When Aphrodite had given up her desire to survive, several water columns fell from the sky and poured on her and Li forgetful body.

The two people who had been burned by the fire were finally alive after being poured with cold water.

Li forgot to worry because he was drunk and couldn't wake up. Stimulated by the cold water, he finally woke up.

Vaguely opened his eyes and saw Aphrodite's face full of black and gray, but still attractive. At this time, Aphrodite was still lying on Li forgetful's body, and the two held tightly together.

"Fa, what happened?" Li forgot to worry. His throat was hoarse and painful like fire.

Aphrodite's face was dripping with water, and she didn't know whether it was watered by the water, or she cried with joy: "it's on fire, you, you haven't woken up, I want to drag you to run..."

Li forgets to worry, and then quickly struggles to sit up with a splitting headache. Looking up, the original exquisite backyard of Hu people's wine shop has been swallowed up by fire.

However, at this time, there was a continuous jet of water in the sky, and streams of water began to suppress the burning houses, and the fire was soon brought under control.

Li Qieyou noticed that not far behind them, many people were holding many thick bamboo tubes to put out the fire, and the water column was sprayed from those bamboo tubes.

Water bag!

He immediately remembered what these bamboo tubes were. They were Datang's fire-fighting tools and water bags.

According to the general code, "if the enemy set fire to the battlements of the building, use thick bamboo to grow a foot long, remove the festival, use raw thin skin to sew as a bag, store three or four stones of water, put the barrel in the bag and tie it like a splashing barrel... Make three or five strong men gather the water mouth and hurry to fight the fire".

It means to make a leather bag from animal skin and connect it with a Zhang long bamboo tube.

When the fire needs to be put out, fill the bag with water from three or four stones and squeeze the bag manually. Under the action of pressure, water can be ejected from the bamboo tube, which is the same as the later fire hydrants.

In Chang'an City, Wuhou shop in each square city has the responsibility of fire fighting.

After the fire broke out in the backyard of the Hu people's wine shop, it was Wuhou shop in the west city who quickly put out the sudden fire with water bags and other fire-fighting tools.

Finally, due to the rapid arrival of Wuhou shop, the fire did not spread. It only burned down six or seven restaurants in the backyard of Hu people's wine shop, and the loss was not too heavy.

Until then, the same group of drunken dandies came to look for Li forgetful.

It's not that these dandies are afraid of death and don't show loyalty. In fact, they are no better than Li forgetting worry. They are all awakened by the fire after being drunk and pulled Hu Ji out in panic.

At that time, the scene was too chaotic. With smoke everywhere, there was no way to confirm who ran out and who didn't.

Until the fire was under control, a group of dandies gathered together. Only then did they find that the Li Xiaolang was missing and hurriedly ran into the fire to find someone.

Seeing that Li forgets worry and is safe, they still hold the ugly Hu Ji in their arms. They all put down their hanging heart.

A group of top dandies in the Tang Dynasty usually wear bright clothes and angry horses.

At the moment, people are not only full of smoke and dust, but also black marks on their faces and hands. The clothes on his body were not dressed neatly, and they were dirty, and many holes were burned by Mars.

A group of dandies, looking at each other, couldn't help pointing to each other's embarrassed appearance and laughing.

Li forgot to worry and asked hoarsely, "brothers, what's the matter? Why did you get out of the water?"

When he mentioned it, a group of dandies also looked angry.

I finally invited Li Xiaolang to come to the Hu people's wine shop. It's damned that such a thing happened!

Chumo roared, "where's the shopkeeper? Get out of here!"

With his violent drinking, the Hu shopkeeper ran out of the crowd in fear and bowed to them again and again: "little Grandpa, I beg your pardon. I really don't know why this good man went into the water."

Among the princes of Xishi who came to put out the fire, an official wearing eight grade military general clothes came forward to salute the dandies: "some is the brigade commander of the Wuhou shop of Xishi. I've seen your little princes."

Wuhou shop in Chang'an city of Tang Dynasty has both public security and fire control functions, similar to the collection of film police, urban management and fire control in later generations.

There are 100 people at the gate of wuhoupu and 30 people at Dafang; There are 20 people in the small town gate and 5 people in the small workshop, which are under the jurisdiction of Zuo Yi's house under Zuo Jin Wu.

The East and West cities are special cases, with the same establishment as the big city gate, with 100 Wuhou. Because of the large number of people, the sudden fire was put out quickly.

Under the military system of the Tang Dynasty, there are one brigade commander for every 100 people. Each brigade governs two teams, each team has 50 people, and the team has a team leader. Each team is divided into five fire, ten fire people, and the fire is long.

The supervisors of Wuhou shops in the East and West cities are all lvshuai and military attach é s from the eighth grade.

Chumo glared at him, "don't talk nonsense. Tell me, why did this good man leave the water today? Have you found out?"

Lu Shuai took a careful look at the dandies and the hu man shopkeeper of the wine shop standing aside. He hesitated and didn't speak.

Wei Chi Baolin was impatient and shouted at him, "what are you doing? If you have something to say, why did you go into the water? Did someone deliberately set fire?"

When Lu Shuai was forced, he could only point to the restaurant that was burned beyond recognition: "go back to several young gentlemen. According to the judgment of a certain, it should not be someone setting fire, but..."

"But what?"

"It was an accident that someone accidentally knocked over the candlestick and caused the water to escape." Lu Shuai said and glanced at several dandies with strange faces.

Wei Chi Baolin didn't know it and was ready to open her mouth to hear the news, but she was secretly pulled by his twin brothers.

In addition to the silly goods, several other dandies understood most of them after listening to the words of Wuhou lvshuai and looking at the fire.

It seems that all the burned restaurants in TEMAO are inhabited by their dandies. If the fire is caused by accidentally overturning the candlestick, it means that the culprit of the fire is among them.

This is funny. Several people began to look at each other to find out which bastard set fire to the house?

The Hu shopkeeper naturally heard the voice over of Wuhou lvshuai and looked at the dandies with a bitter face, which looked like dead parents.

"You can't live without your money!" Niu Zhengping, whose legs and feet are inconvenient, roared at the Hu shopkeeper.

Niu Zhengping also held his breath. Is it easy for me to escape with a limp? Which bastard is it? If you find out, you must beat him up.

Wei Shuyu pulled the brigade commander aside and asked in a low voice which restaurant was the first to catch fire. After the brigade commander secretly pointed it out to him, Wei Shuyu was so angry that his face turned red and glared at Chai Lingwu.

Yes, the first restaurant to catch fire was Chai Lingwu's asshole's room. There is no doubt that the fire was caused by the goods.

A group of people, including Li Lianyou, all turned their eyes to Chai Lingwu. Fang Yiai suddenly shouted, "beat him! Let him set the house on fire!"

All the dandies rushed up without hesitation. A group of people rushed up and ravaged Chai Lingwu with their heads on the ground