158 You are a masochist, Kiyohira

not giving her time to make the first move, kiyohira grasps her arm and pulls her up. he places his palm on the back of her head and presses her against the wall. his lips smack against hers, moving against her lips fiercely. he cups her soft full breast, kneading it while trying to delve into her mouth with his tongue.

sensing his urgency to take over her, she smiles as he nibbles her lips softly. she parts her lips slightly, permitting him to invade her --  tongue entwining, battling against each other, trying to gain dominance over the other. wet sleek clicking fills the bathroom. they part for a moment and intakes a mouthful of air while eyeing each other. she smirks, moving her head back when he approaches her lips for the second time playfully. the demanding look in his eyes amuses her. 

who will win? who will moan first? neither of them is going to make it easy for the other. 

she's such a tease. he pinches her nipples, twists them slightly. she lets out a gasp. he leans in and penetrates her mouth again, savoring each swipe inside her. when the tips of their tongues meet, she strokes his ball. he freezes. a pleasant shiver rushes through his nerves. she forces her tongue inside his mouth. with one last thorough swipe, she ends the demanding kiss and pulls apart. her hands still gently playing with his testicles, rendering him unmovable under the spell. 

she chuckles. "i told you. you won't last long."find authorized novels in webnovel,faster updates, better experience,please click www.webnovel.com for visiting.

"give it your all." he utters through his clenched teeth, not trying to moan when she pinches the seam between his balls softly -- though he wants her to win to see what she will do after winning. "you won't win, honey."

she eyes his swollen dick between her fingers. kiyohira shudders when he sees her smiling wickedly. what is she going to do? she pushes him lightly. his back press against the wall. she bends down on her knees, moving her hair back with her right hand. she curls her around the base of his penis, squeezing it lightly. meeting his eyes, she leans down and kisses the seam while moving her hand up and down leisurely, making him frustrated and wanting to ask for more. her hot lips brush at the base, tongue trailing upward slowly. the fingers of her right hand dig into his left thigh. she takes his testicle in her mouth. while she fastens her pace over his erection, her wet tongue glides over his ball; she controls each wave of pleasure through his body, drowsing him in pleasure and waking him up with each flick of her tongue.

her tinging hot breath hovers over the seam. she glances at him once, taking in the beggings in his eyes. not satisfied, she grazes her lips over his member. he exhales sharply, pursing his lips not to let out a single moan. she licks it furiously while gently rubbing with his sack, tugging them mildly. she circles the tip of his cock, pressing her tongue against the tip. she takes all of him inside her mouth, wrapping her tongue around his dick like a snake. he grabs her hair, not able to hold back anymore. he drives deep into her throat. she wraps her arms around his hip, gripping his arse as he goes for another thrust in her throat. he is breathing hard, lips glued together to stop himself from making a single sound as she provokes the head with her soft wet tongue inside her warm mouth -- faster, urging him to break his resolve. he closes his eyes; this is a test. he mustn't let her win.

suddenly, her teeth softly graze against the head, breaking the last ounce of restraint; he empties his seed instantly inside her mouth with a loud moan. 

she wins.

eyeing him coyly, she states while squeezing his balls a little. "you are a masochist, kiyohira." 

"you turned me into one." raspy breath, he doesn't move for a moment, watching her lick her lips, rubbing her thumb against the head that's still leaking his seeds. no regrets. he wouldn't mind losing again, forgetting that they aren't supposed to moan because of a certain someone in the house. "if you moan when it's my turn, will it be a tie?

"you will get that chance." she runs her finger down on his penis, resting it on the bottom. "don't move if you don't want me to bite you hard. until you make me moan, you have to do what i ask you to do."

fair enough! he will have his chance.

she takes half of his swelling rod in her mouth, wanting to suck him until there's nothing left of him. kiyohira can't stop her. he doesn't want to stop her. she sucks him. she teases him mercilessly. pressing him against the wall, she swallows him -- taking him deep inside her velvety mouth and rocking against the bottom of his shaft. when he tries to hold her hair back, she bites him lightly as a punishment. he gasps loudly, completely powerless. he gives up his control to her and lets her lead him through the tumultuous waves of pleasure.

she resumes her pleasant torture until he comes into her mouth again, sucking him dry completely. he watches her, mouth half-opened, waiting for her command. she shakes her head and laughs. she won't let him off this easily. "you aren't allowed to move, kiyohira."

"what are you planning?" he asks her with a deep husky voice mixed with raspy breaths. he wants to move and gets punished by her; however, he wants to see what his sadistic wife will do.