Because of the traffic jam on the road, when Xia Weiyang arrived at the company, it was two minutes past. She stroked her forehead, then spat out her little tongue. "Still late“ So she carried her bag and wanted to return to her seat quietly. She thought she was unconscious, but she was seen by Fang Xiaomin“ Weiyang, you are very brave. How dare you be late? " Fang Xiaomin seems to get hold of her, and then pretends to speak hard“ Keep your voice down. Are you afraid people won't know I'm late? " Xia Weiyang said in a bad mood“ Oh, don't worry. People in the office basically know that you are late, because just now the supervisor came to see you, and you just weren't there. " Fang Xiaomin is a bit lucky“ Asshole, I didn't say that earlier. " Xia Weiyang put down his bag and immediately knocked on the door into the office of the director. Xiao Weiwei just finished a phone call. She saw Xia Weiyang, so she said, "sit down."“ What can I do for you? Director Xiao Xia Weiyang asked nervously. Xiao Wei looked at her solemnly and said, "Xia Weiyang, today a client came to her house and asked you to design a set of jewelry for her. Just after work, when you left, I met her. She is a rich daughter with elegant taste and strict requirements. It's hard to do. Her requirements are very high, but her price is also higher than our expectation, You have to be careful. "“ "Mudai" also has a special design service for customers. Such works can be said to be unique, but the price is also very high, so it is expensive to find customers“ Looking for me“ Xia Weiyang was a little surprised, because she had just arrived at the company and had no chance to make a name for herself. She had won a prize when she was studying. She was famous when she was working in Su's office, but she would not be narcissistic. She felt that people were attracted to her. " Yes, it's for you to design. The company attaches great importance to this list. You should pay attention to it“ Xiao Wei had to remind“ Don't worry, give it to me, I will do my best to ensure the completion of the task“ Xia Weiyang is hard to ride a Tiger now. They all want to design it by themselves, so they can't refuse. But this is my job. It's no big deal. I will try my best to make her satisfied. She is full of confidence in her job because she loves it“ OK, it's up to you. She's waiting for you in conference room 2. She just came back. " Xiao said“ I don't know what to call this customer? " Xia Weiyang asked in detail, but he offended the customers and had a bad influence on them. Only when you know yourself and the enemy can you win a hundred battles“ Her surname is Qin Xiao Weiwei said“ Good“ Xia Weiyang turns around in his mind and is quite sure that he has never heard of a customer with this surname. Maybe it's really the customer's mistake. Xia Weiyang said, her figure has already arrived at the No. 2 conference room. There is a special tea assistant standing at the door, see Xia Weiyang come, take the initiative to help her open the door. Xia Weiyang took a deep breath and walked into the conference room. When she looked up and saw the woman sitting on the sofa, she was stunned. This is a nearly perfect woman with goose face, unremitting makeup, big Wavy long hair, wearing a red skirt, very publicity and elegant temperament. At the same time, the woman on the sofa also saw her, picked her eyebrows, and then red lips raised a smile of pride and ridicule, "designer Xia, I've heard so much about you."