"Brother Xinben, are you sure you have no problem?"

"What's the problem?" Ouyang inquired, walking around the room with his hands behind his back: "In fact, I don't need to wait to say that the boy should have planned to go down the mountain. After all, such a big thing, I'm sure those people's eyes are in love with you, and if I wait for people to deliberately quarrel with Zhang Feng about what I'm going to argue with tonight, that's the best. I believe the boy can understand."

Xue Ji waved his hand and said, "I'm not talking about this, but that hip-hop dance, that and other things. At the beginning, I felt a little nondescript, not to mention the Mid Autumn Festival poetry meeting..."

"Hahaha, brother Dengshan, you are so worried!"

Xue Ji laughed and said, "in fact, to put it bluntly, this boy is hoping that the more this thing spreads, the safer he will be“

"If you think about it, in the final analysis, it is also the wrong of the five surnames and seven nationalities. Zhang Feng only tells the people what he really wants to do."

People in this era have a great desire for land.

As an era dominated by agriculture, land resources are the fundamental place for people to settle down. Because of this, Yu Shinan and others will be so cautious at this time.

"It's all right. As we said before, let him handle external affairs. This boy has many ideas and should not fool around. Even if he really fooled around, those boys should protect him well. It should be all right."

Hearing the speech, several people smiled to themselves.

As Yu Shinan said.

They are thinking too much at this time.

They just need to do things well in the Academy.

After all, as soon as the Mid Autumn Festival poetry meeting is over, it is a big day for the opening of the hospital. There are no mistakes in this.

At the thought of business.

Several people could not help but return to normal again.

"Brother Boshi, I think Ma zhouhao Chujun can be made of materials. These little guys can be familiar with Zhang Feng's so-called arithmetic and recite the book of songs and Analects of Confucius in just a few months. There are not many such good seedlings. Don't brother Boshi want to find a closed disciple to inherit your mantle in the future?"

Although Ouyang Xun was talking, his heart was already hot at this time. However, Zhang Feng started too fast and accepted several people as disciples. At this time, it was inappropriate for him to go to important people.

Yu Shinan nodded at the speech: "It's true that the boy has learned a lot about poetry and books, and you don't know it yet. The boy usually speaks freely. All the poems he sings are recorded by the boy named Ma Zhou. I'm still thinking, when is it time to find him to come and compile them into a Book, so that it will be regarded as a classic handed down by the boy."

Speaking of this, Yu Shinan looked sluggish and said, "three, at the Mid Autumn Festival poetry meeting, this boy should not..."

"Shall we sort out all the poems he once made now and use them at the Mid Autumn Festival poetry meeting the day after tomorrow?"

Poetry club.

It's not just to ask people to write a few poems, but to evaluate poems, taste poems, guess poems, and hide head poems. It's also necessary to talk about poems with the young talents and others present. They really haven't seen the poems they've fought with before. They can't help feeling worried at this time.

When Ouyang inquired about the speech, he couldn't help wrinkling his eyebrows and thinking. Staring at the boiling tea stove, he had an idea: "do you remember the sensational effect of those poems at the foot of the mountain before that boy?"

When he said this, Xue Ji and others couldn't help but brighten their eyes: "do you mean to send out his poetry booklet?"

"No, no! Isn't that too hasty? If so, the emperor wouldn't have been so picky last time. Only a few poems came out."

"I mean, if we match some of his poems with corresponding paintings and let people spread them at the Mid Autumn Festival poetry meeting, will this boy avoid some confrontation in other aspects with the reputation of the presence? You can see that this boy knows nothing about ancient Chinese!"

"If you encounter an opponent and torture his ancient learning, then..."

Paleology is a general term for some rare ancient books handed down by scholars and writers before the previous dynasty.

Although a large number of these things exist in the world, they are also scattered in all parties. Basically, not everyone can have the opportunity to learn something.

For example, the ancient books collected by Zhang Feng on the mountain.

Even for them, some have never seen it before.

They are great Confucians.

At any time, they hope that their things can be passed down more.

However, those gentry are trying their best to monopolize the industry of knowledge. They don't just look down on Zhang Feng. It is estimated that even they are no better in the eyes of those gentry.

If they were to deliberately target Zhang Feng at the poetry meeting at this time, it would be impossible for Zhang Feng to become a great Confucian, even if he wanted to be famous!

But if we can send out the poems made by Zhang Feng before, the meaning will be very different.