as long as possible.

"he is a kid. he can't understand." rie leans closer to him again, unbuttoning his shirt and slipping her hand inside. "he might have studied a bit of biology to understand how babies are made, but he doesn't understand it in the way you and i do."

kiyohira exhales tiredly. their son is much more mature than she thinks he is. obviously, he can't tell that to her now. she must observe it by herself. it doesn't seem like yuta wants her to realize it either. he wonders if their next child will be a little less mature than yuta.

she draws circles on his skin, sending shivers through his nerves. she looks up at him and asks with a small voice, like a little girl asking for something that she knows that she shouldn't be asking for it.

"a quickie?" 

darn! he can't say no if she asks for it like this. he grabs her wrist, stopping her from tantalizing him. "our quickies are never quick."

"it will be quick this time." she brushes her lips against his neck. "very quick."

"rie..." he murmurs her name with a weak warning. he knows her enough to guess how quick she will be.

yuta is in peril. he won't hear his parents having sex, would he? his shameless parents can't keep their hands off each other. this is too much to handle. 

"mmm?" rie's fingers trail down, stopping on his belt. can she not seduce her husband? she knows him enough to know what can break his resolve.

"not here." he growls, grabbing the other hand that is trying to sneak inside his jeans. he's determined to not get discovered by his son. 

"lavatory?" rie suggests in the end. it seems like they are often doing it in bathrooms. 

"just a quickie, right?" he puts his finger beneath her chin and lifts it up to make her look at him. "nothing more."

she promises him, "nothing more."

yuta lets out a sigh of relief when he watches them enter the lavatory. he slumps in his seat. being an adult in a child's body is an extraordinary task. being a parent is also difficult. he can't sleep. he covers himself with the blanket. closing his eyes, he starts planning for his next step. 

kiyohira presses her against the wall, looking at her with his simmering eyes. she bites her lower lip, meeting his eyes with the same fervor. 

"so, you are my owner." kiyohira likes the tune of it. 

"i am your owner." she replies with a teasing voice, knowing that he likes hearing it. "my husband is a masochist."

"who was asking me to spank her this morning?" he pulls up her long skirt. he's surpried to see that she's wearing a black stocking. "did you wear a skirt today because you were planning to do this, lustful woman?"

she snickers. "women in their thirties are often lustful. can husband satisfy this lustful woman?"

"challenging me?" kiyohira pulls down her stocking. she gasps when his fingers crawl between her thighs, fingering her opening. "wet, already? what were you thinking? pervert!"

"like you have the right to call me a pervert." she giggles.

"it's your influence," kiyohira replies honestly. before he met her, he was pretty decent. "only you can turn me into a lustful demon."

hearing that, the eyes twinkle like the stars, making his heart go erratic. only she can turn this lavatory into a romantic place.