Zheng Yuan drove his yacht all the way south.

Three days later, he had already left the land far away. Except for the white waves, he could not see anything around him. It was very delicious.

However, Zheng Yuan was not bored at all.

Because the yacht has everything, all kinds of entertainment facilities, all kinds of food.

Sometimes, if you want to eat fish, you just punch to the sea, and immediately a bunch of big fish jump out.

When he absorbed his skill, he caught two or three big fish, and then went to the kitchen to clean up.

The sea fish is delicious.

On that day, after lunch, Zheng Yuan came to the deck and was ready to bask in the sun.

Suddenly, a large flock of seagulls came from the southeast.

Zheng Yuan's eyes brightened.

There are gulls flying, indicating that there are islands nearby.

So Zheng Yuan turned the bow and went southeast.

He planned to stay on the island for a while until Ghost Island appeared.

All around here are possible areas of Ghost Island, so we are not afraid to miss them.

About half an hour later, he saw a piece of green in the distance.

Zheng Yuan suddenly felt a burst of air.

These days he is facing the sea, not angry at all, almost suffocated an egg, so at this time to see the land again, suddenly feel a burst of unspeakable kindness.

It's a fairly large island.

About 20 minutes later, Zheng Yuan finally approached the island.

He docked the island and flew to the island.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a fierce fight coming from a nearby forest.

He was surprised.

He thought it was just a desert island.

I didn't expect anyone else.

Zheng Yuan sighed in his heart.

He felt that he was in a state of disaster. Wherever he went, he would encounter fights.

Sometimes, he just wants to be a beautiful man quietly.

However, he is not an indifferent person.

So once you encounter an incident, you will give a hand.

Therefore, Zheng Yuan let go of divine consciousness.

Three ninjas in grey were besieging a woman in a clearing in the woods about 300 meters away.

The woman was about 20 years old. She was pretty and dressed in camouflage clothes. At a glance, she knew that she was the sister of a Chinese soldier.

Although it was one against three, the elder sister of the soldier did not fall below.

Zheng Yuan praised in his heart: "well done, sister Bing, you've abused these small island countries. Hum, you dare to come to our Chinese territory and be arrogant. You really don't know how to die."

He sneaked past quietly, and finally quietly hid in a big tree about 30 meters away to watch the battle.

He is not going to help for the time being.

Because he could see that sister Bing could solve it by herself.

If she makes a bold move, she will think she looks down on her.

This is what some arrogant girls care about most, especially these tough special forces sisters.

In the blink of an eye, twenty moves passed.

The elder sister of the soldier is more brave than ever.

All of a sudden, she looked at an empty door and stabbed the green ninja in the middle with a dagger. All of a sudden, she opened his stomach and made his intestines flow out.

The green Ninja screamed and fell dead.

Sister Bing made a mistake and avoided the attack of the little ninja in green on the left. Then she whirled around to the big ninja in green on the right and cut his neck with a backhand dagger.

In the end, it's just the little ninja.

Sister Bing stares at the little Ninja coldly: "now it's your turn."

Said, slowly forced toward him in the past.

The little Ninja quickly stepped back.

After 13 steps back, he came to a big tree with one person embracing each other.

And then something amazing happened.The little Ninja didn't enter the tree, and then disappeared.

This is mu Dun in ninja.

Sister Bing was not much surprised.

She has been fighting with these ninjas in the island for many years, and she has long been familiar with their evasion.

She did not directly attack the tree, but quickly glanced around with vigilance.

Suddenly, she sensed something and quickly turned back to a classic flying kick.

At this time, a scream sounded in the air behind her, and then a stream of blood gushed out.

The blood was sprayed directly from the air. It looked very strange.

Then, like a magic trick, the short green Ninja appeared in mid air and fell back heavily.

It turned out that this product used the concealment technique of Ninja, so I didn't see the figure until now.

Of course, these reclusions in Ninjutsu are not real reclusions, but just some tricks, which belong to the existence of non inflow.

Using the principle that some objects reflect light, people have illusion in an instant.

But the breath on his body can't be hidden, so the master can quickly detect it.

In other words, these reclusions can only be forced in front of ordinary people. Once they meet real masters, they will not be of any use.

Just now, for example, the elder sister of Chinese special forces broke the Ninja's invisibility of the island country with no effort.

Island Ninja fell heavily and flew twelve steps away, and finally hit a big rock.

Then he went into the rock and disappeared.

When the ninja of this island appeared again, it was 20 steps to the East.

I saw him jump out of the soil, and then quickly fled to the East.

He knew that he was not an opponent of his elder sister Bing, so he made thirty-six stratagems and took the best of them.

The soldier elder sister also didn't pursue, looking at the back of that goods, despise a way: "counsels goods."

Suddenly, something very strange happened.

The island ninja, who was trying to escape, suddenly split in two.

Because he ran too fast, even if his body suddenly became two parts, he didn't fall down immediately. Instead, he fell on the ground after running about five more steps.

Sister Bing's face became solemn.

Of course, she could see that the Ninja was not separated by herself, but was suddenly attacked.

It can be seen that the attacker's Sabre technique is so strong and fierce.

Elder sister Bing looked east and saw a ninja in red come slowly.

Needless to say, this guy must have attacked the ninja in green.

Even his own people also start, it can be seen that these island ninjas are really ferocious to the extreme.

She couldn't help sighing.

She recognized the ninja. It was one of the four blood clad ninjas under the command of Ichiro Miyamoto, the magic knife group. She was very strong.

She knows that with her own strength, she is not the opponent of the ninja in blood.

But she was not afraid.

Hidden in the big tree, Zheng Yuan can see that the bloody Ninja is the early cultivation of ancient Wuxuan level, while the elder sister Bing is only the cultivation of Huang level. The strength difference is too big.

He knew that he finally had a chance to do it: "it seems that today's heroic rescue of beauty can not escape."

After thinking about this, he swung his arm, moved his muscles and bones, and planned to help his elder sister Bing when she was in danger.