164 Who dares to disturb my son's dreams?

yuta stretches his arms. his fingers are aching. he takes off his headphones and closes the laptop. he puts them in the same place where his mother left them. he lies down on the bed. while his parents have been busy with 'stuff', he's been taking care of the weakest link of the dh. 

nano came to dh around the same time when his mother came to dh. in his previous lifetime, she found ren and messed up with him. she killed him after he figured out her identity. after a few months, nano was found dead in her house in the same way she killed ren. back then, the leader didn't look deeper into it. they all knew who did it.

he wonders if ren will be able to live this time. he didn't get to meet him in his last lifetime. he would like to meet his mother's closest friend and also, the first person who became the reason why she went against another dh's member.

yuta closes his eyes. one's down. he only needs to take care of three more -- yuan bo, maddox kang, and jordan law. 

yuan bo has been raised as a weapon like him. yuan bo was like a big brother to him until he killed maddox kang and jordan law. yuan bo was extremely close to maddox. he never forgave him for killing maddox. he tried to kill him many times to avenge maddox's death. he didn't want to kill yuan bo... until she got hurt. she tried to protect him from yuan bo and nearly died. 

he laughs until his eyes get misty. he rubs the tears away. he was such a fool. 

'icarus, don't fly too close to the sun.'

was it all a lie?

he should have taken that warning and throttled her until she revealed her true self. he's sure. even in the face of death, she would have laughed and mocked him with those poisonous eyes. 

he was fine alone. why did she have to come in his dark life and become his sun? she became his savior and then, she had killed him the same way the sun had killed icarus. 

he folds his arms over his face. he's truly pathetic. it would have been better if he could lose his memories of other life after dh was erased. he doesn't know how to live with the scars that she left on him. 

when rie opens the door, she finds yuta lying on the bed. she walks on her toes to not wake him up. kiyohira follows right behind her. when they get closer, they see his face covered. his little lips are quivering. she can hear him sniveling. she takes a long stride toward him and asks him with anxiously, "yuta, did you have a nightmare?"

yuta wipes his face with his sleeves. it's careless of him. he doesn't want his mother to know. he looks at her like a child. "yes, mother."find authorized novels in webnovel,faster updates, better experience,please click www.webnovel.com for visiting.

nevertheless, that woman was a nightmare in his life -- a nightmare that began as a fairytale.

he gets nightmares frequently these days. rie lays down beside him and pulls him closer to her. "mother is here now. who dares to disturb my son's dreams? i am going to beat them all who make my son cry."

yuta laughs genuinely. his heart is lighter now. his mother is not like that woman. she will never betray him. she will rather die for his life. "mother, the monsters went away because you are here now."

"i am also good at scaring monsters away." kiyohira places his hand on his son's forehead. "don't forget me, okay? if the monsters keep coming back, i am also here. you can tell me the names of the monsters. i will make sure that they never ever touch you again."

"oi, kiyohira, don't steal my thunder." rie glares at him. "say this cool lines to his little sister."

kiyohira rolls his eyes at her. "what if he gets a brother? you are confident that it will be sister."

that woman killed him and he's reborn. he's with his mother and father now. if dying once was the price of this moment with his parents, he would pay the price again.

still, there's no way that he will ever feel thankful to that woman for killing him that way.

"i want a sister."  yuta crosses arms. "sisters are cute and lovely. brothers are annoying."

take yuan bo for example. he spent seven years trying to assassinate him for killing maddox. damn, he was persistent. tsk! he should killed yuan bo right after he killed maddox. 

"mother and father will work hard to give you one." rie pinches his cheek. "if you meet anyone who make you cry again, don't spend your precious tears. come to me right away. i will feed them a good medicine. they won't be able to show their faces in public. this is your mother's promise."

what is this woman teaching his son? kiyohira crosses his arms and scowls at rie. "yuta, if you meet bad people, you come to me first. we will destroy them together by law. that way, your actions can never come back to bite you in the future."

"your laws can't solve all the problems." rie turns to yuta. "son, laws are useless when it comes to power. you must grab their horns by hook or crook. you must --"

kiyohira covers her mouth. "he's four for god's sake. teach him to be a moral man."

yuta's lips twitch. moral citizen? is his father a moral man? he would be a blind fool if he believes hsi father to be a moral man. his mother is not one either. then, how can he ever become a moral man? he was a underworld king and an assassin in his past life.

there's no way that he will be a moral man.