"I think you can be a better person."

Dumbledore finished, blinked at Hoffa, turned and walked out the door.

Seeing Dumbledore disappear behind the door, Hoffa looks at his palm.

It's the lost Ravenclaw coin.

On the front of the coin is the head of ronay Ravenclaw, with a crown and scales.

Seems to want to say something to Hoffa.

On the back is a row of Latin: reperiolux intenebris

looking for light in the dark.

He has read the typesetting countless times.

Hoffa looked at the coin in a daze, and he ignored any details.

He thought for a long time, but he didn't think of the answer.

I had to look out of the window.

At this time, night fell, a full moon hanging in the sky.

In the dark night sky, the full moon is so bright that it shines brightly in the dark, as if silently reminding Hoffa.

Hoffa straightened up from the bed.

Looking for light in the dark, Hoffa looked up at the moon.

Every adventure in this year seems to see the bright moon, the light in the dark. Do you want to go to the moon?

He sat back in bed a little frustrated, but the next second, his eyes focused on the distance, his brows wrinkled, goose bumps all over.

Wait... Light in the dark?

He got up and went to the window sill of the ward.

In his view, the huge black lake on the edge of the hunting ground in the distance also sets off a bright moon.

Staring at the moon on the lake for a while, all the clues flashed through his brain like lightning.

Light in the dark.

He looked at the coin in his hand in disbelief.

Suddenly raised his head, murmured: "I see, I understand."

He copied a magic wand from the cupboard.

A completely unspeakable force gradually emerged from his body. He didn't know what it was, but he could clearly feel that the blank in his brain was gradually dispelled.

Yes, I haven't finished my goal.

Now is not the time to rest.

He quickly untied the bandage on his shoulder.

Then he put on his school robe, which had been broken by many battles, and put his wand back into his waist.

Then, walk out the door.

After the hall, at the moment, the school crowd presents a state of polarization, one side is manic, dragging suitcases around quarreling students.

On the other side, however, they were unusually quiet. They looked at the newspaper and were as numb as dead bodies.

Maybe too many shocking news these days has consumed the passion of the students. Maybe the fate of this school has been doomed since Armando dipert was found guilty.

They just sit in their respective positions, neither leaving nor discussing.

In the middle of the chaotic auditorium, the jewel of Hogwarts has disappeared. Perhaps the deans found that even the artifact of the four founders could not save the school from bad luck and gave up the useless furnishings.

But all this is not what Hoffa should pay attention to for the time being.

With the help of the magic ladder, he quickly returned to Ravenclaw's common room. After Armando dipert was arrested, the school no longer banned Ravenclaw's common room.

Although the common room has been restored to its original decoration, the statue of Ravenclaw has been put up again, and the fireplace has been rekindled, the students inside are worried.

Miranda, with her arms in her arms, was talking anxiously to agraia in the corner.

Hoffa quickly walked over and pressed aglia's shoulder: "bracelet, did the school give it back to you?"

Agleia was so frightened that he beat him.

"Who is it?"

Hoffa quickly grabbed her wrist to see who was coming, and her eyes widened.


The sadness on Miranda's face faded away, and her lips rose slightly: "you're finally willing to come out."

"I've figured it out. It's not over yet." Said Hoffa.

"Agraia, did the school give you back your bracelet?"

"How do you know?" Agraia said, "it's for today."

"Come on, give it to me." Said Hoffa.

"What's the matter, do you know something?"

Agraia seized Hoffa and said, "tell me about it."

"There's no time. Give it to me quickly. There's plenty of time to explain to you when I get back."

"Oh dear!"

Agraia stamped, but still trotted to the revolving stairs.Hoffa turned his head and whispered, "Miranda, the half man king is still in this school. I don't know what he wants to do, but it's obvious that his purpose is not simple..."

"have you found the answer?" Miranda looked very calm, she asked directly.

"It's close, but it's close."

"Well, what should I do?"

"You take aglia to Dumbledore and ask him to protect you. If you can, you'd better leave school as soon as possible with other students. I'll find the last key."

At this moment, agraia went down the stairs and handed Hoffa the ancient bracelet.

He took the bracelet, patted Miranda on the shoulder, and then rushed out of the common room and downstairs.



in the dark basement, water drops into a pool. Make a very regular click.

In front of the huge French window, osivia bent her knees and looked at the green lake outside, like a sculpture without soul.

She kept this posture for a long time. Beside her was an old newspaper, a silver plate that had never been moved.

A gray haired old man came out of the dark with a plate. He put down the plate, walked slowly to the girl and sat down.

"Miss, the sentence has come down."


Osivia's answer was still.

"Don't you want to change something? Miss

Said the old man anxiously.

"I don't want to."

"Well, pay attention to your diet. You haven't eaten for many days."

The old man sighed weakly and put the plate beside her. With that, he turned and left.

But after two steps, he hesitated for a while, came back, took out a golden crown from his chest and put it in front of osivia.

"By the way, Albus Dumbledore asked me to give this back to you."

Osivia glanced at the golden ring, shook her head and said softly, "I've had enough, molos."

