Hearing this, Zhan Linjin shook his head and said, "there is no absolute thing in this world. We haven't found anything yet. When we find out, we may know why. "

However, Xia anling is worried about more than that: "it's not as simple as the history of love. What I am worried about is whether Qian Fei has already told Xiao Zizhen about us and Cai Cai? "

Zhan Linjin said: "he said such words, should not. Well, I'll call him and find out. "

Xia An Ning nods, and Zhan Lin Jin makes a phone call“ Dr. Humphrey, I heard that there is a fire over there. Is nothing wrong

Qian Fei laughed and said, "don't worry, Xiao Zizhen doesn't know anything there."

As expected, he was a psychiatrist, and there was nothing to hide in front of him. Zhan Linjin couldn't help looking at Xia anling, and then said to Qian Fei, "in fact, after a few hours, we also found some, but we don't know if our direction is right. You can rest assured that we are business people and will help you accomplish what you want. "

Qian Fei's face began to change and he said, "then tell me what you are looking for."

"It's your parents," he said The other party suddenly no voice, Zhan Linjin continued, "maybe you already know who your parents are, but you did not recognize them, can you tell me why?"

Qian Fei's old scar was torn open, and his whole body trembled in pain“ Since you are so clever, you can check for yourself. " Then he hung up again.

Zhan Linjin is very subdued. He has been in business for so many years. No one dares to do this to him. He would not have been so angry if it hadn't been for the sake of Cheyenne.

Seeing him hang up, Xia anling immediately asked, "what's the matter?"

Zhan Linjin put down his mobile phone and said, "the direction is right. But he won't say more. I don't know how long it will take to find out. Why don't you take Angelo over... "

Seeing that Zhan Linjin's words were getting worse, Xia anling immediately stood up and said, "thank you. When I hear the good news, I'll consider whether to move back."

Cheyenne is leaving. Zhan Linjin is excited. She said she thought about moving back. She said she thought about moving back!

As soon as she got home, she saw the strange scene of Bai Hanri playing with Angelo. She Leng Leng, and then came in, put the bag aside, said: "white cold day, you take the wrong medicine, right? Why are you playing with Angelo? What about dad? "

"What are you saying?" Bai Hanri was very dissatisfied, "I used to be a little busy. Anyway, I'm also the child's own uncle. "

Xia An Ling picked an eyebrow, obviously didn't believe Bai Hanri's sweet words. Bai Hanri coughed and said, "well, actually, I want to tell you something."

"Go ahead. Don't be bad news. "

Bai Hanri said quickly, "it's not bad news, but there's another good news. The expansion of the company is over. There will be a celebration party in a few days. After the celebration, I want to go to Wang Zi. "

Xia An Ling nodded: "yes. You go. I wish you success. "

Bai Hanri said: "now is your critical moment. I'll go to find Wang Zi... Aren't you angry?"

"Don't be angry," she said, shaking her head. Xiao Zizhen, you can calculate at any time. But Wang Zi, I'm really worried that you are late. She was robbed by others. And maybe I'll take Angelo home with me in a while. "

Bai Hanri was surprised and said, "are you and Zhan Linjin reconciled?"

Xia anling laughed and said: "in the end, he chose to be on my side. In fact, he didn't understand. As long as he said he was on my side. I won't force him to do anything. Moreover, I also promised Zhan Linjin that I would not go too far. Let's say I'm good. "

Xia anling still loves Zhan Linjin, so in the end, she also chose to step back.

Wang Zi's program ended in about a month. Because of the hard work, she didn't go to the cast immediately after she returned to Beijing. After all, in the process of recording, although she was not obviously injured, it does not mean that she was not injured.

Wang Zi also called Xia anling. Xia anling didn't say anything about Xiao Zizhen. What she said was that she asked Wang Zi if she had found a boyfriend, which made Wang Zi very helpless. Xia anling also didn't tell Wang Zibai that Hanri would go to her. It's better to give her a surprise.

Wang Zi also called home, and then took a rest in his home to read the script.

