"General, madam's reply."

His men handed the envelope sealed with red wax to Xiao lie. He reached out and took it. The tip of his eyebrow moved slightly, and the gentle color of his eyes flashed past.

General: I heard recently that the capital is not peaceful. You should be careful and pay attention to your body. When I get back to the capital, I will slowly recuperate you.

Ye Xiyue's reply was also very simple and didn't say much, but there was concern between the lines.

His men watched the general with a cold face and smiled bit by bit, from the bottom of their eyes to the whole face.

However, he is not surprised. It can only be said that the general really loves his wife. He is so happy even if he receives only one letter.

"Madam, what's going on over there these days?"

"General, Chuang-tzu, who is known in Japan and South Korea, is not at peace." Han Zhi Lu seems to have disappeared. It seems that he was kidnapped, and there was someone who wanted to poison the king's guest. Fortunately, a servant girl stole the tea from the gentleman and was poisoned by his wife. He was saved by his wife. As the whole Chuang-tzu is being watched closely, the people there secretly investigated him. It seems to be aimed at Han Zhizhi. "

Xiao lie frowned when he heard the speech.

"Tell them to keep the lady safe!"

"Yes, general. In addition, the people sent by King Xiaoyao should withdraw back temporarily."

When his men heard this command, they were obviously stunned.

"Has the general dispelled his doubts about the king Xiaoyao?"

King Xiaoyao is either idle at home these days, or he often goes out to buy food, jewelry and gadgets for the princess. He seems to be completely blind to the tense situation in the palace.

As soon as Xiao lie returned to Beijing, he sent three groups of people.

One group is staring at the king Xiaoyao, one group is staring at the prince, and the other group is staring at the palace. To be honest, the manpower is really limited.

These people in the general's residence can't use it. Let alone help, it's good not to add chaos!

Just thinking about this, there was a loud noise outside.

"What's the matter? He's your big brother. Who do you want if you don't ask him to help you out?"

"Mom, brother is busy these days. Don't make trouble for brother!"

"Busy? What's he busy about? He was called into the palace as soon as he came back. Now the holy emperor attaches great importance to him. He knows your business, so why can't he speak for you in front of the holy emperor? You're obviously implicated by him this time. Without him, how can people on the prince stare at you!"

Aunt Zheng didn't know these things before.

But recently, I don't know who chewed the root of her tongue in front of her and brought these rights and wrongs to her, which led to her dissatisfaction and need to vent.

If Xiao Yukun hadn't stopped her, I'm afraid she would have made trouble when Xiao liegang came back, and she can't persist until now!

"Mom, don't listen to the nonsense outside. My business has nothing to do with brother. Thanks to brother, otherwise I'm still locked up in Dali temple! In short, you're not allowed to find brother, or I'll... Then..."

When Aunt Zheng heard Xiao Yukun's words, she was angry and pushed him away.

"You're not good at it! You've worked hard to get your official position back. Now you say you've lost it. How can you ignore it! I don't care. Anyway, I must ask Xiao lie for an explanation today!"