It is also an evil taste of Li forgetful to see the embarrassed appearance of people who have never drunk spirits for the first time.

And Bai Mo satisfied his evil taste very well... Habitually looked up and poured a whole bowl of wine into his mouth. Then there is an uncontrollable severe cough.

Bai Mo Peng's face turned red and coughed constantly. It was obvious that he was caught off guard when he tasted such strong wine for the first time, and almost sprayed the wine out of his mouth.

After half a ring, Bai Mo took a long breath of wine: "what a strong wine, good wine! I've drunk such a strong wine for the first time! I dare ask Huxian Bo, what's the name of this wine? Why did someone come to Chang'an city but never taste it?"

"Ha ha, this wine is called shaodaozi, which means that when you drink it, it is as strong as a hot knife. Lao Bai, it's normal that you haven't drunk this wine. This shaodaozi wine has been sold in Chang'an City for only half a year. How do you think this wine will be popular if it is sold to the western regions?" Li forgot to worry and laughed.

Bai Mo Peng's eyes brightened: "that's nature! Huxian uncle doesn't know. The western regions are the most bitter in winter. If there are such spirits, I'm afraid they will be robbed crazy. If they can be sold to various countries in the western regions, they will earn at least 100 times the income. But I don't know where to sell this Sabre burning wine. What's the price?"

Li forgot to worry and pointed to himself with a smile: "in the whole Tang Dynasty, I only have shaodaozi wine. This is the wine I brewed. Lao Bai, if you want to sell this wine, you naturally need to find me, ha ha."

In fact, since shaodaozi wine was sold in Chang'an City, merchants with unique vision began to sell it to the western regions. It's just that the number is not large and can't form a scale effect.

The output of this wine can't go up. It's even difficult to meet many drunkards in Chang'an City, let alone "export".

Li forget worry, this is also a rainy day. Considering that the output of shaodaozi liquor is bound to increase significantly, it is natural to find a good market in advance. Moreover, he did not intend to simply sell these drinks to Hu merchants in Chang'an city. Such profits could not satisfy Li forgetful.

I ran into Bai Mo Peng today. The reason why I invited him to drink is that he is interesting and has eyes. Secondly, I want to try his new ideas.

"Huxian uncle, I'd like to buy some shaodaozi wine and sell it to the western regions this time. Would you mind?" Bai Mo asked.

"It's not urgent. Let me ask you something first."

Li Qieyou dipped his finger in some wine and drew a schematic diagram on several cases: "Lao Bai, look, if this is Chang'an, there are official roads going west to Shazhou Dunhuang County, Longyou Road, Datang, right?"

Bai Mo Peng didn't quite understand what Li forgot. He just nodded and approved.

"Your caravans in the western regions usually repair in Dunhuang County, then enter the desert, and then travel westward in three directions: North Road, middle road and South Road to different countries in the western regions. Is that right?"

"That's right." Bai Mo continued to nod.

Li forgot to worry and said with a smile, "it's a long way from Chang'an city to Dunhuang county. It's about 4000 miles. Lao Bai, I ask you, if you can buy enough goods in Dunhuang County, but the price is five or six times higher than that in Chang'an City, would you like to? Of course, the goods from the western regions you trafficked can also be sold in Dunhuang County, and the price will satisfy you."

His words immediately made Bai Mo Peng's eyes wide with excitement: "Huxianbo, how could this be possible? Is this really true? If so, we will naturally be willing. Even if we trade in Dunhuang County, the profit will be reduced a little, but the journey will be shortened by half. If so, we could only go back and forth once a year, but we can go back and forth twice from Dunhuang county. On the contrary, the income has increased a lot."

Li Qieyou nodded: "I think so too. I still need to play the sage to see if it is feasible. However, I think it is beneficial to chaotang, merchants and trade. Why not?"

"Huxian uncle, if this can be done, we merchants will be very grateful!" Bai Mo stood up and bowed respectfully to Li forgetful.

In this regard, Li Qieyou just smiled and waved his hand. This matter is only one of his ideas. Whether it can be implemented depends on how Li Er and the leaders in the court treat it.

What he said to Bai Mo Peng was not a whim, but had been considered for a long time.

Nowadays, there are four-wheel carriages in the Tang Dynasty. It is not difficult to transport goods from Chang'an to Dunhuang county. There are official roads to pass all the way. After all, the four-wheel carriages are the camel and horse teams of the western regions caravans, and their transportation capacity is very different.

A four-wheel carriage can carry a weight of two thousand kilograms and travel two hundred miles a day. A camel can carry only four hundred kilograms and travel less than one hundred miles a day.

Of course, camels are also useful for camels.

From Dunhuang county to the west, there are all deserts and Gobi, and the four-wheel carriage is of no use at all. That's why Li forget you proposed to transport the goods to Dunhuang County for trading.

The benefits of moving the Foreign Trade Center originally located in Chang'an and Luoyang to Dunhuang county are self-evident.

First, chaotang can make a lot of money.

Four wheeled carriages transport goods at a low cost. Even if it is calculated according to the daily copper cost of each carriage, a round trip to Dunhuang County for 40 or 50 days will only cost 40 or 50 copper coins.

But even taking the high burning knife as an example, the price of fighting wine in Chang'an city is ten thousand, that is, ten Guan. And shipped to Dunhuang county and sold 50 Guan, that is the price difference of 40 Guan. However, a four-wheel carriage can transport nearly a hundred barrels of wine and water, and its benefits can be imagined.

Moreover, the carriage can also transport goods on the return trip, which is a huge profit.

As long as the official camp of chaotang monopolizes the transportation channel of four-wheel carriage, the profit that can be earned from it every year is so huge that Li forgets his worries.

Another advantage is to transfer the foreign trade center from Chang'an city to Dunhuang county. Through the fetter of huge interests, Li Er and the leader of the chaotang hall can put their eyes and strength into it.

Once Dunhuang County prospers due to trade, the Tang Dynasty must invest huge military forces to firmly control the western regions, so as to continue to increase the development of the silk road.

Li Qieyou felt that the Tang Dynasty should not be as closed as the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Only by communicating with countries in the western regions and even more distant European countries can the Chinese civilization absorb more nutrition and thrive.

With today's scientific and technological conditions, it is unrealistic to trade by sea, so the Silk Road on the road should make good use of development.

Li forgot to worry that he didn't notice that without advice, the longer he integrated into Datang, his ideas were changing imperceptibly.

Small landlords who originally only wanted to be a beautiful wife and concubines, thousands of fertile fields, countless cattle, horses, pigs and sheep, and a cloud of maidservants and servants are now unconsciously wondering how to benefit the Tang Dynasty and the people

After asking Bai Mo Peng about his attitude towards the matter, Li forgets worry and is more confident to persuade Li Er.

He and Bai Mo Peng drank and talked until the evening drum sounded, and Li forgot to worry and left Bai Mo Peng's contact information before they dispersed.

When it was not early, Li forget worry and her beautiful boss were too lazy to go back to Dingzhou village and still lived in the residence of huihuafang.

However, early the next morning, the door of Li's house was knocked. The palace attendants came to Tongbing. The sage called Huxian Bo into the Tai Chi palace, and he was impeached again