About a few days later, Shani called Wang Zi and said, "Wang Zi, it's my birthday in a few days. Can you come and help me celebrate my birthday?"

"Yes, when?"

Shani said a date, and then reported a place name to Wang Zi, said: "Wang Zi, in fact, I don't have any friends, I invite people you know, then you can come with Molin."

"Molin? Isn't he on the set? Are you two closer together? "

Shani said with a smile: "Molin, he's going to kill the green tomorrow. I think he's going back. I haven't finished yet. Come with you then. I really think of you as a friend. "

In fact, it's very normal for a female star to have a party on her birthday. Wang Zi didn't know why she suddenly said the last sentence, but she felt very hearty and immediately said, "I know. Don't worry, I will go."

Molin did return to Beijing the next night, but Wang Zi had already gone to bed when he came back, so they met at lunch the next day.

While having dinner and chatting, Wang Zi and Mo Lin talked about Xia Ni's birthday, and then asked, "if she invited you, didn't she invite Lai Zhen?"

Mo Lin had no choice but to smile for a while and asked: "do you really think I have come out of the pain? It's not taboo to mention my ex girlfriend's name. "

Wang Zi was a little embarrassed and said, "I don't know. I think it's strange. And... You're so strong, there's no problem. Let bygones be bygones. "

Mo Lin smiles and says, "well, I'm out of pain. The quickest way to forget someone is to fall in love with another person. "

The amount of information in this sentence is very large. Wang Zi opened her mouth in surprise and then said, "so you mean you already have someone you like? It's only been a few months. Are you guys all like this? "

Mo Lin was scolded inexplicably, said: "this is also some time, right? You let me out of the pain, and I walk too fast, what do you want me to do? "

Wang Zi was a little guilty. He immediately changed the topic and asked, "who do you like? Are you together? Would she mind if you and I work together? "

Mo Lin looking at Wang Zi, said: "this can't tell you, we are not together, she doesn't mind us."

"Ah... Don't mind..." Wang Zi looks very disappointed. Then she sits up straight and says to Mo Lin, "I'll talk to you. Don't be angry when you listen. I think she probably doesn't like you if she doesn't mind you and me. But not necessarily, women are duplicative animals. You go on

Mo Lin looks at Wang Zi, smiles, and then says: "do you know the address of Xia Ni's home?"

Mo Lin suddenly changed the topic, Wang Zi some can't keep up, Leng for a while just said: "she is to give me an address, that is her home?"

"It's her home. It's a luxury villa. Those who live there are rich or expensive. This is Shani's background... It's not simple. "

Wang Zi didn't think so and said, "so what? All I know is that she's Shani. " Because of Xia anling's friend, Wang Zi thinks that even if Xia Ni is a daughter, it can't affect her.

However, if she is a daughter, she will have some trouble in buying gifts. She must despise ordinary gifts.

So Wang Zi called Xia anling and wanted to know what kind of gift Xia anling would like.

In her first sentence, Xia anling asked, "what kind of relationship do you have with her? Is it a good one or a really good one? "

Wang Zi said: "it's really good. I'm distressed. She should be in a very good family. That's why I came to ask you. "

Xia anling said: "since you are really your good friend, just express your heart. If you are like them, you will have no special features. So, can you make a cake? "

"Cake?" Wang Zi said, "I like making cakes very much, and I really want to make them. But as you know, on our previous terms, I can't sell and buy such superfluous things as ovens. "

After hearing this, Xia anling laughed and said, "but now you don't have the conditions to buy these extra things?"

Wang Zi said, "do you mean I can make a cake for her?"

"Yes," she nodded But Wang Zi still felt that she couldn't: "she will definitely prepare the birthday cake herself. Isn't it unnecessary for me to make another one? And... And I don't know how many people she invited or how big she should be. "

Xia anling thought about it, and then said, "what would you do with your own hands? No matter how good things you give her, it's just icing on the cake. If you can make something for her, it's definitely different. "

Wang Zizai thought about his skill carefully, and said with some embarrassment: "I haven't started writing for several years, maybe..."