As the war drums beat, Li's heart began to beat violently, and his palms were full of sweat.

In fact, it's bullshit to say that he has absolute confidence to defeat the Xue yantuo people.

Not to mention, the dark array of Xue yantuo's army on the other side made Li forget worry feel numb.

As the saying goes, a thousand people are connected to the sky; Ten thousand people, boundless!

At the moment, the battlefield in front of Li forgetful worry is such a boundless scene. He can't help but be nervous. After all, he was also the first time to really face this kind of war.

The last time I was in Jiulong County, Shu County, it was just a riot by thousands of bureaucrats. Compared with the grand scene of tens of thousands of people today, it was pediatrics and worthless.

Standing on the Wanglou bus, Li Qieyou was nervous and excited, plus some expectation and uneasiness, and the contradiction reached the extreme.

It's easy to understand the tension and excitement. The anxiety is that Tang Jun suffered heavy casualties... After all, he took the initiative to start the war.

If it had not been for his insistence and according to Mito's persuasion, the 10000 Tang troops under his command would not have appeared on the battlefield.

In other words, because of his own self-interest, these Tang soldiers faced life and death, which made Li forget his worries, but also gave birth to a bit of intolerance and accountability.

After all, Li forget worry is not a person of this era. Even if he has been in a high position in recent years, he can't regard human life as nothing. Whether the battle was won or lost, the casualties of Datang soldiers and men also came from his obsession.

If you don't seal the Marquis with your words, you will become famous and die!

He sighed silently in his heart. Li forgot to worry, took back those messy ideas in his heart, raised his eyes and continued to look at the battlefield.

The most important thing now is to win this war. As for others, we will talk about them later.

If there were casualties in the Tang army, Li forgets to worry about taking out copper money from his house to compensate their relatives. It is also his heart to buy peace of mind.

After calming down, Li forgets to worry, raises the telescope in his hand, and carefully observes the configuration of Xue yantuo's army with Chumo and others.

Now the two sides are still several miles away, and they are slowly moving forward in the sound of their own war drums and horns.

War, of course, is not like later TV dramas. When they shout indiscriminately, they bury their heads in charge. Otherwise, the soldiers will wear armor and knives. When they rush over a few miles, they will be tired and lie down and fight fart.

Generally speaking, the armies of the two sides will march to an interval of about one mile, that is, 500 meters away, enter the range of the other party's long-range weapon attack, stop and rest before the formal war.

The ten thousand troops of the Tang army were divided into the middle army and the two wings.

The Chinese army consists of two thousand bow and crossbow men, one thousand Street swordsmen and two thousand jumping soldiers, with one thousand cavalry on each wing.

Of course, the 5000 soldiers of the Chinese army were not crowded together, but lined up in several infantry squares.

In fact, there is no need for Li forgetful and dandies to worry about these. Only Lieutenant officers in the Army take care of the arrangements. The only arrangement Li forgot to worry about was that two days ago, he summoned the captain in charge of two thousand crossbow men and ordered him to practice the three-stage shooting method according to his orders.

The Tang army captain was puzzled by Li forgetful's order, and even privately felt that Li forgetful was completely mischievous.

The captain is also an old soldier. Where have you ever seen such a Bowman?

In all dynasties, the use of bowmen and crossbows was to concentrate their forces and shoot at the enemy in a large area.

Crossbowmen usually rarely use direct fire against the enemy, mainly because of their range.

The projectile can reach 200 steps and direct fire can reach 100 steps at most.

What Li forgot to worry told him to let the crossbow men practice was to divide all the crossbow men into three teams, put on the crossbow, shoot, and ask for direct fire according to the order. This is totally against common sense.

Make complaints about Li's worries, but in the mind of the Wei Wei, he was helpless. He could only arrange his training for his soldiers according to his orders.

But only one day later, the captain was convinced.

How could an old soldier like him not see the benefits of the three-stage shooting method.

Today, against 50000 Xue yantuo cavalry, everyone else was beating drums, but the captain who commanded the crossbow was confident and ready to kill.

The war drum kept beating, and the watchtower car where Li forgetful worry and the dandies were located was led by cattle and horses, followed by the footsteps of soldiers, and slowly moved forward in the middle army.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer!

It was not until he was 500 steps away from Xue yantuo's army that Li forgot to worry that he ordered the army to stop.

Immediately, school captains, Duwei and brigade commanders of all armies began to drink and lead their corporal to sort out the queue, so that the queue that had been somewhat scattered due to the March could be reorganized.

At the front of the Tang army's queue was the jumping soldiers with swords and shields.

Equipped with round shields, short knives and light armour, the jumping soldiers are responsible for close combat and make up for the lack of flexibility of their companions using long weapons. The round shield in their hands mainly defends against arrow rain damage thrown by the enemy.

Behind the leaping soldiers, there is a stranger knife hand.

The stranger swordsman of the Tang Dynasty is the strongest infantry in the cold weapon era.

In history, during the Tianbao period, during the battle of Talos, the Tang army fought with 20000 troops and 200000 Arab coalition forces. When the rebels raided the flank, the Tang army still eliminated 70000 Arab coalition forces, and nearly 10000 people successfully retreated.

Although the Tang army lost the war in the end, it made the Arab coalition feel the terror of the Tang Dynasty.

Like a wall, people and horses are broken!

Is the Arab's exclamation of the stranger.

After a thousand swordsmen, there were two thousand bow and crossbow men, which was also the key for Li forgetful to win the war.

As for the cavalry on both wings, Li forgot to worry that he didn't arrange any important tasks for them this time. Just hold your feet. When Xue yantuo's army collapsed, they were responsible for pursuing and cleaning up the mess.

Anyway, Xue yantuo's brain damage tactics, Li forgets worry about his two wings will be attacked by cavalry.

As he expected, Xue yantuo's 50000 cavalry did not ride at all. They all lined up in a vast queue like the Tang army, like dark clouds.

There are few soldiers in the Tang Dynasty. Naturally, they will not take the initiative to attack. Waiting for work with ease is the right way.

Jie Li Peng was also clear about this. He did not expect the Tang army to be mentally crippled to the point of taking the initiative to attack.

After stabilizing his position, Xue yantuo's army made a slight adjustment, Jie Li waved his big hand, the horn sounded in Xue yantuo's army, and the 20000 troops at the front began to step in neat steps and press towards the Tang army.

The 20000 troops were in step and the momentum was amazing. Even on the rear watchtower car, Li forgetful could feel a slight tremor on the ground.

At the moment, ah die is also behind Li forgetful. He is a herdsman of a small tribe. He has never seen such a scene. At the moment, he can't help shaking his fist and staring at Xue yantuo's army.

When the war was about to break out, Li forgot to worry, but he was not nervous. He turned his head and looked at ah Xie with a smile: "Dalang, today, see how I avenge for the Hult tribe! Believe me, the blood of the Hult tribe will not flow in vain!"

Ah zhe nodded fiercely and squinted at Xue yantuo's rear army, where Jie Lipeng was.

Xue yantuo's vanguard 20000 troops kept moving forward, and the distance between the two sides was gradually shortened.

Five hundred... Four hundred