On the mountainside, a gust of wind blows, and the military uniforms on them are hunting. Norbert took back his wand, put it back in his waist, held his arm, and waited for Garrett's reply.

Garrett narrowed his eyes. Over the years, they have tried every means to sneak into various secret places, running around the world, looking for clues to the treasure of the fire dragon. Unexpectedly, when they are near the end of their journey, they are noticed.

He didn't know if it was in his teacher's plan, but he didn't want to make a decision rashly. The young alchemist in front of him didn't seem to be a fuel-efficient lamp.

After thinking for a moment, he raised his head: "well, let me go to the top of the mountain first. If I can find a dragon egg or a fire dragon on the top of the mountain after more than 500 years, you can talk about the transaction with fatil in person."

Norbert stood still, his eyes full of doubt, and didn't seem to believe that he would agree so readily.

Garrett: what, you don't want to

Norbert felt his chin, thought for a moment, and took Garrett's arm. "Let's go up together."

As soon as the words fell, they disappeared in the same place.

At the top of Kilimanjaro Mountain, the cold wind cuts the skin like a blade, and the sense of suffocation rushes to Gellert's brain. It's 5000 meters above sea level, and the oxygen is very thin. The top of the mountain is covered with snow all year round, and the depth is almost ankle deep. At his feet, the hot African continent was as far away as another world.

He stretched his neck and looked around. There is a crater with a diameter of 2400 meters and a depth of 200 meters. The four walls of the crater are crystal clear huge ice. At the bottom stand huge icicles, covered with ice and snow, just like a huge jade basin. The scenery is beautiful and psychedelic, without any artificial trace.

Garrett stood on the top of the mountain and looked out. There was a crackle around him. Another phantom came to him.

Norbert Hagrid's phantom was standing on the top of the mountain, frowning,

"right here? There are fire dragons here

"I don't know. You brought me up here."

Garrett shrugged.

"What's your attitude?" Asked Norbert darkly.

Garrett was not moved at all. He jumped down from the ice and looked around.

Norbert took a suspicious look at Garrett, jumped out of the ice and looked everywhere.

The crater was silent and the temperature was very low. It's hard to imagine that the latitude here is close to the equator. Although Garrett seems to be casual, the rest of his eyes have been firmly locked on Norbert's body, the palm of his hand pressing on the handle of his wand.

He has never been here, and he doesn't know the location of the legendary fire dragon treasure. He just followed fatil's orders and came to look for clues to the existence of the tomb. To be honest, he was also very surprised, this place is full of ice, fire dragon here, really can survive?

When he came near a huge blue ice layer, Garrett narrowed his eyes and his heart beat. He felt something.

The air is full of spiritual power. This spiritual force is extremely weak and cannot be detected without careful perception.

He glanced at Norbert standing on the other side. Obviously, he didn't feel anything different. He still stretched his neck and looked around.

Gellert was a little relieved. He closed his eyes, fully felt the environment, and moved to the edge of the ice.

At the edge of the boulder, he found the source of this spiritual energy. In the corner of the ice, under a piece of transparent ice, he saw a stone engraved with a tiny ring mark.

There was a triangle and a vertical strip in the ring, which was carved very casually and simply.

Garrett knew at once that he had found a place.

He quietly bit his finger and made a blood mark on the ice, which was hidden in the ice. Then, as if nothing had happened, he wandered around and came back to Norbert.

"What the hell is there, there isn't a single feather?" he asked

"Why don't you ask agarez vasak himself?"

Garrett shrugged regretfully: "if I say, the area here is not ten square kilometers. If there were dragons, I think you would have seen them long ago."

"Do you feel the trace of magic?"

"You are a wizard and a famous alchemist in the world. I should ask you this question."

"The letter clearly says that agarez's treasure is at the highest peak in Africa," Norbert said anxiously

"Maybe the letter you found was a prank." Garrett said.

This rather ironic remark made Norbert's face sink.

Garrett squinted at him and said, "it could be on other mountains, right? There are so many mountains on the African continent. How dare you say that the highest peak must be this one? "

Norbert's gloomy face improved slightly.


"If you don't look for it, how can you know whether it's true or not?"

With that, he extended his hand: "return me the magic wand. If I don't go down, those African witches will notice the clue."Norbert hesitated.

Garrett: come on, don't you want to cooperate? What's the point of confiscating a partner's wand? "

"That's not the case."

Norbert took out his wand and handed it to him.

"I'll go back and check the information. I'll come back to you if I have any clues."

In the military camp at the foot of the mountain, the weather is as hot as a steamer. At noon on the African continent, the sun is very hot.

Jacob Bohan, a young man with black hair, was sitting on the March bed, staring at the silver haired boy beside him.

Fatil drassez is holding a meat worm and teasing a strange looking young dragon.

The black baby dragon is only the size of a palm. It is like a cloud of smoke, circling in the shadow of the sun shining on his fingers.

"Well, fatil, you don't really trust that kid."

Suddenly, Jacob asked.

Fatil raised his head differently: "what?"

"I said, you are the Dragon trainer. Why do you always take him with you?"

"Why don't I take him? He is my student and has been with me for more than ten years

"But he's an outsider after all." Jacob said, "you have exposed the secret of the family to him like this. Have you ever thought what to do if he goes against the water in the future? I don't want people all over the world to learn your dragon training skills. "


With a shake of his finger, fatil took back the black smoke.

"I trust Garrett as much as I trust myself."

"I don't know where your trust comes from?"

James turned his lips and said, "I heard that he was fired by demstrom, right?"

"Who hasn't been fired."

"School is not a place for smart people," said fatil lazily


James disdained a, "come on, don't argue this, do we want to go to the bar to play?"