The old man put his finger on the golden crown, but still pushed it in front of her: "if you don't like it, destroy it. I have no right to deal with it. "

Osivia did not move and did not answer.

The gray haired old man whispered, "come back to the Soviet Union with me early, miss. This is not your home, your life does not belong here, does not belong to this school... "

Dong Dong.

At this time, there was a faint knock on the top, and the old man looked at it: "someone is coming."

"No see."

Said osivia.

Dong Dong Dong.

The knock on the door was a little louder, and the old man hesitated for a moment: "when are you going to leave?"

"I left with this school."

"I respect your choice."

The old man sighed and got up to pick up the old plate.

The knock outside the door rang for another moment, then disappeared.



Hoffa stood at the door of osivia's office in the basement, facing the door that had not been opened, his brow locked. He had a guess, but it had to put three keys together.

Hesitated for about 0.5 seconds.

Hoffa drew out his wand and pointed to the door: "araho hole open!"


The bolt of the door broke open in an instant.

Hoffa slammed the door open and rushed straight into the office.

Before he took two steps, he grabbed Hoffa with a strong arm,

he jumped to the side, only to find that he was caught by a gray bearded old man dressed in Auror. He was dressed in a neat wizard's robe and dressed meticulously. Hoffa had seen him once before when he caught dipert.

"What do you want to do?" the old man asked

"I want to see osivia."

"She didn't want to see anyone."

Hoffa didn't want to talk to him, so he just disappeared.

But the next second, the scene in front of him quickly changed. The corridor rotates, transforms and reorganizes like a Wanhua mirror. The staircase becomes a wall, the wall becomes a fork, and the fork rotates 360 degrees on its head.

He had to withdraw from the state of ghost walking. At this moment, the colorful changes of the whole world made his eyes almost spent.

It's magic from the magic department.

Hoffa turned his head and saw the old man with white hair hanging upside down on the spinning ceiling. Holding a magic wand, he looked at himself with a gloomy look.

There is no time to waste, Hoffa closed his eyes and yelled:

"osivia, you can hide here and see nobody. But you can't escape your mistakes. We still have work to do. After finishing the work, it doesn't matter how you want to escape... "The big old man opened his eyes, puffed his beard and raised his wand.

"I said, miss, I don't want to see you!"

Hoffa ignored it and continued:

"do you think this is the end of it? Do you think you hurt me, destroyed this school, and could swing back to the Soviet Union like a hibernating Siberian snake? That's what you call fate, and that's what you've spent so many years in exchange for? "

The old man thrust his wand into his trouser pocket, leaped down from the ceiling, stood directly in front of Hoffa and grasped his throat.

"Old man, who are you?"

Hoffa said angrily.

"I'm the housekeeper of the Romanov family. I took care of the young lady when she was born. Where did you come from?"


hoofa frowned on the old man. He grabbed his throat's hands as if they were made of foam, without a trace of strength.

But on his mouth, he threatened loudly: "believe it or not, I will kill you directly?"

Hoffa gradually became clear. He raised his eyebrows and screamed bitterly.

"Er, ah!"

Sure enough, as soon as he called, the rotating Wanhua mirror in front of him separated slowly, and the dreamland disappeared. Osivia's slender body slowly emerged from the darkness.

"Let him go, molos. It's about me and him. " She said softly.

The old man immediately opened Hoffa's throat.

Hoffa covered his throat, coughed hoarsely and said, "you still have the housekeeper. It's really a privilege to bring him to school."

The old man glared at Hoffa: "Hey, smelly boy, what's the privilege? I'm in charge of guarding the forbidden forest. Don't talk so bad."

"Morros, get out."


The old man looked at Hoffa awkwardly. Hoffa shook his head at the old man with disdain.

With a bang, the door rang.

In the dark room, only Hoffa and osivia were left.

"There's nothing to say. It's all over."

She looked at Hoffa's shoulder and said. "I'm tired."

Hoffa quickly came up to her eyes, golden eyes looking at green eyes.

"You've just consumed the power of hatred, osivia, don't you understand? Hatred will not bring you powerful power, it will only make you lose your life goal

Osivia turned his head: "I don't need a kid to talk to me."

"I'm not here to preach to you. Listen, dipert was obviously framed. If he was really a half man king, would he be so stupid that he couldn't even control his own men?"

"I only believe in evidence, not feelings."

"All the evidence can be made. Don't you think that all the evidence we found was arranged on purpose. The coffin, the evidence, it's a cover, it's a forgery.

The Demi king is still in this school. His goal is not to find a library. We have no time

"Do you know where he is?"

Olivia sneered: "Fifty Aurors have been in this school for a semester. Dare you say you are better than them..."

"Do you remember the double cape?"

Hoffa interrupted osivia: "under Thames harbor, where there are a lot of dolphins, where we met for the first time."

Osivia: Yes

"There's something similar about Hogwarts."

Osivia was startled. She immediately looked up into Hoffa's eyes and said, "you mean, mirror world? The mirror world of ancient libraries? "

"That's right."

"But we've been to the mirror world."

"If you were an ancient wizard with the ability to create a mirror world, would you only create one place?"