"Hey, all of you are against me. I'm not responsible for anything." Gryffindor rubbed his sword, folded his arms, and turned his back to Hoffa in anger.

Ravenclaw picked up the jar again and walked to Hoffa: "come with me. I'll take you to have a try. But I also warn you that in recent days, he has become more and more withdrawn and perverse. Don't blame me for not reminding you when something goes wrong. "

Hoffa didn't expect things to go so smoothly. He won the trust of the four founders so quickly. He followed Ravenclaw all the way through the busy camp, and finally came to a quiet corner, in front of a gray tent.

Ravenclaw: This is it

Hoffa looked at the gray little tent and couldn't believe that the old man was hiding in such a humble place. There are even a few lumps of horse dung around.

Compared with the tents of the four founders, as the king and commander-in-chief of the army, Silby lived in a very humble and inconspicuous place. If it wasn't for Ravenclaw's warning, he might even have thought that the tent was a place for some inferior soldier to go to the toilet.

"How long has he locked himself up? Hoffa asked Ravenclaw

"It's been more than 30 days. He's been eating and drinking in the tent for more than 30 days." Ravenclaw said melancholy, like an old sister who broke her heart for her wayward brother.

"Has anything happened before?"

"But nothing happened. If he insisted, he would not have a smile on his face two years ago. Although our war was going well, his mood became more and more depressed, until a month ago, he completely locked himself up. "

After a pause, Ravenclaw sighed and handed the jar to Hoffa: "if you can cure him, he will regain his confidence in the past. Even if you let him come out and have a good word with me, I will be more grateful to you than anyone else."

"All right, let me do it."

Hoffa took Ravenclaw's jar and went to the tent.

Just got close to the tent.

He felt a powerful and almost sensational mental field, which drifted aimlessly above the clouds. Even if he felt it a little, it was also frightening.

He had experienced this fear once in his second grade. At that time, he and Tom Riddell worked together to curse him again, but did not kill him completely. And this time, in this strange place between dream and reality. What happens when you see Silby in his heyday?

Hoffa shakes his head and clears his mind of the past. He continued to walk forward.

More and more pressure, every step almost like crossing ten steps, almost people can't breathe.

Hoffa is still at his feet.

"If you go one step further."

A feeble voice came from the tent: "I'll kill you right away."

With that feeble voice, a thin red line quietly floated up from the ground, across Hoffa's neck, and pulled forward a little bit. It jumps straight, straight like a steel knife.

Hoffs had no doubt that if he said something wrong, he would be waiting for his head to fall to the ground. He didn't know whether it was a dream or a reality, and he didn't know what it would be like to die here, but he didn't fear, didn't move his feet, and said honestly, "I'm a milkman."

"I said, I don't need it. Get out of here now."

The voice in the tent didn't mean much.

Chloe quietly opened Hoffa's chest clothes and looked at him anxiously through the gap. The red rope, sharp as a knife, sank deep into Hoffa's neck and cut a crack in his neck. It was full of blood.

Hoffa took the milk jug and said calmly: "I heard that the more people in high positions, the less they would lose their temper with people at the bottom. The more capable a man is, the more he will restrain himself. Is that so, Lord Spencer

The red rope, deep in the neck, did not move.

After about three breaths, the red rope quietly fell from the air, like an ordinary rope.

"Come in." The people in the tent said wearily.

Hoffa opened the curtain and entered the tent.

Even if he had enough psychological preparation, he was surprised by the things in the tent at this moment.

Inside the tent, it was dark and there was not much light, but by the light outside, he saw countless red ropes in the tent, which divided the ground into small pieces one by one.

there are as like as two peas in the ground, each of which is placed in a small lattice separated by a rope. Neat, irregular.

And the air is also neatly pulled countless fine red lines, the average space in the tent is also divided into a small grid.

A skinny young man sat in the jar with his knees crossed, his eyes dim, and his body covered with a layer of dirty white cloth.

This is Hoffa's first time to see him after many years. He doesn't know what Silby looks like in the real world, but in the dream, he doesn't look like the teenager he saw in the second grade. He can hardly find any similarities except for the same hair. When the cursed half dead and suffering all the time, he is full of spirit and plays life. Now, this sound look of him, he was so decadent."What's the matter with you?"

Hoffa asked Silby carefully.

He wondered why he had a miserable life when he saw Silby. For the first time, he was a rich man driving a sports car and yacht, but he was paralyzed. The second time he was attached to a bald woman, half dead. The third time he was commander in chief of the three services, but he locked himself in such a place.


Sylby was startled and slammed his hand on his lips.

He listened to the outside for a long time before he came back to himself: "who are you and where are you from?"

He looked at Hoffa darkly.

Hoffa thought that it was good news that Silby in his dream didn't know himself. Maybe in the real world, he didn't expect that he would come back 50 years later.

He raised the jar in his hand and said, "I'm a soldier here. I'll bring you dinner."

"No, you're lying. "I've seen all my soldiers, but I haven't seen you," he said darkly

"Why, there are so many soldiers, you...

" I remember every one of them, you are lying. Now, if you don't tell me your intention, you will become more than 1000 pieces of human body fragments. " Sylby lay on the ground like a caged beast. Although those eyes are decadent and dim, they go straight to the heart. If Hoffa wants to describe it, he thinks that the person sitting in front of him is not a person at all, but a thin wolf.

