Chapter 107

Han Tian is full of blue tendons. Who are you.

Don't you know the danger of vigorous fire? What if the whole bibolin is on fire? Zongmen high-level investigation, who will be responsible?

The fire cicada son is not because of this stupor, but because Luo Shenzi and Huoling failed. They can defeat even the mature ones, but they can't stop Yan Yangzi!

How strong is this man?

Wu Tian is upset when he hears Han Tian's roar. He suffers from burning and sends you the yuan of vigorous fire all the way. He doesn't have a good word, but he still swears?!

"Whew", he directly threw the yuan of vigorous fire into the air, and then no matter where he fell, he sat on the ground and began to repair the injury.


Several figures shot out at the same time, chasing away.

Han Tian's face changed and he scolded: "son of a bitch, can you see clearly and throw it again?"

At the same time, he is also quick to skim out, speed to the extreme.

The yuan of vigorous fire was thrown into the air by the sky, like a spark, but not forward, but toward the back!

The rest of the disciples of zhenzhuan and qinzhuan happened to come.

"The yuan of vigorous fire is coming, everyone, grab it!"

"The yuan of vigorous fire belongs to elder martial sister luoshenzi. Go away."

"Fart, treasure can live in it. Elder martial brother Huo chanzi is obviously more powerful than elder martial sister Luo Shenzi. It should be his. You should get out of here."

These people were divided into two groups, one belonging to luoshenzi and the other to huochanzi. In order to please their respective masters, there was a dispute.

Such a good opportunity, they naturally will not let go, scrambled to run, and even many people began to fight.

"You motherfucker, you should sneak on me. Don't run away. I'm not finished with you."

"how about sneaking on you when you die three or eight times? I've seen you unhappy for a long time."

"Go to hell, second goods!"

"Dead woman, come on, bite me."

For a moment, it's like throwing women on the street, so fierce!

However, they ignored one of the most important things, that is, the high temperature of the vigorous fire yuan is not what they can bear at all.

"I've got Ah... "

A zhenzhuan disciple grabs the yuan of vigorous fire and shouts excitedly, ready to ask for merit and reward.

At this time, a terrible temperature swept through the whole body like a plague, just like being in the center of the sun. The whole arm quickly melted, and the blood was evaporated before it could drip.

"Ah Help me... "

The pain made him scream and cry for help, but no one came forward. His face changed. Like a mouse seeing a cat, he ran away in panic. His eyes were full of horror!

"Ding Dong!"

When the sound of the piano was played, a green blade cut through the air and swept away. With a puff, the man screamed again. His arm was broken from his shoulder. The anguish made him suffocate and fainted immediately.

However, there was no blood spilling from the wound, but the Green Qi blade turned into pure essence, which diffused the residual fire energy and quickly repaired the wound.

This is the power of wood, with a very strong healing effect, second only to the power of light.

Luo Shenzi made a decisive move and cut off the man's arm and saved his life.

The temperature of gang Huo yuan is amazing. This arm volatilizes rapidly and dilutes. Finally, there is no bone left.

What's more, the ground within a hundred Zhangs is rapidly melting, and almost in a few seconds, it becomes a place of magma, bubbling and bubbling, and is spreading to ten directions at a very fast speed!

"Ding Dong!"

Luoshenqin ups and downs, shimmering, luoshenzi jade hand waved, Xiaguang off the string, countless strands of crystal light, incomparably beautiful, entangled in the vigorous fire yuan.


However, at this time, Huo Qilin suddenly attacked and burned a thousand feet of land with a big fist. It was terrifying and astonishing.

Dozens of the disciples were all affected. Their clothes and hair turned into ashes, and the blood and water in their bodies were also rapidly evaporating.

They ran away quickly, and they couldn't get involved in this terrible battle.

Luo Shenzi's mind is as calm as water. The pure white and slender jade finger is gently touched in the void, and the power of water is very thin.

There are no lakes, rivers and oceans here. However, with her finger falling, suddenly, a flood appeared, just like opening up a channel in the void. The current rolled from the far away place, like thousands of horses galloping and rushing like arrows!

With bursts of "hissing" sound, the current will be buried in the heart, extinguished!

Then, Luo Shenzi came out with both fingers. The power of the water was as majestic as the sea, and the current suddenly became sharp, just like a torrent, rushing towards the periphery of the forest.

It's like a flash flood, more like a tsunami. However, it is strange that the torrent did not hurt anything, even a grass was not damaged, but was extinguishing the fire caused by the vigorous fire yuan!

The flood came fast, but it was also fast. In addition to the vigorous fire around the yuan, all the fires in the surrounding areas had been put out, leaving only endless black ash."This woman is kind-hearted, and her treasure is at present. She has never forgotten to put out the fire. She is affectionate and righteous."

Wu Tian stood up and, after more than a dozen teasing, the burning sadness had disappeared, but he didn't start to stand aside, thinking.

"The locked party!"

After a few minutes, the fire cicada son is near, standing on the back of huoqilin. With a wave of his big hand, the endless force of fire spurts out, and all the fiery exercises surround Luo Shenzi.

As a chain of iron, like magma casting, shuttle back and forth, the sound of metal vibrates out, forming a cage of ten meters in size, locking it in!

Fire cicada son suddenly hands, will Luo Shenzi trapped, this move makes Han Tian frown.

Am I wrong?

He couldn't help thinking about it. Huo Qilin roared, carrying the cicada son on fire to gallop through the fire. The goal was just the yuan of vigorous fire.


Han Tian's fierce plunder is better than lightning. His huge yellow hand suddenly appears. One goes across the sky, blocking the way of the fire cicada son. The other grabs the void and takes the yuan of vigorous fire!

"Haha, I said that I was the only one who could be the source of vigorous fire!" Han tianxie smiles.

However, the laughter did not fall, the flaming cage, the high and stirring sound of the piano, shaking the world, its light blue light overflow.

Gradually, the sound of the piano became more and more exciting. There was a kind of irresistible melody. The sonorous sound came in an endless stream. The cage was broken and the power of fire was diffused. Finally, the cage collapsed and the fire rain scattered and dispersed in the heaven and earth!

The peerless face and graceful posture, reflected in the eyes of all people, is still as usual quiet and ethereal, and not because of the sudden fire cicada son, and angry.


Luoshenqin concussion, a green fierce bird, from the string, full of three Zhang, flying in the air.

The huge bird's beak opens and closes, spits out the power of Daodao wood, instantly disintegrates the giant hand, and then dive down!

At the same time, the fire cicada's fingers point out, one by one arrow condenses, the flame transpiration, with countless small tails, breaks through the sky, the earth yellow giant hand is fragmented, and disappears invisibly.

Moreover, the arrows did not collapse immediately, but attacked and killed the fierce birds directly!

Fierce birds are condensed by the force of wood. Because of the relationship between mu Ke and Tu, it can easily break down Han Tian's attack. However, wood makes fire, which is undoubtedly fueling the fire and becoming the nutrition of rockets.

Fierce birds howl, wings fall, flutter, turn into wood elements floating in the air.

Finally, countless arrows pierced through his body, the fierce birds screamed, and the green light was dotted, and they collapsed completely.

Fire cicada son strength is amazing, one person down two people, do not fall behind, it is amazing! , the fastest update of the webnovel!