"Just drinking?"

"If you were a woman, it would be better."

Fatil sighed, "Bohan, don't you know I've loved your sister for a long time?"

"Really, I won't tell her."

Jacob dug ear excrement, "come out so long, suffocate all suffocate to death."

Fatil rubbed his temples.

"Please, go out and play by yourself. Just do me a favor, will you?"

Jacob picked up his eyebrows, picked up a cigarette, and threw his uniform on his shoulder. "You've changed a lot since you were a child."


Fatil didn't want to pay much attention to his expression.

Rather uninteresting, Jacob stretched out, lifted the curtain, got out of the tent, and came to the bar near the army.

This is a place for officers to rest. Naturally, private soldiers are not allowed to come in. However, this is not a problem for the wizard. He flicks his finger, and his private uniform becomes a second lieutenant uniform.

He asked for a beer at the bar when he saw a woman drinking beer by herself.

She was about 25 years old. She was wearing a suspender vest, a straw hat and golden hair. She looked like a war reporter. She had a high nose and big eyes. She was very beautiful.

Jacob was bored, so he took the cup and sat down, "Hey."

The woman looked at him and said with a smile, "Hey."

James: I don't think you can use your money here

"What, your treat?"

Jacob said to the bartender, "I'll take the next round."

The woman gave him a white look, "go away, I'm not interested in you."

"I'm just not interested in some ways, miss."

He grinned and held out his hand: "Jacob."


The bartender brings the wine, and Jacob pushes the glass over.

"I've just been watching you, daisy. I think your work is a little hard."

"Do you know what I do?" The woman didn't say well.

"I don't know, but I think I can do a job that makes you happy, whether it's part-time, full-time or part-time," Jacob said with a laugh

"May I fire you?"

The female reporter could not help but fold her hair.

"Of course."

Jacob raised the glass. "It's best to be injured."

The two people touched their cups and sat closer and closer.



at two o'clock in the afternoon, Garrett touched the brim of his hat, lowered his head and passed by some soldiers. He didn't want to cause other disputes. After all, he had friction with the people in the army for a few days.

After returning to the camp, he found his teacher, fatil, sitting outside the camp with his legs crossed, holding a cigarette, with an angry and helpless expression."What's the matter?"

Garrett asked in a low voice, "why don't you go in?"

Fatil pointed helplessly behind him. When Garrett listened, he heard a gasp from the tent and lifted the curtain to have a look.

He saw Jacob and a blonde journalist rolling around on their bed, their clothes falling to the ground. The air is full of youth and growth.

There was a twinkle of disgust in Garrett's eyes, and he put down the curtain. He sat next to his teacher, fatil.

"Don't be surprised, he is."

Fatil sighed, hit Garrett on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "what's up, have you found it?"

Garrett rolled his eyes and did not speak.

Seeing this expression, fatil was overjoyed: "have you found a clue?"

"Yes, you are right. That guy has something to do with the Deathly Hallows. "

"Great! I'll go and talk to Jacob Fatil was about to turn excitedly and drill into the camp.

But after hearing this, Garrett's face sank. He grabbed fatil and pointed to the camp. "Do you really think that guy is reliable, that guy who thinks with his butt?"

Fatil was stunned: "Garrett..."

"Listen, fatil." Garrett stressed in a low voice:

"it's the hard work of the two of us, the two of us! James Bohan? Ha, he has no ideal of changing the world. He just wanted to gamble until he had no money, so he came over. He just wants to dig up dragon eggs and sell them for a lot of money, so that he can continue to be his playboy. "


fatil sighed: "here we go again, Garrett, you forget, how did we get the clue? We have come to this stage with the help of others. Jacob is my family and my friend. I can't just abandon him like this. "

"Our idea is far beyond a family or a country. You shouldn't do it for..."

"enough." Fatier's voice was more serious:

"Garrett, needless to say. I'm not going to do that. Will you think about it from my point of view? "

Garrett looked at the zebra on the African continent in silence and did not speak.

Fatil got closer,

"Hey, just this time, I promise, next time I'll never take anyone else on our adventure."

Garrett looked into the teacher's eyes for a moment, nodded, and didn't get entangled in the problem,

"do you know Norbert Hagrid?"

"I know, the alchemist. What's the matter?"

Garrett: "I haven't told you yet, that guy is also a trouble..."

"what trouble?"

As they were talking, the curtain of the tent behind them was lifted by a young man with black hair. James came over. He wore his belt and asked Garrett with a smile, "have you reached the top of the mountain?"

With his question, a woman came out of the tent, and she gave Jacob a deep kiss. This action made Garrett frown again, and he turned his head.

Aware of Garrett's displeasure, James, who kisses a woman, chuckles and pats the female reporter's buttocks. "See you in the evening."

With spring in her eyes, the woman walked away with her coat in her arms.

Gellert took a deep breath, turned his head, and said coldly:

"he went up, but that guy Hagrid went up with me."

Jacob narrowed his eyes and rubbed his chin. "Well, how much did he know?"

Garrett: "so much that he wants a piece of it."

"Share a piece of the cake..."

Jacob's expression changed slightly and his face became gloomy. He looked at fatil and said, "what do you think?"

Fatil thought for a moment.

"Does he know the clue?"

"I don't know. I've covered up the clues. Now he thinks the treasure is on other mountain tops."


Fatil said decisively: "there is a celebration dinner in the army tonight, which all officers will attend. It's not too late. Let's start at once. Let's go ahead and take the chance that Norbert didn't notice. "

Gellert grindwall looked at Jacob, sucked his lower teeth and said nothing.