Xia Weiyang thinks that she is very lucky. She is not only a lovely child, but also more fortunate. Her talent in painting from childhood made her find a job she liked. After hard work, she jumped to the position of chief designer. Three years ago, I just gave birth to a baby. I was a new mother. I was in a hurry. I felt that my life was in a mess. It was brother Fu who always encouraged her. I must cheer up, because I still have such a lovely baby. When her child was six months old, she found a babysitter to take care of her child, and then she devoted herself to the jewelry design industry she liked. Because she had a goal in mind, and her heart could be very quiet, her creativity had won awards abroad many times, and her work had to move with the relocation of the company's headquarters. But she did not expect that the company would eventually move to this place, a place she could not avoid. It can be seen that there is a real fate. She originally wanted to quit her job and look for another job. However, after such a long time, she also wanted to come back and have a look. Maybe there were some other unexpected discoveries, and because of this, she really didn't feel reconciled to giving up the fruits of her three years of hard work. She had nothing left. If she lost her job again and had to start again, it would be like starting from zero. She is no longer single herself. Now she has children and some responsibilities. So she came back. Another important point is that brother Fu has been persuading her to come back, because he is still in China most of the time, so he can take care of them. She really appreciated him. He took care of her all these years in a foreign country. He helped to worry about many things. This power is doomed. Especially everyday. But she had such a serious car accident, and she was still in her stomach every day. For a period of time, she was a little melancholy and wanted to give up the fetus. She felt that life was very slim and there was no hope. Even she went to the hospital. At that time, the baby in her stomach was almost five months old, and the doctors in the hospital refused to operate on him because they thought it was too cruel. The baby had formed and was very healthy. Fu Yan found her, and then talked with him for a long time, finally convinced her, left the child. Later, the child grew up slowly from the belly, tossing every day, and the middle and later periods did not stop, gradually wearing away her resentment. When she tried her best to give birth to him, in the ward, in a daze, she saw Fu Yan holding the child in her ear whispering, "the child is very healthy, very beautiful." She didn't believe it at first, but later, when the nurse washed the baby clean and held it in her arms, her heart seemed to be filled, very full, as if a little angel suddenly flew into her arms. She never thought that she would have such a lovely child. And her life has changed dramatically since then. She slowly came out of depression, the focus gradually shifted to the child, she began to change. As a mother, she had to work hard to make money, taking care of her children and painting. At last, she was successful in one contribution and won the prize. She became very popular immediately, so she really went back to her old business and went all the way to the present. She made it, her children, her whole life. The car is still running, but Xia Weiyang's heart doesn't know where it is?