21 Chapter 20-A not-so-good guide

All of it doesn't concern me anyways, so I don't really care about this hero or his party. To be honest, I find his job to be completely and utterly tiresome. Working almost 24/7 to save people you don't even know. Even if you do have a heart of justice or something like that, I find it very stupid and unrewarding. But who cares, I'm not the one doing it anyways. They wasted their whole life on doing charity.

Denear decided to keep this topic at the back of his mind. He had just remembered something much more important. He loudly shouted in his mind, 'Come out right now!

A voice rang through his head. "What is it? Why are you screaming?" This time, a system screen did not appear in front of him but was directly in his head, talking to him.

'Who are you?' He said, toning down his voice. 'Why can I hear you directly in my head?'

"Well.." The voice answered, "I actually your guide basically your system."

My guide!? 'Why haven't I heard you talk to me before?'

"That's because I was taking a nap. Every girl needs their beauty sleep." A NAP!? BEAUTY SLEEP!!? Denear's face could not help but break turn mad. 'So.....you're telling me that...for all those 5yrs when you did not show up...YOU WERE TAKING A NAP!!? Some guide you are! Do you even deserve to be a guide!?' "Well.."She tried to explain but was interrupted by Denear's outburst. 'You did not even help me for those 5 years and yet the first words I hear from you is "You scumbag." and when I ''kindly'' asked if you knew who you were talking to, you responded with, "I am talking to a piece of filth that has a personality like garbage. Just go dig a hole and die." Don't you even have any manners! Is that how a lady should be like! In my opinion, if every lady was like you, who would insult the person they should help and to top it all off, you even made that person wait for 5 fricking years, than this world with dragons and monsters would have already been destroyed.'

Denear was talking or to be exact thinking at a very fast rate. Not even leaving room for her to speak. He stopped. There was silence.

*Sob*....*Sob*.... She was crying!? "I'm so sorry...*Sob*.....It's just that...." She stopped crying. "Back then, when I woke up and I saw the girl in need of help and was expecting you to help but did not, for a second I thought that you were just completely useless and is worse than human garbage. I said them to you just so that your pride would get damaged and end up helping the girl but did not even move a muscle all you did was get angry."

"However, when you heard that little boy say some words, you immediately punched that guy without a second thought. You even started to cry?....You could've killed him with that punch...but did not even care. Why is that? " She asked out of sheer curiosity.

When Denear heard this, surprisingly, his anger did not rise but decreased. 'Never mention or speak about it ever again.' Denear brought himself back to reality. He opened his stat screen. A new option showed up. "Guide". He opened the icon and a button on the side appeared.

Disable Guide option?


He picked yes.

After his talk with the girl in his head, he lost all interest and found it quite annoying so he disable it.

Putting his elbow on the window of the carriage with his palm against his chin, he let out a deep sigh. "So tiresome....."