At first, the sound was a slight vibration, like a fingertip hitting a piece of wood. It's not noticeable. But soon it expanded to the point where a stone hammer hit the ground.

The dark church tower trembled slightly, which was the power of the aftershock of the explosion.

The moonlight shines on the ground through the small windows of the wall, forming a series of light spots.

In the confinement room, Chloe was awakened by the explosion, holding her knees, restraining her vomiting and shivering from time to time.

If this dream is going to scare her, it has really achieved its goal.

When something that could not have happened happened in front of her, she felt that her faith suffered a huge impact, which was almost a mental concussion.

She kept reminding herself that it was just her own dream, and that she should be ashamed and shameless to dream of such things.

But what was more terrible was that as she spent more and more time in this place, she felt that she could not even remember what the reality was like.

"What's going on in my head?"

She clung to her hair, trying to pull out the non-existent evil thoughts.

I don't know how long I've been in the cell, maybe one night, maybe only ten seconds. "Hey, Miss lemme, what's the matter with you?"

Chloe slowly raised his head and saw out of the small window of the confinement room, a man with golden hair was holding a lantern and looking at himself anxiously. His face was half bright and half dark in the light of the fire.

It's Aldo.

"I'm sorry. Did you scare you, Miss lemme?"

Asked the man outside the window.

After she was relieved, she suddenly became disgusted, not only because of the fright, but also because of the shadow that it brought to her. Especially in this monastery, she said in melancholy and pain, "what are you doing here?"

"I promised the Bach guy that I would protect you while he was away. Aldo said, "I came in over the wall."

"Why doesn't he come by himself?"

"He's on business."

"Don't worry about it. Stay away from me." She said irritably.

"That's not good. Someone's coming in already."

Aldo sighed: "if you don't leave again, it may be very dangerous."

Chloe stood up and turned pale. "Who's coming? It's you! "

"Yes, and Muller Mans. I'm sorry, Miss lemme, for your safety. We have to get you out of here. "

With that, he took out an iron saw and saw it on the chain outside the door. Before long, with a clatter of chains, the door was pushed open by Aldo. She saw Aldo's sweaty face and outstretched palm.

"Go and find Mr. Bach."

Yesterday's evil dream is insignificant under the impact of real memories. She heard shouts and gunfire coming from the side of the guard room. Something terrible was about to happen. She had a premonition, but could not stop it.


She walked around the outstretched hand and out of the cell. Standing high, she could see the flames in the distance, the sound of shelling and gunfire, and the mobs carrying torches across the street towards the monastery.

This was the last scene she saw before she was taken away from the monastery by delphina. The next day, she read in the newspaper that all the members of Tarar monastery had been poisoned by the black wizard.

"Let's go. It's too late if we don't go." Aldo reminds Chloe.

They went down the stairs and quickly went out. All the way, Chloe didn't see sister shanesha and father red, only saw a few nuns running around in a panic. They didn't care about Chloe and Aldo beside her.


Suddenly, there was a loud explosion in the distance. The building of the monastery vibrated violently, the dust fell, followed by screams and curses.

Caring is confused. Chloe raises her leg and runs to the source of the sound.

"Don't go there!"

Aldo held her. "These are false memories. Didn't you tell me that then?"

The sound of explosion and scream became more and more intense, and the nuns formed by subconsciousness ran away madly. A little bit of blood spread from the cracks in the ground and flowed to Chloe's feet.

"Dust to dust, earth to earth."

"The more emotional you are, the more intense the nightmare environment will be," Aldo said

"It's easy to say that you were also a member of the massacre, aren't you?" Chloe looks at Aldo, gnashing his teeth.

"If you want revenge, I don't mind."

Aldo seemed quite calm. "You have that right."

All of a sudden, he coughed violently, and some silver fish mixed with bright liquid fell from his fingers to the ground.Chloe looked at him, instinctively wanted to care about him, but forced to suppress the gentle side of his heart, put on a tough posture, turned and left.

She didn't go far, but she stopped again.

