Time flies, and time flies. After four years in the western regions, Li forgets worry and finally returns to Chang'an City from the western regions.

When he came back to Dingzhou village with Niu Wu and others, the beautiful boss had led the people in the house to meet him at the entrance of the village.

Let Li forget his worries. Unexpectedly, his daughter-in-law Su Changqing still holds a two-year-old baby in her arms.

Before he could speak, Su Changqing smiled and came up with the child: "forget your worries, you're finally back. Come and see your son. You haven't seen him since he was born."

"Son... Son?" Li forgot to worry about the tongue began to knot.

Su Changqing nodded affirmatively: "yes, your son is two years old. Look how much he looks like you and how cute he is."

"Two, two years old... Me, me, my son?"

Li forget worry's head a little dizzy, broke his fingers and calculated.

He has been in charge of the march of the western expedition for four years. Since I went to the western regions, I have never returned to Chang'an, nor have I seen my daughter-in-law.

The child in front of me is two years old

Li Qieyou unconsciously thought of an anecdote in the legacy of Kaiyuan Tianbao.

"Yang Guozhong was an envoy to Jiangsu and Zhejiang. His wife missed him deeply and became ill quickly. Suddenly, he dreamed of making friends with Guozhong, so he was pregnant and later gave birth to a man named Wei. When he returned to Guozhong, his wife told the story of his dream. Guozhong said," this covers the love between husband and wife. Everyone laughed. "

Yang Guozhong, Yang Guifei's brother, has been an official for many years, but his wife peirou gave birth to a son for him. It's also called missing Yang Guozhong too much. I made friends with Yang Guozhong in my dream, so I got pregnant

Yang Guozhong actually believed his wife peirou's words, took the baby as the flesh and blood of his marriage, and named him Yang Kan.

It goes without saying how Yang Guozhong was ridiculed among the people. Li forget worry is not Yang Guozhong. After he figured out the taste of this, he was scared into a cold sweat.

But before he could speak, there was a cry in his ear, and his body was violently shaken at the same time.

"Lang Jun, Lang Jun, wake up. Don't sleep again. If you sleep again, you'll miss the hour!"

Li Qieyou suddenly woke up and opened his eyes in an instant. He was stunned to find that he was dreaming!

What? Four years later, it's just a ridiculous dream to have another son when I return home.

Li forgot to worry, took a breath, put out his hand to wipe the sweat on his forehead, and let Aphra and Perrin help him up from his bed.

How could you have such a damn dream?

As soon as Li forgets to worry about the things in his dream, he can't help shivering.

"Dreams are all opposite, all opposite!" he kept comforting himself in his heart.

If Su Changqing would give him a green hat, even if he crossed it again, Li forgetful would not believe it. But why do you have such nonsense dreams on the night before your wedding?

Li forgot his worries and was puzzled.

Before he could figure out what his inexplicable dream meant, Aphrodite and Perrin had led a group of maidservants and began to busy grooming him.

While Perrin was busy wiping Li's face with a hot towel, she didn't forget to scold her husband.

"Lang Jun, sister Nu and Alfred have been calling you for a long time before they wake you up. Today is a big day for you and sister Changqing. How could you drink so much wine last night? Thanks to the fact that you didn't get married in the evening, otherwise you have to miss the time."

Li forgetful worry was really drunk by Chumo's dandies last night. He would be called up, feel dry mouth and his temples jump.

After secretly cursing Chumo and his bastards, Li forgets to worry and asks, "Peilan, what time is it?"

"It's almost noon. It's quarter past."

Hearing that it was less than eleven o'clock, Li forgetful sorrow was almost ready to go back to sleep.

Datang wedding is not for future generations. You need to go out early in the morning.

It is the custom of the Tang Dynasty to greet relatives at dusk. It's not 11 o'clock yet. Obviously, in Li's opinion, there is still plenty of time.

Peilan hurriedly pulled Li forgetful: "Lang Jun, you can hurry up. The old housekeeper has been in a hurry for a long time. When you go to worship your ancestors."

Li forgot to worry and was speechless. Knowing that pelan was right, he could only get up and let her and her maidservants dress up for him.

According to the rules of the Tang Dynasty, before getting married, we must first worship our ancestors and tell them about the marriage. After the ancestor worship, they set out with the best man to marry the bride.

The ceremony of ancestor worship has always been cumbersome and time-consuming.

After grooming and dressing up, he changed into a brand-new red wedding dress. Li forgetful was helpless to listen to the manipulation of the old housekeeper Li Heng, kneeling and kowtowing, offering incense to his ancestors.

It was not until two or three o'clock in the afternoon that the old housekeeper Li Heng let his husband go.

Until then, the dandies came out of the door lazily yawning. They looked so lazy that Li forgot to worry and his teeth itched again.

Although they had put forward various conditions with Li forget you before, they were only joking with Li forget you.

Li forgets to worry about getting married. They are the best men. If Li forgets worry and dares to find someone else to be the best man, I'm afraid Chumo and others will turn over.

As for going to the western regions to eat sand, although I just learned about it, it was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for the dandies. But after careful consideration, the dandies became eager to try again.

Although Chang'an city is a gentle Town, the dandies are not people who wait for death.

The people of the Tang Dynasty have an obsession with killing the enemy, serving the country and making contributions. It can be seen from the collection of more than 2000 frontier fortress poems in the whole Tang poetry.

Therefore, Chumo and his dandies feel a surge of blood when they think of being able to lead an army and step on the enemy chieftain.

"In the Qin Dynasty, the moon was bright and the Han Dynasty was closed, and the people of the long march had not yet returned. But the flying generals of the dragon city were here and did not teach Hu Ma to ride the Yinshan Mountain."

A song that Li forgot to worry copied from Wang Changling's "going out of the frontier" was recited silently by dandies.

How can they, the legitimate sons of the Duke, not aspire to make contributions?

Chengyin's father's title is nothing but sitting on a mountain and eating nothing.

The system of succession of titles in the Tang Dynasty is that knighthood can be inherited, but the successors are generally one level lower than the original knights.

For example, Du Ruhui, as Duke of Lai, his eldest son Du Gou inherited his title after his death, but he had to be demoted to become a county Duke. That's the truth.

Moreover, as the three brothers of Chumo, only Chumo can inherit the title of Duke of Lu, but Chuliang and Chubi are not qualified.

Most other dandies also have such problems.

Weichi twins, Fang Yiai and Du he are all like this.

Therefore, if dandies want to be knighted, they must earn their own achievements. Under such circumstances, how can the dandies really refuse to eat sand in the western regions?

Therefore, the so-called "revenge" on Li forget worry is just a harmless joke.

After lunch, they were ready to set out to pick up the wedding in Chang'an city.

We need a big banquet for our wedding tonight.

If you take back Dingzhou village, it is inconvenient for many guests to get married today. The wedding was held in the house of Kaihua square in Chang'an city.

Therefore, the team that set out to pick up the wedding was extremely large.

In addition to the dandies who are the best man, the old housekeeper Li Heng also led a group of maidservants, servants, cooks, Leji dancers in the house, and hundreds of people set out to greet their relatives in Chang'an city.

The wedding procession just went out of the house. Li forgot to worry, but suddenly stopped the reins. After greeting the people, he turned the horse's head, took Perrin and Alfred and ran back to his castle.

This makes some of the dandies confused. They don't understand what hysteria this product has