Li qingran sighed in his heart: "even if he owes beating, you can't really beat him."

However, she knows that Zheng Yuan is not really rude and savage. Generally, she won't hit people casually unless Han Jiye really offends him.

Li qingran said: "I also know that he owes a lot of beating, but we are civilized people. It's not good to start with our hands but our feet."

Zheng Yuan is very straightforward way: "OK, listen to you, next time we don't move, we talk with him."

Seeing that Zheng Yuan actually listened to his words, Li qingran felt very happy: "Zheng Yuan, I find you are very lovely."

Han Zhengdong was so angry that he trembled all over. He reached out and pointed at Zheng Yuan and Li qingran: "you and you are too arrogant. I won't give up. I will get justice for succeeding."

Before, he liked Li qingran and regarded her as the best choice for his daughter-in-law.

But now I see that she not only doesn't care about her son, but also flirts with other men in public, so I hate her very much.

Li Hong was startled, because he knew that if he went on like this, he would offend Han Zhengdong completely.

Han Zhengdong is his boss. If he offends him, he will often wear small shoes for himself.

He yelled, "qingran, don't be rude."

Han Zhengdong hummed coldly: "Li Hong, don't show off any more. You connive at your daughter's son-in-law's beating others. Your moral character is too low. Originally I planned to promote you in a few days, but now you don't have that qualification. From tomorrow, you can go to Pingxian and have a good stay. "

Li Hong's face changed greatly. He struggled for so many years before he came to the market. How could he be demoted again.

Moreover, Pingxian is the most backward county. If you go there, there will be no future at all.

In other words, his official career is coming to an end.

Like most officials now, he just wanted to climb up.

So I don't want it to end like this.

If he is still 20 years younger, even if he is demoted, he still has a chance to rise.

But now, he doesn't have so many years to waste.

He quickly said: "deputy director Han, I think there must be some misunderstanding."

Seeing that Han Zhengdong wanted to demote her husband, sun Mengjiao was also shocked: "yes, deputy director Han, it must be a misunderstanding."

Han Zhengdong hummed coldly: "there is no misunderstanding, Li Hong. In a word, you can only stay in Ping county all your life. You will never come up again."

Li Hongxiao got Han Zhengdong not to threaten himself, but to have that power, because he has backstage.

Li qingran's face was disgusted.

She felt that Han Zhengdong was too overbearing. He was just a deputy director, forcing people to die.

Does he really think he can cover up the sky?

Zheng Yuan took a look at Han Zhengdong: "deputy director Han, it's me who beat your son. It's none of qingran's parents' business, so please don't involve people with no reason. Come to me if you have anything."

Although he doesn't have much affection for Li qingran's parents, he is his girlfriend's parents after all, so he has to give a hand when it's time to do it.

As for Han Zhengdong, he will not be in the eye at all.

Isn't he a deputy director of the health bureau? What's the big deal.

When Li Hong saw that Zheng Yuan had taken all the responsibilities, he had a good feeling for him: "although this guy is unreasonable, he has a sense of responsibility."

In fact, Han Zhengdong did not know that this had nothing to do with Li Hong.

Just angry Li qingran dumped his son.

Therefore, I want to increase the pressure on Li Hong's family through my own power, so as to force Li qingran and Zheng Yuan to separate.

He must let Li qingran know that he can only be their Han family's daughter-in-law in his life, otherwise, they will die.

Han Zhengdong said coldly: "you are a group, boy. Don't pretend to be forced. I won't let you go. I dare to hurt my son like this. I will kill you."

Zheng Yuan laughed and disdained: "kill me? Do you have that ability? It's just a poor deputy director of the Health Bureau. There's nothing to be arrogant about. "

Li Hong sighed in his heart.

He felt that Zheng Yuan really didn't know anything, he could only show off his eloquence.Although Han Zhengdong is only a deputy director, he has a lot of power and contacts.

Many enterprises have to make friends with him for convenience.

Therefore, Han Zhengdong is very powerful in both black and white.

And Zheng Yuan is just a small security guard, it is impossible to beat him.

Han Zhengdong only needs one word to guarantee that he will never be able to turn over.

Just like the village head, he seems to be out of fashion, but he can decide the life and death of many people.

This is the so-called power!

Seeing that Zheng Yuan looked down upon him, Han Zhengdong was stunned at first, and then burst out laughing.

However, his laughter was worse than the ghost Scream: "boy, you are really not arrogant. You are just an 18th class security guard. How dare you not look me in the eye. If you don't show me some color today, I think I am a straw bag."

Zheng Yuan a serious way: "you are a straw bag."

Li qingran saw Zheng Yuan's funny words and couldn't help laughing.

But immediately realized that it was too rude, so quickly put his hand over his mouth.

However, Han Zhengdong still heard.

He felt very angry: "bastard, I killed you."

Can't help but say, one punch is mercilessly toward Zheng Yuan to hit.

However, before he hit Zheng Yuan, he was slapped in the face by Zheng Yuan.

With a very clear slap on his face, Han Zhengdong's cheek became red and swollen, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Li Hong and sun Mengjiao sighed in their hearts: "Alas, why is Zheng Yuan so impulsive? Can Han Zhengdong fight anyone? It's really troublesome. "

They all know that things have come to an irreversible point.

It's not just Zheng Yuan who's going to die.

They must follow the bad luck.

Li qingran is still calm.

She has confidence in Zheng Yuan.

I'm sure he can handle it well.

Han Zhengdong was full of anger.

It was the first time he had been beaten since he was an adult, so he felt that his self-esteem had been seriously hurt.

He glared at Zheng Yuan and gritted his teeth: "asshole, how dare you beat me?"

Zheng Yuan was a little speechless and said, "idiot, who do you think you are? Why can't I beat you? I'm a fair man. If people want to beat me, I'll double it. "

"You were going to give me a blow. Now I have to give you two slaps."

Zheng Yuan says, it is a slap ruthlessly swept past.