In Chinese history, there was an interesting foreigner.

He was originally a Persian royal family. Later, he married the princess of the Tang Dynasty and sought to restore the country all his life.

The two brothers and sisters of Li Pei and Li Shunxian, the famous poets of Shu before the Five Dynasties, are the descendants of this person, and the blood of the Persian Elan shaher royal family flows in their bodies.

It is said that there are even descendants of this person in later Sichuan.

This man's name is pelus.

Persian elanshahr Dynasty, son of yazdegerd III.

It is recorded in the book of the old Tang Dynasty that when the Arabs invaded Persia, yazdegerd III asked the Tang Dynasty for help several times, but they were all rejected by Li Er.

Finally, the fall of the ERAN Shahr Dynasty was in the hands of the Arabs.

Belus asked Tang for help again. At that time, Li Er had died of illness, and Li Zhi became emperor.

Li Zhi sent a special envoy into Central Asia, established the Persian governor's office, appointed belus as the governor, and later canonized belus as the king of Persia.

However, Persia is too far away from the Tang Dynasty to get the actual support of the Tang Dynasty. The Persian governor's office did not exist for too long.

Under the constant threat of the Arab army, belus could only escape all the way east along the Silk Road and finally reach Chang'an.

The Persian royal blood of the belus finally settled down in the Tang Dynasty.

When reading history books, Li forgot to worry about this period of history. Unfortunately, the Persian governor's office in the Tang Dynasty has no real name. Otherwise, it would be fun to bring that land into the territory of China.

Therefore, after learning the identity of the Persian student, he immediately decided to accept him as a disciple.

Li forgot to worry. He didn't expect that when he was young, he was an international student in Datang. No wonder when Persia faced the threat of Arabs, they would ask Datang for help thousands of miles away.

Just because of the geographical distance, the support given by the Tang Dynasty to the Persians in history can only be limited to verbal and spiritual encouragement.

Even if it is as strong as the Tang Dynasty, it is difficult to reach out so long to interfere in the affairs of Central Asia.

But in today's Tang Dynasty, because of the crossing between Li forgetful and Su Changqing, they may not be unable to intervene.

The Tang cavalry had a horseshoe to protect the horseshoe. The non wartime damage rate was quite low. As a result, the number of Datang iron cavalry is increasing rapidly every year.

Secondly, it is the application of four-wheel carriage.

The carriage changed from two wheels to four wheels, which improved not only the cargo carrying capacity, but also the military logistics supply.

Not to mention the hundred steelworks he made with Yan Liben, which improved the armor and blades of the Tang army.

In short, after Li forgets his worries, it makes no sense that Mongolian cavalry can sweep Europe and Asia hundreds of years later. Today's Datang cavalry can't do it!

Therefore, Li forgot to worry and without hesitation introduced beilusna, but he also had his own small abacus in his heart.

The governor of the Persian house, well, is very suitable for the post of pelus.

Persian Dynasty, let it die with the wind

This is not a pit disciple. After all, the Persian Dynasty was destroyed by Arabs in history. Instead, there is nothing wrong if it is not included in the territory of Datang.

At least, the rule of the Tang Dynasty is not a bad thing for the Persians.

Of course, whether these things can be realized or not is unknown. Li forgetful worry is just preparing for a rainy day.

Naturally, no one knows his thoughts.

Even Su Changqing could not guess what he thought because he did not understand history and did not know about this history.

Li Er and others, of course, could not know that Li forgetful sorrow still had this idea when he accepted the prince of Persia as his disciple.

A few days later, Li Qieyou really held a teacher worship ceremony with great fanfare, and formally incorporated Pylos into the door wall.

The minor disturbance caused by the Japanese envoy to the Tang Dynasty has subsided.

Prussia did not understand why good luck came to him.

In short, he was overjoyed when he unexpectedly worshipped Li forgetful as his teacher. The Japanese were secretly grateful to the originator.

However, it is clear that the Japanese will not accept the "thanks" of Burroughs.

The fact that Li forgot to worry about taking an apprentice in the Jokhang baseball field has given the people in Chang'an another piece of gossip.

In addition to the pit father's lottery, the two questions Li forgot to worry about have been talked about by the people of Chang'an City for a long time.

Time passes like a white horse.

In September of the fourth year of Zhenguan, the Datang Royal Academy became lively again.

In addition to the old students returning to school, after a series of tests and screening, 500 new students were enrolled in the college.

After the opening of the Academy, everything went on orderly and step by step.

Under the arrangement of Xu Jingzong, it was finally time for Li forgetful to teach the "Encyclopedia".

Li Qieyou, a learning scum of later generations, boarded the podium for the first time in his life and began a glorious career as a primary school teacher.

Although these goods are "working without certificates", in the newly-built auditorium of the Academy, thousands of college students are all admiring and seriously staring at Li forgetting to worry on the podium.

Even the newly enrolled students, these six or seven year old Mongolian children, are familiar with Li's name.

They naturally know what it means to teach them in person.

No one knows what "Encyclopedia" is.

Not to mention these Mongolian children, even Xu Jingzong doesn't know what Li forgets to teach.

But no matter what Professor Li's is, this opportunity to listen to Li's teaching is very rare.

After Li forgot to worry about crossing to the Tang Dynasty, although he saw more scenes, he still felt a little uneasy when he stepped onto the podium in the auditorium and looked at the dark crowd below.

It's also a whim. I had a whim and planned to teach in the Academy.

But he never had such experience.

In later generations, Li Qieyou also explained the scheme to customers, but in the conference room, only a dozen people listened to him. Like today, facing thousands of people, Li Qieyou still feels a little pressure.

After learning that Li Qieyou is going to teach today and that he is teaching a course called "Encyclopedia", no one has heard of the course. Today, only the first and second grade students of the college come to attend the course in the auditorium of the college.

Including Xu Jingzong, all the professors and teaching assistants of the Academy poured into the auditorium to prepare for the lecture.

The professors and teaching assistants of these academies worship Li Qieyou very much. Everyone holds pen and ink and has a three good student attitude of carefully listening to lectures and taking notes.

In this regard, Li forget worry also some shame.

In his original plan, even if he did not speak well, it should not be a problem to deceive these six or seven-year-old children.

But now so many employees of the Academy come to his class. If they can't speak well or are heckled, it's a shame.

Li forgot to worry about stabilizing his mind and coughed gently. The huge auditorium became silent and the needle could be heard. Everyone's eyes focused on Li forgot to worry.

"Dear students, the course I want to teach today is called encyclopedia. So, what is encyclopedia?"

"Encyclopedia refers to the general term of knowledge of all disciplines such as astronomy, geography, nature, machinery, medicine and literature."

As soon as Li forgets to worry about this, the students of those academies below don't know what to do, but the Academy professors and teaching assistants who listened to him explain the meaning of Encyclopedia for the first time can't help taking a breath together.

Grandpa, what a big tone