Seeing that Ma Zhou still hesitated, Li forgot to worry and persuaded him again.

"Binwang, life is like a multiple-choice question, which can't be avoided. You and I have to make a choice. I'll give you four words, the unity of knowledge and practice!"

Li forgot to worry about ignoring the white eyes again thrown by the beautiful boss and impolitely plagiarized the essence of Wang Yangming's mind theory.

"The unity of knowledge and action? How does the teacher explain this?" Ma Zhou asked.

In fact, Li forgot to worry about Wang Yangming's psychology, but he only knew a superficial and half understood it.

But this did not affect his use of "unity of knowledge and practice" to deceive Ma Zhou.

Li forgot his worries and coughed lightly, and opened the forced mode: "knowledge is conscience and knowledge; behavior practice. There is action in knowledge and knowledge in action. Determination, diligence, correction and responsibility are good. The unity of internal knowledge and action is the unity of knowledge and action. Bin Wang, you can be an official, and learning for application is the right way."

Although Li forgot his worries and couldn't tell the true essence of Wang Yangming's "unity of knowledge and practice", these two words were enlightening and stunned everyone present.

Cheng Yaojin and Qin Qiong, the founding fathers of the country, don't think much about it, but Chang sun Wuji, Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui are distracted by what Li forgets to teach Ma Zhou.

"Do you have a detailed explanation of the unity of knowledge and practice?" asked the eldest sun Wuji.

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui also turned their inquiry eyes to Li forget you, which made Li forget you a little wax. Where did he know how to explain the "unity of knowledge and practice"?

Wang Yangming's mind learning, he remembers the unity of knowledge and practice, and the essence is what he, a student majoring in e-commerce, understands.

His eyes turned, and Li forgot to worry about the big flicker mode.

He doesn't understand Wang Yangming's psychology, but he doesn't drink less Chicken Soup for later generations.

"Duke of Qi, in my opinion, it's easier to know than to do. What you can think of may not be able to do; what you know may not be able to practice. Some roads go with your feet. Some roads need to go with your heart. It's often not thorns and stones that trip your feet, but your heart. Being able to keep your words and deeds consistent, be one in your appearance and one in your interior and one in your exterior is the unity of knowledge and practice!"

Come on, dry this bowl of chicken soup, and life will be cool to the end!

Li's soul chicken soup class is a rotten street in later generations. Even the beautiful boss can only turn his eyes when he hears it.

But in the Tang Dynasty 1300 years ago, his words were a thought-provoking warning to everyone.

Ma Zhou murmured for a long time. Like being enlightened, he gave a big gift to Li forgetful: "Sir, students understand that the unity of knowledge and practice is the combination of learning and practice."

He bowed to Li Er again: "Your Majesty, I'm willing to be an official. Please forgive me for my rudeness."

Li Er laughed and stood up: "what a combination of knowledge and practice, Ziyou. You really have great reincarnation. With such knowledge, it's a waste to stay in Dingzhou village. How about you go out with your disciple?"


Li Qieyou suddenly felt that he was forced to overdo it. He felt a little like lifting a stone and hitting his feet?

If he wants to be an official, will he have to wait until now?

Compared with the happy, free and beautiful life of small landlords, what officials do ghosts want to be!

Although the beautiful boss was bullied by the dandy Zheng in Xingyang, he also had a desire for power in his heart.

However, after a few days of comfortable life, Li forgot his worries and put that idea behind him.

What's more, he is now knighted!

Although he is only the last man in Kaiguo County, he is also an aristocrat in the Tang Dynasty. With this identity, how can the Zheng family in Xingyang and the Wang family in Taiyuan take him?

Therefore, Li forgets worry. Naturally, he doesn't want to be an official. In his opinion, it's a waste of life!

As soon as Li Er's golden mouth opens, he can't refuse abruptly, otherwise he's beating himself in the face. He just said that Ma Zhou should integrate knowledge and practice, and push three obstacles and four obstacles when it's his turn. That's too bad for Li Er's face.

Li Qieyou was so embarrassed that he touched his nose that he could only move Li Zhou out again.

"Uncle, my adult died soon. I have to cut off his decline for two years. I'd better wait two years before he becomes an official."

This is a bad excuse. Datang governs the world with filial piety. Li forget worry said he would keep filial piety for Li Zhou for three years, which naturally left Li Er speechless.

Li Er glared at him fiercely: "if you are decapitated, you can stay here in Dingzhou village and drink flower wine with Chumo. Is it filial piety for your family? You can also help the Sumerian make a sacred flame. If you dare to make such mischief in the future, I'll clean you up for your family first!"

Li forgot to worry and was stunned at the speech. Li Er knew that he and the dandies went to Hu people's wine shop and pingkang square to drink flower wine.

He didn't know that with such a powerful intelligence agency as Baiqi division, few things in Chang'an city could hide from Li Er.

Not to mention that he and the dandies made such a big move in the Yi Temple of Liquan square, which had already been notified to Li Er by the Baiqi division.

Li Er naturally doesn't believe in the sun flame. He knows that it must be Li forgetful. This boy uses the science of grid things to make a trick.

Even including the conflict between Wang ziqiao, the legitimate son of the Wang family in Taiyuan, and Li forget you, it is clear that Li Er lives in the Tai Chi palace.

Li Er heard that Long Yan was happy that Li forgetting worry could make Wang ziqiao and other legitimate sons of the aristocratic family eat flat. He felt that the boy's practice was very in line with his heart.

So his reprimand was actually more concerned.

Li forgets worry and naturally doesn't know this. For Li Er's reprimand, he can only hold his nose and give advice.

Ma Zhou's life path is the same as that of his previous life. Although he became an official a few years earlier, he is generally the same as that in history. He is appreciated by Li Er as an imperial historian and a doctor of chaosan.

Shi Yushi is an official of the imperial Taiwan of the Tang Dynasty.

Under the censor's platform, there are platform courtyard, palace courtyard and inspection courtyard.

Ma Zhou's job is to join the Taiwan Court. There are six officials in the Taiwan Court, who are in charge of picketing hundreds of officials and impeaching lawlessness; The court tried the cases ordered by the emperor, and divided the court into a direct court with the giver of the province under the door and the Zhongshu Sheriff of the Zhongshu province to accept grievances, known as the "small third division".

Among all the imperial officials, the position of the imperial officials is the highest and the power is the heaviest.

When Ma Zhou just became an official, he started as an imperial historian under the six grades. It can be said that he started very high. Even Yang Zui's open-minded temperament can't help but taste something in his heart.

However, the official promotion system of the Tang Dynasty is indeed not as perfect as that of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It is not surprising that even white officials like Ma Zhou may be directly awarded to senior officials.

Even in the Song Dynasty, it was the same. That's why there was a saying that "in the morning, it was Tian Shirang, and in the evening, it ascended the emperor's hall".

After they congratulated Ma Zhou, Li Ercai said to Xuanling, "Xuanling, Ziyou's residence should also be rebuilt. This is not the specification of the man's residence in Kaiguo county. Go back and find the work department to arrange it."

what? To rebuild your house? Is there such a good thing?