"Ha ha ha So, it's just me, isn't it? Only I still love you foolishly and want to ask for your forgiveness? "

A Liang couldn't straighten up with a smile, but his eyes were in despair.

"You're already together, aren't you? After breaking up with me, I was with him? " It was like the last straw I wanted to catch before drowning. A Liang's voice trembled gently.

I suddenly feel sad that the two people who used to love each other so much should have come to this stage.

Gu Chen gently shook my hand, the warmth of the palm without any barrier to my hand, like comfort and commitment.

Xiaoyu looks up at him, the disappointment in his eyes is not covered up, it takes a long time to pull out a smile, but in my eyes, the smile is more ugly than crying.

"Yes, together."

Light floating to a few words from the corner of Xiaoyu's mouth, a Liang finally dropped his head.

I opened my mouth to explain to her, but Xiaoyu suddenly looked up at me and gently shook his head, but the action was with endless sadness and disappointment.

Time and time of distrust, has already touched the bottom line of Xiaoyu's love.

A Liang nodded like ashes. He had no life in his eyes. He tried to smile in vain.

"In that case Then I won't come to you. And I wish you happiness. "

Tears almost fell out of my eyes, and I tried to keep my eyes wide open.

A Liang left with his head down, and his back was desolate. At the moment when his back disappeared, Xiaoyu burst into tears.

I didn't cry, I just sobbed, but it was more like I had exhausted all my strength to endure so long.

I want to go and hold her, but Yichen takes me one step first and gently holds her in her arms.

Xiaoyu buries in his chest, the shoulder is stirring, in my heart a pain, the heart seems to be grasps with the hand equally breathless.

Gu Chen sighed, pressed my head into his chest and patted me on the back like a child.

"I'm lovelorn, not you. Why are you crying?"

It's the voice of Xiaoyu. I come out of Gu Chen's arms and face her four eyes.

Xiaoyu chuckled and held out his hand to me, "let's go and eat. I'm tired of crying. Let's eat hairy crabs!"

Everyone laughed. This is Xiaoyu we know.

But things are not as good as people would like. Today, I am destined to have nothing to do with hairy crabs.

Our front foot just stepped out of the door of the mall, and Gu Chen's mobile phone rang.

I have been paying attention to him, he answered the phone back to some silence, eyebrows are still light lock.

"What's the matter?"

I pulled his sleeve for fear that he would carry everything and not tell me.

As a result, Gu Chen didn't intend to hide it from me. He came up to everyone and said, "my father beat me and let me take you home."

What does it mean to go home? I'm stuck. Gu Chen calmly smiles at me, as if telling me not to be afraid.

As soon as Wu Miao heard that it was Gu Chen's father, they got a big reaction. They even drove us out directly. They even patted our chest without my advice to guarantee that they would take good care of Xiaoyu and let us go quickly, so as not to let the commander wait.

I was a little more flustered by them, clutching my seat belt all the way.

Gu Chen's car drove directly into a courtyard with red bricks and black tiles. The Sentinels on guard at the door were all armed with guns. They were so solemn that people unconsciously became serious.

He got out of the car and opened the door for me. Seeing that I was facing the enemy, he laughed instead.

"Why are you so nervous? I'm in charge of everything!"

Gu Chen's words made me feel even worse. The hand he held was sweating. I didn't even dare to look aside. The atmosphere of the whole yard was so oppressive that I could hardly breathe. Gu Chen also changed his old playful face, holding my hand like walking on the red carpet!

The door is made of wood. It seems that it has a long history, but there is no trace of damage. There is a faint smell of sandalwood.

Gu Chen's hand knocked on it and made a dull noise. Then, a low voice sounded inside.

"Come in."

I didn't look up, but I knew someone was looking at me. My sharp eyes stopped on me, as if they had seen me through.


Gu Chen opened his mouth. I was in a panic and blurted out, "Hello uncle."

As soon as I said that, I regretted it. After all, sun Jingkun's lessons are there

The people in front of me didn't respond, as if they didn't hear my voice. I hung my head to comfort myself, no response should be the best response.

"Are you going to apply for discharge?"

The voice was still low, with some anger in it.

I was stunned for a moment. I thought Gu Chengzhong wanted Gu Chen to bring me back this time for the same purpose as sun Jingkun. I didn't expect it was because of Gu Chen's retirement.

"Yes, the application has been handed in." Gu Chen still took my hand and answered with no haughtiness.Gu Chengzhong suddenly slapped the table and said angrily, "bastard!"

I shrunk behind Gu Chen, but the back of my hand was patted by him.

"Dad, I've made up my mind."

"Do you know what you're doing? Retired to take over the company? Gu Chen, I hope you are more rational. "

Gu Chengzhong's voice is so fierce that he has no fear of killing.

"I know what I'm saying and what I'm doing. Every decision I make is rational and well thought out. "

Perhaps Gu Chen's serious tone stimulated Gu Chengzhong. He didn't speak for a long time, but he called my name again.

"Because of her? A divorced woman? "

Gu Chengzhong's voice didn't fluctuate much, but it hit me like a hammer.

It's because of me.

I finally looked up at him and said, "commander, I..."

"Shut up! It's not your turn to talk here! "

Gu Chengzhong interrupted me, but Gu Chen cut him off.

"If dad wants me to bring Tongtong here this time to embarrass her, then we'll go first."

Gu Chen is obstinate. He takes my hand and goes to the door. As a result, he is drunk by Gu Chengzhong before he takes two steps.


The voice is like a lion's low roar, which makes me stop.

"Gu Chen, do you really want to ruin your future?"

Gu Chengzhong slowed down his voice, which was full of the smell of hating iron but not steel.

"Since you must be with her, I won't go to fight with her, but why do you want to leave the army? So end your military career, end your dream? "

Gu Chen's dream?

I want to ask, but also know that now is not the right time.


From my point of view, Gu Chen's face was moved, but his words were still firm.

"I've decided to retire."

Gu Chengzhong sneered, "then you don't want to know why I want you to bring her here?"