Facing him came a tall figure, wearing a black robe, with golden hair, and walking slowly. He also carried a body full of blood in his hand. Her face was twisted and her toothless mouth kept opening and closing. His chest was covered with bloodstained clothes and he sobbed uncontrollably with deep fear.

It's Vivian, the nun who gave her dinner not long ago. This tragic picture makes Chloe's nose sour. She constantly reminds herself that all this is false, as if it can make her feel better, but she can't, because she knows that it may have happened.

The tall figure approached.

His facial features were gradually clear under the candle fire in the corridor. Seeing the person clearly, Aldo stopped coughing and scolded angrily.

"Damn it

"Who are you?" The man with the body looks at Aldo in front of him, puzzled.

"I don't like sadistic killing. To be honest, the people I killed in this monastery don't walk so painfully." Aldo said to Chloe, but only in return for her hate look.

Nightmare Aldo abandoned his body like a pair of shoes. "Wait, the girl behind you, is that Chloe lemme?"

Normal Aldo is in front of Chloe.

No one answered the question. Aldo raised his wand and put on a duel posture.

Normal Aldo sighed: "but I have to say, in a way, my past is really terrible."

a transparent beam as like as two peas came straight to his door. He rolled away from the spell, then jumped up and threw himself on the ground, and two identical guys tore into a ball.

They have the same looks and similar physical fitness, but the only difference is that one can use magic, while the other can't. After Aldo fell to the ground, he raised his wand and a red signal bomb was shot into the sky.

Normal Aldo has a bad premonition. He bites into the wrist of nightmare Aldo, which has no image, but the effect is quite good. Nightmare Aldo takes pain and releases his wand.

Normal Aldo grabbed the wand, broke it into two parts, stepped back to Chloe, pushed her shoulder: "go, leave the monastery, go to Bach."

As soon as the voice fell, the shadow flashed. The nightmare Aldo came up like a black bear and pressed the normal Aldo on the wall: "who are you, why use the compound decoction to disguise me?"

"You are nothing, not even a shadow." Aldo said sadly, "I won't answer your question."


Nightmare Aldo pulls out a dagger and puts it on the other person's face.

"No, when I kill you, I'll take off your face and see who dares to impersonate me!"

In the wrestling, the blade was wobbly and extremely dangerous. Seeing that he was going to be blinded by the sharp knife, normal Aldo said with difficulty: "you... You... Have a... Bug on your shoulder."

As soon as the nightmare Aldo's face changed, he turned his head like an electric shock. At this moment of distraction, the sharp knife was taken away. Aldo turned over, pressed the nightmare version of himself under his body and slashed.

As if cut a bag full of blood, red gurgling down. He fell to the ground with a plop and struggled.

Aldo looked at the other himself with a complicated look, threw away the sharp knife in his hand and came to Chloe: "does this make you feel better?"

"Sure enough, death is nothing to you." Chloe said numbly.

"At least learn to be used to it, Miss lemme."

Said Aldo. He looked at Chloe like a pool of sadness.

Chloe drew her back against the wall a little bit. Her eyes were red and her hair was messy. She sighed: "well, you're not the mastermind. The mastermind is mans. You're just obeying orders. I'm not qualified to blame you all the time."

After leaving the nun, Hoffa walked out alone along the streets of Paris. Because there is no magic, his speed and ordinary Muggle no difference.

Although he has lived here for more than half a year and is quite familiar with the environment, the dream world and the real world are totally different. After a long journey, he deeply realized the paradoxes of dreams in space.

Leaving Chloe's Monastery, he headed north. Through the streets where people hiss and cars whistle, we come to the outskirts of the city.

When he got here, he couldn't see half a figure any more. For miles around, these ugly industrial blocks of stone, and a lot of cinder, slag, sand and waste.

He felt that he could get out of the dream, but it didn't last long. After walking through the outskirts of a city full of farmland, warehouses, and truck warehouses, he returned to the place where he started, the busy downtown.As if the dream read out his intention, the map frame died in the range of about 20 kilometers, whether he left, right, East, West, South, north. He will go through the cycle of city, factory and suburb, and finally return to the origin.

"Is that all?"

