Chapter 1177

The beast's attack was quick and fierce, just like lightning. In the blink of an eye, he attacked Zheng Yuan, his head, chest and waist.

Zheng Yuan's powerful fist was like a knife, which made his face ache.

However, he was not in a hurry, the sword against up.

Although Zheng Yuan successfully resisted the beast's fist, his right hand was a little numb, and he could hardly hold the handle of the knife.

The fist of the beast struck his sword like a mountain.

Zheng Yuan exclaimed in his heart: "the strength of level seven monsters is really terrible."

He knew that the licentious beast was only using 10% of its strength now.

A successful force can make him such a demon level yuan baby complete. The strong man has to work hard. It can be seen how terrible the real strength of the beast is.

If it attacks with all its strength, it will have no resistance at all.

However, Zheng Yuan still has no fear.

In order to let wanxuan and others escape safely, he had to drag it for an hour.

Zheng Yuan quickly stepped back ten steps.

He had to slow down a little.

Otherwise, he won't be able to support him for a long time.

However, the licentious beast did not give him much chance to breathe.

As soon as Zheng Yuan retreated, the licentious beast came with him.

It seems that the goods want to work hard to get rid of him.

Zheng Yuan's face sank: "deceiving people too much, tigers don't get angry, you think brother is a sick cat."

He jumped into the air, and then flew behind the beast.

Then came down from the sky, a knife cut to the back of the beast: "eat brother a sword."

In order to delay time, he does not want to be hard in front of it now. Instead, he plans to take guerrilla warfare and focus on the weak and weak points in the defense of licentious beasts.

Only when we are strong enough to attack the enemy's weakness can we defeat the strong with the weak.

Of course, Zheng Yuan does not want to win now, because he knows that there is no chance at all.

Although he is not a person who abandons himself, he has self-knowledge. He knows that the power difference between himself and the beast is too big.

Now he's satisfied that he can hurt the beast.

He is very confident about this idea.

The licentious beast was also very good. He turned around and waved his right fist to fight Zheng Yuan's knife.

It seems that it doesn't pay attention to the small knife at all.

Zheng Yuan laughed, a bit treacherous and insidious.

The more careless the beast is, the more opportunity he has.

Now he withdrew half of his power.

Because if he doesn't, his knife will definitely hurt the fist of the beast.

Although the licentious beast despises his small sabre, his small Sabre can't be broken outside but can't be broken inside. Its attack power is strong.

Once the beast is injured, he will be crazy. Then he will try his best, and he will have no chance to fight back.

As long as you deliberately show weakness, you will let the beast think that their strength is limited and vulnerable, then you will continue to be careless.

Zheng Yuan had the chance to give the beast a fatal blow at the best time.

Zheng Yuan is really different from other people. He never forgets his tactics.

If it's someone else, I just want to make a quick decision now, and I will never miss the chance to hurt the beast.

In the blink of an eye, Zheng Yuan's purple shining knife was cut on the beast's fist, just like on the iron stone, making a loud bang.

The beast's fists were intact, while Zheng's principles were shocked and flew backwards.

The beast suddenly opened its mouth and spurted out a blue light. It shot at Zheng Yuan like a shadow and tried to kill him in a short time.

Zheng Yuan had already guessed that the beast would make such a fist, so he was not flustered at all.

He turned over lightly in mid air, avoided the attack of Qingguang, and then fell to a big rock about 15 meters high on the left.

At last, the green light of the beast shot at a huge tree fifty paces away, which was smashed to pieces.

Zheng Yuan didn't stop on the big rock. As soon as he fell down, he stepped on it with both feet. Then he used his power to shoot forward and attacked the beast with a small knife.He has to attack from time to time to get the upper hand.

The beast ignored Zheng Yuan's attack and showed obvious disdain in his three eyes.

It hit Zheng Yuan with both fists.

Zheng Yuan still didn't have a hard face with him. Suddenly, his body made a very strange twist, and then, like a magic trick, he suddenly went around the beast's back and slashed his tail with all his strength.

For most monsters, the tail, though innocuous, is the weakest part.

And after losing the tail, no matter what the action will become unbalanced, then it will be easy to find the opportunity to take advantage of.

This is a tactic that Zheng Yuan has worked out for a long time.

It's also his only chance to win.

In the blink of an eye, Zheng Yuan's small broken knife was severely chopped on the tail of the beast like an alligator.

What shocked Zheng Yuan was that the tail of the beast was not generally strong.

Zheng Yuan not only couldn't hurt himself, but also felt numb in his hands and fell back and flew out.

He was so depressed.

This beast is not a normal metamorphosis, even the tail is so hard.

It seems that it is more difficult to find its weakness.

At this time, the tail of the beast suddenly became longer and attacked Zheng Yuan like a long gun.

Zheng Yuan quickly fell to the ground, and then quickly stepped back.

However, although Zheng Yuan retreated quickly, the tail of the beast came faster. In the blink of an eye, he came to Zheng Yuan and hit him on the chest.

Zheng Yuan made a mistake and dodged to the left.

However, it is half a step late.

With the sound of Chi, Zheng Yuan's right shoulder and clothes were stabbed by the sharp tail of the beast, and his blood came out.

But the beast did not let him go.

In a flash of the shadow, the beast attacked Zheng Yuan again. His four hands were like a gale, attacking him crazily.

Zheng Yuan was in a hurry and was defeated.

However, he still has no fear.

He was not in a hurry, his eyes were firm, and he fought with all his strength.

Now he's ready to fight with the beast to the end.

Zheng Yuan is a wise man. He knows that his situation is extremely dangerous. He is like a boat on the sea in a storm. If he is not careful, he will capsize.

We can only go to the bottom of the boat and fight against the back of the water, then we have the chance to escape.

This is the first time in his life that he fought with a will to die heart, so his potential was unconsciously stimulated, and it was extraordinary.