As I lie in bed I can feel the warm sun on my face, it feels nice. I slowly open my eyes to see that the day has begun and once again I beat my alarm clock, what a waste of $5. I throw the blankets off and just lie there letting the warm sun bathe my naked body, what a mistake because shortly after the damn cat ran across my boobs and I swear cut my nipple off. I curse Oliver (the cat) out as usual and started my attempt to get out of the bed. As usual, I'm reluctant so I swing my legs around and lie in the position for another five minutes and then finally stand up just as the alarm starts to play "Cassie" by Flyleaf. "I gotta get a new song for the alarm," I mumble to myself as I make my way to the bathroom. Standing at the sink I stare at myself in the mirror taking inventory of all the flaws I see; Dark rings around my light brown eyes, freckles across my face, bushy eyebrows, wild and free hair. 'Fuck this shit, I do not have the time nor the energy to do this today. Maybe tomorrow.' I think to myself and with that, I climb into the shower. I let the warm water rinse away my troubles like I'm being mind erased in "Men In Black". I complete my routine wash your ass, twice. Brush my teeth and mouth wash all in the shower, saves water and time. I dry off leaving my towel on the floor and I wander into my room as if I don't have work in an hour. I pull out a pair of jeans, a band T-shirt and sneakers to match, with that I find a black bra and pink panties. I quickly throw on my outfit and work my way to the kitchen where I find Oliver patiently waiting on the counter, little prick has been told a thousand times to stay off the counter but does he listen NO! I can only shake my head. I make me some eggs with spinach, green peppers, onions, and cheese and dump it into a Tupperware bowl to eat at my desk. I grab my tumbler and fill it with OJ because I'm not about that water life. I grab my keys and purse and head out the door.

I pull into my driveway and find my house taken over but none other than Kelly and Kendra. These two mean trouble for me, but I can't help but love these weirdos. As I open the door all I hear is the radio blaring "Help you with your career just a little, I could've held ya down…" by Lizzo. I try to slowly back out the door and make a run for it but Kendra spotted me.

"Storm, get ya ass in here" She shouts from the kitchen, already drinking. How do they party before the party? Whatever these girls better go away. "Kendra, I'm not going. I'm tired and this weekend I'm starting hibernation early." I say as I plop down on the couch and go through the mail. "Ummm, we're not gonna watch you wither away like an old plant. So go take a shower, change them god awful clothes and let's go!" Kendra is so damn pushy. "FINE! I'll go but I'm going to complain the entire time." And with that, I make my way to the bathroom and hop into the shower.

I climb out the shower to see Kelly standing there grinning from ear to fucking ear. "Damn, can't a girl get some privacy?" I say quickly wrapping my towel around myself. "Yeah ok, girl we've known each other since diapers. PUH-Lease on the privacy shit. Now go in there and put on the outfit I picked out for you." She then spins on one foot and dances out of the room. I walk into my bedroom and drop the towel like normal, except this time I stare at myself in the mirror taking in the person standing before it. I'm 5'7" not too short but not tall either, I weigh 200lbs to me that's not too bad. I mean I wear a size 14 plump in all the right places. Big butt, small gut. Large breast, forget the rest. My natural hair stops at the middle of my back, but unnaturally dyed blue. I slip on my black panties set, which I just realized they were picked out for me. This girl better stay out of my clothes. And I find the dress lying across the bed, It's a black-sequinned dress that felt like a new layer of skin. Kelly & Kendra walk in just as I'm pulling the dress over my ass. "YASSSSS, I knew you'd look great. Now makeup and hair and we out the door." Kelly said with a bit more excitement than I think was really needed. I'm forced to deal with pulling here, plucking there, burn mark over there and finally I'm done. They don't even give me a chance to look at myself in the mirror because the uber is here. I'll assume I look ok and off we go.