The so-called waterboarding is a torture method that makes the interrogated feel drowned.

The victim will not have obvious physical injury, but the pain he suffers is unbearable.

In later generations, waterboarding has always been recognized as torture. It is a "cruel, inhuman and degrading" interrogation method, which is also prohibited by countries all over the world.

However, the US military and CIA did not officially abolish the trial penalty of waterboarding until 2009 under pressure.

The instruments of water torture are also very simple. The interrogated is tied into a position with his feet higher than his head, cover his face with a wet towel, and then pour water on the towel.

This kind of torture will make the victim feel suffocated and drowned, which is very cruel.

Li forgot to worry and said that he couldn't bear to see those colleagues tortured. In fact, the goods didn't want to see the bloody scene at all.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with punishing these colleagues.

After all, if these bureaucrats had conquered Jiulong County, they would not have been soft hearted and let go of the people in the city, him and Su Changqing.

Li forgot to worry and ordered people to drag out a staff member from the prison and prepare to give him waterboarding.

The officer was very strong. He was cut off by two yamen servants, but he still struggled. He looked ferocious and cursed.

Li forgets worry, even if he doesn't understand Liao language, he knows that there is nothing good in this population.

After telling the Yamen to tie up the staff, Li forgets to worry and orders someone to get towels and buckets, ready to put the staff to death.

However, Dugu Fenghe and the other yamen servants did not agree with Li Qieyou's "cruel" waterboarding.

Before, Li forgot to worry and ordered them to put the staff in the coffin. The people didn't understand what he meant. At this point, make complaints about the so-called "torture devices" prepared by people who are worried about their lives, are just a bucket of water, and a towel makes them silently Tucao in their hearts. Li Wangyou is the founder of the county, and is totally fooling around.

Several yamen servants who tortured prisoners in prison all year round looked at each other and saw a smile from each other's eyes.

Obviously, they all feel that Li's so-called "interrogation" is just a child's family.

Such a painless bucket of cold water, it is impossible to expect these tough colleagues to confess.

Of course, they did not dare to say these words in front of Li Lianyou, nor did they dare to show any difference in his face.

Anyway, Li forget worry is a great God who can't provoke anyone. Let him be happy.

Therefore, even though the Yamen servants disapproved, they were still very happy and prepared to torture the colleague according to Li forgetful's instructions.

After tying the tie on his head and feet, he covered his face with a towel. Then several yamen servants happily lifted the bucket and slowly poured it on his face.

Originally, I wanted to come to the Yamen. What's the difference between such punishment and washing the face of the staff?

But they didn't expect that when a bucket of water poured less than half, the staff fixed on the table suddenly struggled violently, which seemed very uncomfortable.

Even a sharp eyed yamen noticed that the staff member's pants were wet and a smelly smell came... The staff member was incontinent!

Several yamen guards suddenly became dull.

They are all old hands in torturing prisoners in prison for a long time. They know that it is not easy to beat those prisoners to incontinence.

Moreover, these staff members are notoriously hard bones. In the past, it was hard to torture them.

Don't think you won't be tired if you hit someone.

But has this staff seen a ghost now?

Only half a bucket of water poured on his face. He couldn't help struggling with pain and even incontinence.

Is this punishment really so terrible?

Li forgets worry, that is, he doesn't know what these yamen soldiers think, otherwise he will laugh.

Waterboarding seems insignificant, but it's actually quite painful.

He has seen a piece of information on military forums of later generations. CIA officials have revealed that the torture efficiency of water torture is quite high.

Those interrogated by water torture will confess. As for the remaining 20%, they are not heroes who would rather die than surrender, but tortured to death because they were tortured alive.

Perhaps the only ones who can really survive the torture of waterboarding are those who have the aura of the protagonist in Hollywood movies.

The reason why waterboarding is cruel is that it is unable to breathe during the process, which leads to the interrogated subconsciously opening his mouth and swallowing with force, resulting in a large amount of water being sucked into the stomach, lungs and trachea.

This will make the interrogated vomit and cough in the water, incontinence of urine and urine, full of unspeakable pain and tortured life and death.

According to the information disclosed by CIA officials, when ordinary people are subjected to waterboarding, they will confess within 16 seconds to two minutes, which is very efficient.

The Yamen in Jiulong County didn't understand these things, and Dugu Feng didn't understand them either.

People looked at the staff in great pain, but they didn't understand why.

"All right, water it again and be careful to drown him. Stop. Dugu Mingfu, please ask him. Is he willing to cooperate now?" Li forgets worry. Seeing that the Yamen are still pouring water on the faces of the staff, he quickly said to stop.

Dugu Feng was stunned and nodded quickly.

"Ah? Yes, yes, I'll ask now."

The Yamen servants quickly put down the bucket and opened the wet towel covering the Liao's face.

By this time, the officer could finally breathe.

He opened his mouth and greedily breathed the fresh air in the prison. At the same time, he coughed violently, making his face full of snot and tears.

Dugu Feng waited for the colleague's cough to subside a little, and asked him in Liao language.

The previous tough colleagues are not normal at this time. They not only dare not show any cruel expression, but are clever and poor like a lamb to be slaughtered.

What Dugu Feng asked, he answered honestly, and made all the Yamen servants nearby look silly.

Those old officials in the prison now know that they and others have eyes and don't know Taishan. They thought Li forgetful worry was a way of torture, but they opened their eyes.

Compared with such efficient and easy means of torture, the methods they used originally were really weak.

This is called torture, and this is called an expert.

If it weren't for these yamen servants, the identity gap between them and Li forget you was too big. These torture veterans in the county yamen all wanted to kneel down and kowtow to Li forget you and learn some such magical torture methods.

Without mentioning how shocked the Yamen servants were, Dugu Feng asked the officer for a long time, and shook his head at Li forgetful.

"My Lord, the officer asked this man. He didn't know why their tribe came to besiege the county. He only explained that the tribal leader promised them that after Jiulong County was conquered, the property and women in the county would be plundered by them at will."

The answer did not surprise Li.

He nodded and ordered the Yamen to put down the staff member and catch another staff member again