"Are you ok?"

Looking at me blankly looking at him, the man asked a light, voice line is not high, but very sonorous and powerful.

"Well, thank you, but you..."

At the thought of the difficulty of the drunk man, I began to worry that the kind man would be affected.

Sure enough, my worries are not superfluous!

In just a few seconds, I saw 7 or 8 men pouring out of a private room. They pushed away the crowd and came anxiously towards the direction I was standing.


Maybe it's because of the guilt of implicating others. I don't want to pull his hand and run away.

But I didn't expect that I couldn't move at all. He just gently pulled, and I bumped into his chest.


I don't understand. Now that all the people of the other party have come, why does this man have no timidity at all? Even if the hero saves the beauty, he can't catch up with himself.

"It's not settled. Where are you going?"

I don't know if it's because the atmosphere is too tense. The man seems to forget that his hand is still on my waist, and I'm still leaning on his chest.

For a married woman, and her husband is still on the side of me, this is simply can not be embarrassed!

I hastily want to get out of his confinement, but my twisting force is like water pouring into the sea, which has no effect at all.

At this time, I felt a burning light in my eyes.

Too familiar, I don't even have to look to know that it is Shen Bai.

I helplessly turn my eyes and look at him. Anyone with eyes knows that this is not what I can lead.

Although Shen Bai didn't admit that I was his wife one second ago, I didn't want to leave him any criticism.

Just when I was still facing Shen Bai's four eyes, I felt the hand clasped on my waist and suddenly became stronger. There was a man's slightly low voice in my ear.

"Go what God."


He seems to be a bit overbearing. Although he saved me, we didn't know each other at all. This kind of dialogue between us feels too close.

At this time, the seven or eight strong men also passed through the crowd and came to us. My body trembled involuntarily.

"Gu Shao, are you ok?"

I thought it was a picture of blood splashing everywhere, but I didn't expect that these people were respectfully nodding to the man beside me.

For a long time, are these his people?

I can't help but loose my whole body. No wonder he is so brave and doesn't move after beating people. I'm worried about him for nothing.

"Damn it, you don't want to live, do you?"

It's just that the drunken man finally stumbled up to see the attitude of true love and Shen Bai towards him, which should not be a good master.

I'm a little sorry that I came here today. I just wanted to commemorate my meeting and review the past of love, but I didn't expect to cause such trouble.

Just as the drunken man was talking, a group of people came along on the other side. The pictures of both sides' hair trigger made many onlookers rush to avoid. After all, no one wanted to be hurt.

I'm in a very awkward situation. I want to go, but I'm the culprit. Stay here, but I'm just redundant.

"To my room?"

The man next to me suddenly burst out a sentence, which really solved my situation, but what does it mean to go to his room?

I looked up at him at a loss.

"No refusal is consent. Let's go."

Hello! What happened?

I was so inexplicably dragged away by him, and his hand in my waist from beginning to end did not release, I can feel the burning eyes behind me, but what can I do?

The man dragged me into the room where I saw the seven or eight strong men come out just now. As soon as I went in, he loosened my waist and sat on the sofa very comfortably.

"Sit down. You're welcome."

I sat in a trance in a corner, as far away as possible from the man who was full of danger.

"You Don't you worry about what's going on out there? "

You know, when there's a fight in a bar, things can be big or small. If it doesn't work, people will die, but I don't see any worry in his eyes.

On the contrary, he poured a glass of wine for me. With a wave of his arm, the glass slid along the table and just stayed in front of me.

I was amazed. Did he learn acrobatics?

"Is that singer your husband just now?"

I didn't expect that his next question completely fooled me.

For a while, Shen Bai and I didn't even say a word, but he saw the relationship between us. This man's hole is really terrible."You How do you know? "

"By the way, my name is Gu Chen. Nice to meet you."

He seems to have become a habit of answering wrong questions. He raised his glass and looked up at me.

I don't drink well, and I've told me that strangers can't drink freely, so I'm hesitant staring at the glass.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in married women."

This man is so terrible, just like the roundworm in my stomach, he can see through my mind at a glance without me talking at all, and I have to pick up my wine glass.

He gently touched his glass and drank it with his eyes closed.

It was only when I opened my eyes that I suddenly found that he was close to my face.

I panic with the hand against him, trying to open the distance between the two people.

"You Why, you just said... "

"I'm not interested in married women, that's right! But I didn't say that I'm not interested in divorced women... "

Just when I was in complete surprise, he pushed forward, held out his hand to fix my head, and then he kissed me.