After hearing Cheng Yaojin's words, Li forget you and the dandies could not help but see a pile of black lines on their foreheads.

Nima, no wonder you haven't seen Cheng Yaojin come to the hospital before. It turns out that the old rogue directly led the troops to Honglu temple to take down the murderer and avenge Cheng Chumo.

No wonder Li Er scolded her. Even though Koguryo and Datang may not be so friendly, anyway, Koguryo's mission is also a foreign minister. If Cheng Yaojin directly led his troops into Honglu temple and took people away, would the face of the chaotang be better?

What's more, Li Er has also received a detailed report from Baiqi company, which is clear about Chumo's injury.

What else can Li Er say besides lamenting Chumo's bad luck?

It's a strange story that an arrow can be blocked by someone and then fly back to stab yourself.

In Li Er's opinion, although he was uncomfortable, he couldn't ignore it. He had to scold Cheng Yaojin and drive him away.

Fortunately, Chumo was saved by Li forgetful. After the news reached the outside of Honglu temple, all the people, including Li Er, breathed a sigh.

Otherwise, according to Cheng Yaojin's temperament, if the eldest son really dies, I'm afraid he doesn't care so much. He will directly rush into Honglu temple and cut off the head of the Koguryo envoy first.

What else can Li Er do then?

Can Cheng Yaojin be allowed to accompany the envoy of Koguryo?

Li forgets to worry about it. It seems a little tricky to avenge Chumo. It's hard to put it on the table. After all, it's just an accident.

He and the dandies know that Chumo shot the arrow at the crown of the Japanese envoy, but others don't know. Even in the eyes of all the officials in the court, Chumo wants to hurt others. He is blocked by the envoy of Koguryo. Instead, he has an accident and hurt himself.

In this case, the envoys of Koguryo should be punished. Where should the face of the chaotang be placed? Li Er doesn't want Khan's face this day?

Li forgot to worry and asked, "Uncle Cheng, did you find out who hurt Chumo? I'm afraid it's difficult for the saint to order to condemn him. I can only go down to find trouble with that man privately."

Cheng Yaojin nodded: "although the Koguryo mission shrank in Honglu temple and didn't dare to come out, I asked the Secretary of Honglu temple to find out. The boy who hurt Chumo, named yuan Gaisu Wen, was Koguryo's deputy envoy. His father Yuan Taizuo was Koguryo's eastern adult. He was very angry with Lu. He had some trouble with this boy."

Yuangai Suwen?

It's him!

Hearing the speech, Li forgot to worry and couldn't help shrinking his pupils.

The name is too familiar!

Koguryo's powerful officials and famous generals! Yuangai Suwen, who later brutally killed the king of Koguryo and usurped the power of Koguryo. More importantly, when Li Er conquered Koguryo more than ten years later, he was resisted by the leader, which made Li Er lose his halberd in Liaodong.

Li forgets worry, squinting his eyes and remembering in his mind that yuangai Suwen should be only 26 years old after three years of Zhenguan.

His father Yuan Taizuo was Koguryo's great enemy Lu, that is, Koguryo's prime minister. He was in charge of Koguryo's military and political power, and his power was in Koguryo for a while.

After yuantaizuo died, it was yuangai Suwen who took over his father's position.

In the 16th year of Zhenguan, King rongliu of Koguryo wanted to kill yuangai Suwen, but he was directly seduced and killed by yuangai Suwen. Then he supported king rongliu's nephew gaozang as a puppet king. He took over the power of his own Regency, and the military power and national politics were dominated by yuangai Suwen.

Although yuangai Suwen became Cao Cao, he is indeed a generation of heroes.

During his usurpation, the Tang Dynasty has been unable to annex Koguryo. It was not until the death of yuangai Suwen in the first year of Qianfeng that the Tang Dynasty finally destroyed Koguryo after the civil strife of his three sons.

Looking back on yuangai Suwen's life, Li forgot his worries and couldn't help thinking that since yuangai Suwen came to Chang'an, should he find a way to get rid of him in advance?

In history, the record of Li Erzheng's attack on Koguryo is not very clear. Unofficial history even said that Li Er died at the age of 50 because he was injured and hurt his eyes during the expedition against Koguryo.

The truth of this matter is unknown, but the failure of the expedition to Liaodong is also the failure of Li Er, the eternal emperor, in his life.

Although Li Zhi killed Koguryo and avenged Li Er, would history be different if Li Er could conquer Koguryo?

Li Qieyou is a staunch Chinese nationalist. From the bottom of his heart, he believes that the countries of Koguryo have been Chinese land since ancient times and should naturally be conquered and ruled by the Tang Dynasty.

If we can kill yuangai Suwen in advance, it must be much smoother to invade Koguryo in the future. In the 19th year of Zhenguan, Li Er was able to succeed in the first World War and bring Liaodong into the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

Another reason why Li forgets to worry about Koguryo is that the Koguryo Bangzi of later generations actually keeps saying that Koguryo is a country established in the history of Bangzi.

Koguryo and Koryo, although there is only one word difference, in fact, there is no relationship at all, but Koguryo once ruled the Korean Peninsula.

Later generations of Bangzi stubbornly believed that Koguryo was an integral part of their history, which naturally made Li forget his worries. Including yuangai Suwen, who was originally a national hero by Bangzi and also shot a TV play.

What's more, Li Lianyou is a black man who protects his weaknesses and is careful. He doesn't care whether yuangai Suwen deliberately injured Chumo. He doesn't care about it. Naturally, he wants to help Chumo out.

There are many reasons for dissatisfaction, which naturally makes Li forget his worries and kill his heart. He wants to kill yuangai Suwen, an owl, directly in his youth and in Chang'an city.

But he thought so, but it was not easy to do.

Anyway, yuangai Suwen is now an envoy of Koguryo. He can't instigate Cheng Yaojin to cut him down. If so, Koguryo and Datang will have to fight immediately.

But it seems more difficult to kill yuangai Suwen.

Li forgot to worry for a long time, but he didn't think of any way. He couldn't help getting angry. He can't run to Taiji palace and say to Li Er, uncle, this person will be your great enemy in the future. Kill him quickly.

It's strange that Li Er doesn't treat him as a fool.

Ten thousand steps back, even if Li Er believed him, how could he justify and kill a deputy envoy of the Koguryo mission? It's impossible.

Li forgets to worry and even thinks about whether to let Niu Yong and Niu Wu take the Ministry of the government and find a way to assassinate yuangai Suwen in Chang'an city.

The idea is tempting, but it seems unrealistic.

After all, yuangai Suwen died in Datang and Chang'an. There is no way to explain this. Koguryo may not give up. After all, yuangai Suwen is not an ordinary person. His father is a big opponent of Koguryo's military and government.

Unable to figure out a way for the time being, Li forgets worry and is ready to let go first. Anyway, the Koguryo mission will stay in Chang'an for a few months, so he can slowly figure out how to kill yuangai Suwen.

"Uncle Cheng, it's really difficult to do this. Please let me think about it for a while."

Cheng Yaojin nodded. After he knew the identity of yuangai Suwen, he also felt that the matter was difficult, so he didn't force Li forget you to come up with a solution immediately.

Chumo stays in Peking Union Medical College Hospital to recover from his injury. Li forgets to worry about giving Chumo a lot of blood today. He feels a little tired, so he leaves and goes back to the house to have a rest.

Today's event soon spread all over Chang'an City, and Li forgets worry again