Chapter 1817

Wan Caixia didn't say anything more. She directed Tianniao to turn her bow and fly southeast.

Wan Caixia then said, "Zheng Yuan, the deepest part of the holy land of Qinglong stone, it will take at least two or three months to reach it. Now we can go to practice first."

"No problem." Zheng Yuan agreed with Wan Caixia's proposal.

They didn't say anything more and went into a training room to practice.

Zheng Yuan didn't practice Xianyuan, because the spirit here was too weak to be satisfied with him.

So it's a waste of time to practice like this.

What Zheng Yuan intends to practice now is the rotating divine consciousness.

In the place of endless God domain, where the divine consciousness is suppressed, the role of rotating divine consciousness is particularly important.

As long as his rotational divine sense is strong enough, then even in the face of the supreme fairy, there is the power of World War I.

Although he is now very strong in the sense of rotation, he is still far from the peak, so he will practice wholeheartedly as soon as he has time.

In the blink of an eye, a month and a half passed.

With Zheng Yuan's all-out cultivation, the rotating divine consciousness finally made a step forward.

Zheng Yuan stopped his practice and said with a smile, "yes, there's another point of safety in the endless realm of God."

Zheng Yuan didn't continue to practice. He estimated that he had almost reached the depth of the endless divine realm, so he planned to go out to find out the situation.

As soon as he opened the door of the training room, he saw Wan Caixia.

She was just trained.

Zheng Yuan couldn't help waving to her and said, "what a coincidence, elder martial sister Wan."

Wan Caixia said, "get ready, the poisonous Dragon Cave is coming."

Zheng Yuan suddenly said, "the green dragon stone is in the poisonous Dragon Cave."

Soon they were on the bow deck.

I saw dark clouds around the city, a dark, like the general future.

Zheng Yuan sighed: "it seems that there are few scenic spots in this endless realm."

Wan Caixia said with white eyes, "it's not a place to visit. The more dangerous the place is, the higher the resources will be."

Zheng Yuan said with a smile, "you are all right."

At this time, a huge blue thunder suddenly came down in the mid air of the distance, illuminating most of the sky at once.

And the thunder was very loud. Since they were far away, Zheng Yuan and WAN Caixia's ears were buzzing.

Zheng Yuan couldn't help getting a little excited: "what a terrible lightning strike."

Although this blue sky thunder can't compare with his thunder robbery, it is also very fierce. It can be absorbed by him to practice.

But wan Caixia's face changed: "no, it's in the magic minefield."

She said, and quickly stopped Skybird.

Zheng Yuan doubted: "elder martial sister Wan, why did you stop Tianniao?"

Wan Caixia solemnly said: "in the past, it will be the magic minefield. It will take at least a month for the magic minefield to pass, so we can't use aircraft."

"Because the aircraft is too obvious, it is easy to become the target of magic thunder. It is estimated that as soon as it flies, it will be smashed by magic thunder. "

"Although your Skybird looks very strong, it can only resist three magic thunder at most."

Zheng Yuan grinned: "this is exciting."

Without saying a word, he directed Skybird to fly over.

Wan Caixia couldn't help but get a big jump and cried anxiously: "Zheng Yuan, do you think you live too long?"

Zheng Yuan said with a smile: "yes, I've lived too long. It's a bit boring."

"Lovely Morley, I'm here. I hope you can satisfy me." Zheng Yuan then said excitedly.

"This guy is so crazy. It's like there's nothing in the world that scares him." Wan Caixia is a little helpless.

She knew that she could not stop Zheng Yuan, so she had to let him do it.

She is not a timid person who is afraid of death, so how can she be afraid of magic thunder.

However, she did not dare to be careless.

She raised her vigilance to 12 points. As long as there is a magic thunder attack, she will immediately summon defense and attack immortal weapons to deal with it.

Zheng Yuan threw out the array flag and arranged a thunder storing immortal array.He intends to use the power of magic thunder to cultivate the intermediate fairy to perfection.

Wan Caixia is also a genius of array, so it can be seen at a glance that Zheng Yuan arranged the array of Chu Lei Xian.

Although she knew how to arrange the array, it was far worse than Zheng Yuan's.

So she couldn't help but exclaim: "what a brilliant thunder storage immortal array."

Even the thunder storing immortal array arranged by martial uncle you, the most brilliant array master of wanjianzong, is inferior to Zheng Yuan.

"It turns out that his array level is so high that he should be a rare array genius."

Then, Wan Caixia thought of something: "originally, he wanted to use the mine storage array to resist the attack of the magic thunder, but I'm afraid it's too naive. A mine storage array can only store about 100 magic thunder at most, and if you want to pass through the magic thunder area, you have to experience at least thousands of magic thunder attacks."

She thought that the reason why Zheng Yuan was not afraid of magic thunder was that he wanted to use the thunder storage array to fight against it.

So she felt that Zheng Yuan was too arbitrary and arrogant.

Wan Caixia couldn't help sighing: "he looked very smart before, how can he become so rude now? Is it that we have experienced so many successful things that we have already begun to be complacent? "

No matter how evil the genius, if you can not maintain the original intention, then the final strength is limited.

Because hubris will limit people's development.

That's why she's never complacent.

Wan Caixia doesn't want Zheng to degenerate because of this, so she plans to give him a moral education class sometime.

About two hours later, Skybird finally entered the magic minefield.

The dark clouds are thicker and the thunder is louder and denser here.

Suddenly, just listen to a loud bang, dozens of magic thunder suddenly bombarded down, straight attack Skybird.

Wan Caixia couldn't help changing her face. She cried out: "Zheng Yuan, be careful."

She said, her left hand summoned a level 4 defense immortal shield, and her right hand summoned a level 5 immortal sword.

However, at this time, Zheng Yuan burst out laughing: "let the magic thunder come more fiercely!"

Then, open arms, fly up, take the initiative to meet the magic thunder.

"Dead Zheng Yuan, what do you want to do? Are you really tired of living? Come back soon? " Wan Caixia cried out.

"Elder martial sister Wan, thank you for your concern, but don't worry. It's just magic thunder. I haven't paid attention to it yet."

Zheng Yuan ignored Wan Caixia's cry and continued to pounce on the magic thunder.

"Madman, this guy must be a madman." Wan Caixia a little hate iron does not become steel curse.