He's not sure what he's going to do if he comes up with an atomic bomb to kill this guy. After all, his task is to go back to the real world and solve the unknown plan of Silby there.

So he stopped lying and said frankly, "I'm here to get to know you."

In the gloomy tent, Silby's thin and decadent face glowed with some Brilliance: "interesting... Really interesting... My subordinates have always been obedient to me. Actually, someone said today that if you want to know me, what do you want to know."

"I want to ask, what do you want most?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ~" he laughed hoarsely. After laughing, he held out his hand: "milk."

Hoffa passed the milk in his hand.

He took the milk and began to gulp it. Then, in front of Hoffa, he put the jug under his crotch, untied his dirty clothes and put the urine in the jug.

Hoffa was shocked. He thought that Ravenclaw said that this guy was here to eat and drink. He could not help holding his breath. Put your hand on Chloe's head, put her in your clothes, to prevent her from seeing this brain freak.

After peeing, Silby went to Hoffa with his bare body, carefully placed the small jar in the standard lattice, sighed and groaned with satisfaction.

There was a strange smell in the air. Now, it seems that sylby is not the big devil in the future, but an obsessive-compulsive patient with mental disorder.

After peeing, he was hollowed out and sat on the ground, saying, "defeat the church and give the wizard a safe living environment. Well, that's it. You can disappear. "

Hoffa didn't take care of Silby's eviction order. Instead, he asked, "why don't you attack? They are about to lose."

"It's not dawn yet." "A rash attack may lead to the annihilation of the whole army," silverby said lightly. I believe that woman outside has explained to you what I think. "

Even a child, I'm afraid he can hear the insincerity of sylby's words, let alone Hoffa. He looks at the familiar and strange man and suddenly sympathizes with him.

I don't know why, with the power of time and the victory over grindevo, he can more or less feel the pain of Silby at the moment.

So he sat down in front of him, ignoring the filth in the bottles and the vigilance of Silby, and whispered, "you're lonely

It was as if he had broken into the forbidden area of a wild beast. This second, Silby opened his dead eyes. Looking directly into Hoffa's eyes, the eyes in his thin face were like sharp arrows, which could almost shoot through a person's head.

After shooting through, we need to burn two black holes in the head, which is as sharp as that.

The extremely dangerous mental field makes every red thread in the tent come to Hoffa's side. At the command of Silby, he will be cut into tens of thousands of small pieces by those red ropes.

Sylby: you know what loneliness is

Hoffa "maybe I know a little bit."

"No, you don't understand."

Silby obstinately and sharply said: "now go out, I may be able to avoid your transgression, otherwise, don't mention Ravenclaw outside, even if the four people all come to plead for you, they can't save you."

"You're in a hurry to get rid of me, but that's no use."

Hoffa said faintly that if he had been in the past, he might have retreated under this huge force. But now, he is like an unfathomable abyss. No matter how sharp Silby is, he is not moved. He just says softly, "those people outside will not understand you. They just want you to defeat the church and get rid of a worry. Or help you build a wizard Empire, reward for what you have done, and achieve the supreme cause.But for you, if you beat the church, beat the half human and half spider guy across the Fjord, you will have no match at all. "

Hoffa sighed: "sylby Spencer, the wizard of genius, the great king, they all say that. But no one really cares about what you are thinking. On this continent, you are the last and the only one. You are alone. Aren't you lonely? "

In the gloomy tent, Silby was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile, "who taught you these words? Raven

"Does she mean anything?" Hoffa pointed directly at Searle's eyes. "You have a problem. I can solve it. That's all."

"Who do you think you are to solve my problem?" Sylby straightened up slowly and refused immediately. "I don't have any problems. You're leaving right now."

Hoffa's lips were slightly upturned, and it was obvious that his killing intention was gone. That beast like oppression and gaze also disappeared without a trace, this sentence is just a face sentence.

So he stood up and bowed slightly forward. "As you wish, your majesty."

After that, he got up and did not hesitate to leave the tent.

However, when he was about to open the curtain, a very uncomfortable voice came from behind: "Your Majesty, who allowed you to use this name for me? Am I King now? "

You are almost king, Hoffa said back: "as long as you defeat the Pope, you will be king under the crowd."

"No way!"

Sylby, who had been sitting, began to drink abruptly.

Then he took a few deep breaths, calmed down for a moment, and stared at Hoffa: "I repeat, I'm not a king, I'm a wizard, there's no king in a wizard."

Hoffa immediately said, "you are doing what the king is doing. Even if you stay in this shabby tent, wear rags and keep company with your own excrement, you are still the king."

At last, sylby couldn't bear it. He stood up, shaking all over. But it wasn't an angry tremor, it was an excited tremor. He looked at Hoffa with red eyes. Pointing at him, I couldn't say a word for a long time, as if choked by something.

Finally, he gave up.

Looking at his palm, he murmured: "I see... I see... I see... I see..."

then, he sat down on the ground with his ten fingers deeply inserted into his hair, "ah ha ha... Ah ha ha... Ah ha ha... Ah ha ha... Ah ha ha... Ah ha ha... I see... I see...

his voice became lower and lower, the lowest After that, he brought the sound of sobbing.