After confirming the scope of the dream, he was not discouraged.

Instead, he sat on the ground with his knees crossed and began to meditate. But this time, it's not meditation to restore magic, it's just mental improvement. When he opened his eyes again, his eyes became indifferent and empty.

The dream seems to feel something, it is like a overturned paint box, stirred quickly. All the landscapes visible to the naked eye melt, and they combine into a deep pool like ink, in which his own shadow is reflected.

But the shadow is very old.

"The past has not passed, the future has not come." The shadow said, "please stop here, wizard."

"The heart of a wizard never stops."

With that, Hoffa ignored the shadow. He got up, crossed the deep pool and fell straight down.

Some floating beauties spread out their limbs and came to him naked, lying on him, licking his face, his chest, and his lower body. Hoffa ignored them, and they became a group of snakes.

Further on, he saw a feast on a long table. Participants were monsters with huge mouths but no other features.

They lie on the edge of toppling chairs and disheveled tables, which are full of all kinds of food from all over the world. In the center, there are even boys and girls who are inserted on the iron bar for people to enjoy, but their faces are shining with the glory of martyrs.

At the time of falling, there are countless beautiful, rare, terrible or strange things around. Some are shining with noble divinity, others are completely mad.

But none of these things stopped him. He has no interest at all.

Finally, he crossed the false dream.

To the bottom of the unknown spiritual world.

Here, he didn't see any streets, no factories or warehouses, only a narrow beach, and an endless sea, just as he woke up from the beach in the beginning.

Look at the sea and look behind you.

It's a high-rise cabinet, in which there are countless exquisite glass cans. The desert island, the underground and the so-called Paris that I have experienced are like mini models installed in the glass cabinet of the sales department, which are extremely unreal.

"To the limit?"

He stared at the sea in front of him and began to think.

He combed all the experiences from the dream to the present.

After combing, he no longer went back, but step by step from the beach to the sea. The sea gradually covered his clothes, his chest and his head.

The bottom of the sea broke suddenly. He stepped on it and fell straight down, soaking in the dark blue water.

No fish, no coral, no seaweed, no life. But in the wilderness, he saw a shocking scene.

A huge arm full of barbs is soaking in the sea, and it moves slowly with the waves. The arm went straight into the bottomless sea, without the end.

Hoffa continued to fall, falling deeper and deeper, and finally he saw the whole picture of the bottom of the "island". This is not an island. It is a huge creature. At first glance, it looks like a person, but it has four arms. The position of its legs is ghostly flying barbed tentacles, which makes people almost scream at a glance.

What scares him even more is his head. Every hair in that head is a sea snake more than ten meters long. He is soaking in the sea head down without breathing. His face and face look like a woman at first glance, but combined with this body, it exudes chilling fear.

Compared with him, Hoffa floating in the sea is like a mole ant.

Is all that you experience the dream of this giant creature?

Hoffa reached out shaking and put his hand on his opponent's forehead. It felt as rough as crocodile skin mixed with whale skin.

The giant's eyes opened slightly.

Inside, the silver light flowed.

At this moment, countless pictures flashed in front of his eyes.

He saw a bald woman smiling and pulling a spanner in the glittering hall. He saw that in the dark crypt, an old man with white hair prayed to himself for death. He saw that the world was full of flames and the end of no one's life...

he suddenly moved his hand away.

The huge amount of information made his brain almost tear like pain. In the pain and even in front of the monster strange produced a kind of intimate illusion.

The intimacy is terrifying.

He reluctantly restrained the surge of empathy, mobilized all his willpower, and put out the terrible impulse to integrate with it."That's it."

In the sea, he sighed and exhaled countless bubbles, struggling to go upstream.

The creature seemed to be aware of something, and raised its arms like mountains from the bottomless abyss, trying to catch Hoffa.

With a roar of water, Hoffa swam out of the sea. Ten minutes later, he stood on the shore again, shaking.

This nightmare is more profound than he imagined. The face of the monster is a bit like Chloe.

"Damn, what's your secret?"

He gasped for a moment, looked at the foaming sea with a lingering fear, and turned to walk towards the island.