Chapter 1800

Zheng Yuan grimaced: "elder martial sister Wan, it seems that you have a bad impression on me?"

Wan Caixia said, "should I have a good impression of you?"

Zheng Yuan said with a smile: "I understand. I'll let elder martial sister Lao monitor it."

Wan Caixia didn't say anything more. She took back the array flag, removed the shielding prohibition, and then went back first.

Zheng Yuan followed.

At the moment, Lao Feiou and Ouyang Fangfang are also very happy.

Lao Feiou is very eloquent and flatters Ouyang Fangfang every sentence, which makes her feel good for herself.

"Elder martial sister Lao, do you think elder martial brother Liu really likes me? I always feel that he is indifferent to me every time. He never takes the initiative to me, never tells me anything, and never shares good things with me. And I just want something good and I'll give it to him right away. " Ouyang Fangfang sighed.

Lao Feiou said with a smile: "sister Ouyang, you don't understand men's mentality."

Ouyang Fangfang was a little puzzled and asked, "elder martial sister Lao, what's a man's mentality like?"

Lao Feiou said in an expert voice: "sister Ouyang, I don't know if you've ever heard such a sentence:" what you can't get is always in turmoil, and those who are preferred are always fearless. "

Ouyang Fangfang shook her head and said, "No

She could not help but read it in a low voice.

When she understood the meaning of this sentence, she could not help but brighten her eyes and praised: "elder martial sister Lao, you are so talented that you can say such two words full of philosophy."

Lao Feiou said with a smile: "I didn't invent these two sentences. I saw them on a mountain wall by accident before. I don't know who carved them on it. I feel good, so I wrote them down."

Ouyang Fangfang said: "elder martial sister Lao, you continue to say, how can you master a man's mentality?"

Lao Feiou said: "most men, especially those who are extremely talented like elder martial brother Liu, are girls who don't like to take the initiative very much. They don't think it's challenging. And ignore their girls, they are full of interest, because the feeling can arouse their desire to conquer, so that men are cheap

Ouyang Fangfang said with a smile: "elder martial sister Lao, you are so good. Men are really cheap."

She is now more and more fond of laufeiou.

She felt that Lao Feiou knew everything. After chatting with her for a while, she learned a lot.

She planned to come and chat with Lao Feiou whenever she had time.

Lao Feiou continued: "so don't pester elder martial brother Liu any more. You must let him know that you are also a girl with personality. Only in this way can he notice you and think of your good

Ouyang Fangfang a little worried: "is this really OK?"

Lao Feiou said confidently: "sister Ouyang, you can put 120 hearts on it. There's absolutely no problem. Let me tell you something like this. For example, a bird comes to disturb you every day. Do you think it's boring?"

Ouyang Fangfang nodded and said, "yes, I wish I could slap it and fan it away."

"But if one day that bird doesn't come to you, will you think of it immediately and guess why it doesn't come to me today? What is it doing now? Driven by curiosity, do you want to look for it? "

Ouyang Fangfang big point its head: "Lao elder martial sister, you say is not bad."

"So, as long as you don't take the initiative to find him in the future, after a period of time, he will take the initiative to find you. As long as he takes the initiative to find you, it shows that he is interested in you. Slowly, slowly, you can naturally become Laughs Lao Feiou.

Ouyang Fangfang clapped her hands and said, "elder martial sister Lao, this method is really brilliant. When elder martial brother Liu falls in love with me completely, I will be grateful to you all my life."

Lao Feiou said with a smile, "you're welcome, younger martial sister Ouyang. After a while, elder martial brother Liu will come back. You should remember to take a cold attitude. If you are indifferent to him, you should never take the initiative to say hello again, and then leave with elder martial sister Wan. In this way, elder martial brother Liu will feel surprised. "

Ouyang Fangfang nodded and said firmly: "I know, elder martial sister Lao, don't worry, I will take up our girl's backbone."

Lao Feiou gave her a thumbs up: "sister Ouyang, you have backbone, I will always support you."

Ouyang Fangfang said, "elder martial sister Lao, you can call me Fangfang in the future. You don't need to call me younger martial sister. That's too much of a difference."Lao Feiou said with a smile, "OK, Fangfang."

At this time, Zheng Yuan and WAN Caixia came back.

Ouyang Fangfang was overjoyed and stood up to greet Zheng Yuan.

Lao Feiou sighed a little helplessly. The girl was hopeless. Just now, she vowed not to please herself. I didn't expect to forget it in the blink of an eye.

She gave a quick cough and a wink.

Ouyang Fangfang just regained consciousness.

She sat down quickly and looked cold.

When Zheng Yuan sat down again, she stood up coldly, approached Wan Caixia and said, "sister Caixia, I have something else to do. Let's leave now."

Wan Caixia has a strange look at Ouyang Fangfang.

She was very clear about her cousin's infatuation with Liu Zhihe. Every time she met her, she would stick it up like a dogskin plaster, and she couldn't persuade her to leave. However, she didn't expect that she would take the initiative to leave now.

However, she didn't ask much. Anyway, she is leaving now.

Wan Caixia nodded and said, "OK, I'm just about to leave."

Then, she took a look at Lao Feiou, and whispered: "Lao Shimei, this elder martial brother Liu is a fake. He has an ulterior motive to sneak into our wanjianzong. You can't let him stay here any more. You'll watch and leave the million mountains tomorrow. If there's something wrong, you'll give me a message right away."

There was a flash of shock in Lao Feiou's eyes, and he replied, "really? It's impossible. It's too similar. There's no loophole. "

I have to say that her acting skills are not generally brilliant.

Wan Caixia has no doubt: "you must keep an eye on him, don't be deceived by his sweet words."

Lao Feiou replied with a resolute look: "elder martial sister Wan, you can rest assured that you will give it to me. I will do everything I can, and I won't let him have a chance to take advantage of it."

In her heart, however, she was smiling. She never thought that she and Zheng Yuan were in the same team.

Wan Caixia asked her to monitor Zheng Yuan, which was extremely convenient.

Wan Caixia was very satisfied with the sound: "very good, you are cautious, resourceful, I believe you can handle it."

"Thank you for your trust."