Chapter 21 - Slaying Dragons

There it was. A mighty dragon, scales tougher than the strongest shields, claws sharper than the greatest blades, and it's breath of fire hotter than the brightest forges.

A single man stood to oppose the beast of nature. He was a behemoth of a man, twice as large as any, wielding a blade even larger than himself.

The beast spoke to the man, "You are quite small for a giant."

"I'm a human."

"Oh really? What is your name?"

"Argon. Argon Goliath."

"Hah. Very fitting. So what is your purpose here?"

"To kill you."

"Many have tried."

"Alright." The large man said.

Then he ran towards the mythic creature. Taking a huge leap he swung his blade.


I snapped out of a daydream.

I looked deeply into the man's eyes. Which I could not see, as they were obscured by shadows. In fact, his entire face was obscured by shadow. Which was quite strange, but I decided not to question it.

I spoke, "So anyways, what are you doing?"

He sighed, then his eyes started glowing. He started levitating in the air. In a ghostly seemingly ancient voice, he spoke, "You truly know nothing do you?"

He looked at me with his glowing eyes. I threw away the hilt and started stretching in preparation.

In a situation like this, there was really no guarantee of anything.

He then snapped his fingers and a giant explosion came off of him. Creating a huge screen of smoke, covering just about everything around us. Once it had subsided, he was gone.

I had expected a battle, but this was fine. Until I remembered I was trying to get info off of him.

Well, this s.u.c.k.e.d.

I then dropped on the ground, and laid on my back, sighing. I was completely demotivated.

"Alright. Here we go." I muttered to myself, taking a deep breath, to then jump back on my feet.

I got back to the zombie corpses, picking up several swords, and I resumed walking to the village.

I eventually got to the village. It was surrounded by zombies. Thoughts ran through my head.

Should I? Do I have the right? What consequences may this cause?

Then I remembered zombies are lingering where I'm staying, and f.u.c.k that. So I decided to ignore all of that and walk towards the horde.

I started slashing madly. With each one they were ripped in half.

I wasn't really in shape to fight this many. Maybe if I had like another year, I could do this reasonably, but I was being overwhelmed.

I had countless techniques, most weren't so useful, as I wasn't strong or fast enough to use them, it also wouldn't be convenient to try.

Actually, I had a few techniques, but I decided to save it for later.

After a dozen minutes, I had finally felt a slow to the horde of zombies coming for me. I remembered I could imbue my sword with mana.

Still, thanks to fact I had quite a small amount of mana, it was a small difference, but still a welcome one.

I collapsed onto the ground. I struggled up and sat on the ground.

I just sat there for a few minutes.

Then I looked up, I saw a man in the distance with a very disappointed and aggravated face, a trail of blood leaking behind him.

"F.u.c.k! How did a single man kill all the zombies! This is f.u.c.k.i.n.g bullshit."

"I dunno. Anyways, what's goin on? You seem like you'd know."

"..... A necromancer has invaded this place. Soon, it'll be infested with undead and made to be their domain."

"That's great to know. Now... where are they?"

"Why do you wanna know?"

"To judge them."

"Hah. HahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAH." The man laughed loudly, then he stopped dead silent.

"You truly must be foolish."

He lit ablaze. A blue fire surrounded him. "Well, there isn't much time left for me. I wish you luck."

Then the fire flared and he slowly became ash.

My annoyance grew.

Disgust grew in me. The stench of blood, the ash, and stain of it on me. I decided at this moment, I wanted to kill the person who caused this. To create something so disgusting and foul. It made my blood boil.

I got walking. Following the trail of blood, I saw a man.

Someone who had a devilish smile. I asked, "Did you cause this?"

His grin got bigger, "Yes."

I through a sword at him, it pierced through his throat. By the time he noticed it, was on the ground clutching his neck.

I heard a laugh in the distance. I turned around and saw the same man I just killed.

Though, he was shirtless this time. Revealing he was pretty muscular.

I was gonna kill this man.