"Hi, long time no see."

I said hello with a cool smile.

"I hear you're divorced?"

I didn't expect that when I met Li Kai for the first time, which I haven't seen for several years, he would expose people's scars without any scruples, and I immediately sank my face.

"Don't get me wrong. I don't mean sarcasm. I just think I have another chance."

Li Kai was very direct when he was in University. At that time, surrounded by a group of girls, he didn't know whether he was blind or not. He actually took a fancy to me.

On my way to the library, I said that he liked me and hoped I could give him a chance to get to know each other. Maybe I was used to expressing myself, but my refusal made him dumbfounded and didn't respond.

Now, it seems that the saying of 80 at the age of three is true. He has not changed much. He is still so straightforward.

"Yes, I'm divorced, and it's known all over the city, but it doesn't mean you have a chance. It's two different things. We can't mix them up."

I'm a person who doesn't like ambiguity, so I'm outspoken.

He laughed, a little bitter and embarrassed, but more like appreciation.

"You haven't changed, and no matter how striking your answer is, you're always so unremitting. But it doesn't matter. Anyway, I'm back home. I have plenty of time. "

"Don't waste too much time. It's better to use it where it's worth it."

"I'm talking about something. I asked you to come and linger all the time. Let's go and say hello to Liao Jing."

Chen Wei came in time, and finally let the conversation between Li Kai and me stop. I was dragged by her to a place surrounded by a group of people. Before I left, I obviously felt Li Kai's eyes looking at me.

I can't laugh or cry. I didn't know I had such a market.

"Liao Jing, didn't you just say you wanted to see Xia Tong? Here, I brought you the person."

I raised my eyebrow, but Liao Jing wanted to see me? No wonder Chen Wei is so active today.

Through the crowd, I saw the surrounded people with aura, Liao Jing. She changed little, still so beautiful and dazzling, but a little more feminine than ever.

I don't know much about brands, but from the perspective of the quality of her clothes, they must be valuable brands. She is a talented woman, and she has a set off of her appearance. The whole person exudes a strong intellectual beauty from her heart.

She also saw me and waved to me warmly: "I finally see you, Xia Tong. Long time no see. I miss you very much."

To tell you the truth, I'm a little confused. I think that if Liao Jing and I are not classmates, walking on the street is also a matter of passing each other by. Maybe we can only remember each other's relationship for a long time.

Where did her passion and miss come from?

Liao Jing has already given me a big hug.

"Ha ha Long time no see. "

Except for this sentence, I don't seem to have another sentence today.

"For almost seven years, you have hardly changed. You are still young and beautiful."

By a super beauty said beautiful, fortunately I have self-knowledge, otherwise it should be light.

"No, you are still so beautiful. Everywhere you go is the spotlight. Welcome back."

I was polite to speak to her eyes, naturally pushed away her warm embrace and looked into her eyes with a smile.

She didn't mind. With an open-minded smile, she took my arm and said, "let's go. Everyone should be here. Let's go in and wait. Anyway, the food has been reserved for a long time."

She ascended to the top of her voice, and all the people naturally followed her into the store. It was just an ordinary small restaurant, because our arrival was very crowded.

Being held by Liao Jing in this way, sitting down naturally can only be with her.

In fact, I don't like to be too close to a focus, because her every move attracts people's attention, and I don't want to keep a low profile.

What's more, Li Kai came to join in the fun.

In the end, I became Liao Jing on the left, who was inexplicably enthusiastic, and Li Kai on the right, who once again confessed to me when we met.

As soon as the dishes were on the table, they both gave me food from time to time, which made me seem to be the protagonist of today. I couldn't digest the meal.

On the way, I couldn't stand it, so I went to the bathroom.

I think over and over again, but I still don't understand why Liao Jing is so familiar with me.

Just as I was about to get up and walk out of the toilet, I didn't expect that Liao Jing and Chen Wei also came to the toilet to make up.

However, the conversation between the two people made me want to push the door down.

"I finally turned out her phone and asked her to come. How can you show her kindness and never see your hand?" Chen Wei's voice.

"What's the hurry? Don't you see that if I'm a little warm to her, she'll be completely flattered? When you go to sing after dinner, give her two more bottles of wine, and then play slowly. " This is Liao Jing's voice.I was slightly stunned. Although they didn't say who she was, I wasn't stupid. It was obviously me.

However, listening to Liao Jing's tone, it seems that she hates me deeply, but I don't know where to offend her?

Two people did not say anything more, after makeup out of the bathroom, and I also pretended not to know went out.

The meal took about two hours. It was almost nine o'clock when I went to sing. Eighty percent of the people had driven. Only a few people who didn't have a car took a ride from others.

And I was dragged to her red BMW by Liao Jing without any accident, which made Li Kai a little uncomfortable.

It's just that I didn't expect that the place where I sang was the senior club Gu Chen took me to last time. I still remember the second time I came here to find Gao Yi, because they were not members.

It seems that Liao Jing is also a member here.

Sure enough, she flashed her card to the people at the door, and was immediately led in with great respect. A group of students began to open the flattery mode, saying that Liao Jing was still powerful. Where did they come to these places? They followed Liao Jing to eat meat.

I didn't say anything. I've been waiting for Liao Jing to give me a move.

After entering the room, the waiter brought several large boxes of wine. Sure enough, as soon as the wine was on the table, Chen Wei began to pay homage to me in a fancy way, while Liao Jing also helped.

I had a good idea, so naturally, I pushed half the time and poured out the wine when they didn't pay attention. But I never changed my habit of having a face as soon as I drank.

So after a while, my eyes were red, so I deliberately lay on the table and said I would not drink.

"Oh, how can I get drunk so soon? It seems that Xia Tong is not good at drinking."

Liao Jing deliberately raised her voice. When other people saw me lying on the table, they all laughed and half joked that women don't get drunk and men don't have a chance. It seems that Xia Tong is going to give us a chance today.

"Li Kai, why are you sitting so far away? Come here. Xia Tong is drunk. You don't care. "

Li Kai?

I frowned. Did you say that Li Kai and them were also in the same group?