Ma Zhou was surprised by Li's exclamation.

He looked puzzled: "Xiao Lang knows me? I don't know what to call Xiao Lang?"

Li forgets to worry and is dumb. He thinks that I naturally know you, but I know you in later history books.

It's a coincidence that I can meet Ma Zhou at this post station. This famous person of the Tang Dynasty saw another "living" today.

Ma Zhou was a legend during the Zhenguan period of the Tang Dynasty. He became an orphan when he was young and his family was poor. But Ma Zhou is a genius. He once served as a teaching assistant in Bozhou after his success.

However, because of poverty and frustration, the goods were unruly and drank all day. Finally, they simply resigned and ran to Chang'an to live in Zhonglang Jianghe's home.

In the fifth year of Zhenguan, Li Er ordered hundreds of officials to write to discuss the gains and losses of the imperial government. Ma Zhou's letter was appreciated by Li Er and became an official in the imperial court. Later, Ma Zhou was promoted all the way and finally sat in the position of Prime Minister of Datang. It must be admitted that he was a big bull.

Li Qieyou didn't know how to answer Ma Zhou's words, so he quickly changed the topic: "brother Binwang hasn't had dinner yet? Niu Wu, get our dry food and let brother Binwang cushion his stomach."

Niu Wu promised, so he went to get dry food and brought Ma Zhou a bowl of water for dinner.

Ma Zhou smiled. He was very embarrassed. He was trying to refuse, but he heard a thundering voice from his stomach, which made him even more embarrassed.

Li forgot to worry, smiled, stuffed the dry food into his hand, sat beside him and talked.

"Brother Binwang, I'm Huxian Li forgetful. This time, I'm transferring official grain to Yinzhou in spring." Li forgetful first introduced himself.

"Ziyou, thank you." Ma Zhou also saluted again.

"Brother Binwang, where are you going?" Li forgets to worry about the time. Ma Zhou should still be staying at the home of Zhonglang General Chang He. How did he get to this post station?

Ma Zhou said with a smile, "I went to Yanzhou to visit a friend. I was eager to get on the road and almost missed the post station."

Yanzhou is the Yan'an of later generations. On the way from Chang'an to Yinzhou, it is in the same direction as Li Lianyou.

Li forgot to worry about looking at the old donkey tied by Ma Zhou in the barn and couldn't help laughing: "brother Binwang, your old donkey is not as fast as anyone. There are more than 200 miles to Yanzhou. How long will it take you to ride it?"

Ma Zhou also blushed when he heard the speech.

Since he quit his teaching assistant job in Bozhou, he has been living in Chang He's home. Although you can live comfortably, you also depend on others. When you are a doorman, how much money do you have.

He borrowed the old donkey. Although it's slow, it's better than walking.

"Let Ziyou laugh." Ma Zhou smiled.

Li Qieyou looked at Ma Zhou, who was down in front of him, but he had a small abacus in his heart. I'm so lucky that I can meet Ma Zhou by chance at this time. Naturally, I want to have a good relationship with him.

Why not make friends with the future Prime Minister of Zhenguan of the Tang Dynasty.

Even Li forgets to worry about it in his heart. Looking at Ma Zhou now, it is obvious that he will not be reused in Zhonglang Changhe's house.

Is it possible to turn him to Dingzhou village first?

After the locust plague, he and Su Changqing planned a lot of industries in their minds, but there were only so many people in their own family. They were short of manpower.

Neither the two brothers Niu Yong and Niu Wu, nor the old housekeepers Li Heng and Peilan, are capable of taking charge of their own affairs, let alone the four maidservants sent by their enemies.

It would be beautiful to turn the future Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty, Ma Zhou, to himself!

Whether it is Datang or the 21st century, what is the most precious? Talent!

Ma Zhou is such a talent!

The more he thought about it, the more feasible he felt. However, Li forgot to worry, but he didn't think he would exude any bastard spirit, which could make Ma Zhou fall in awe.

Even the Niu brothers, because they saved Niu Yong's life, let them have the heart to repay their kindness.

Li Qieyou showed eight white teeth and a bright smile: "brother Binwang, since you and I are destined, it's better to foster this old donkey in the post station. Take our carriage. Our carriage is fast and can send you to Yanzhou tomorrow."

"This......" Ma Zhou hesitated.

His old donkey was very slow. He came out of Chang'an and walked all the way to the post station. It was 300 miles away, but he had been living and sleeping on the road for three or four days. If you can really take a ride, Ma Zhou is naturally happy.

But he and Li Qieyou were strangers. At this time, everyone just met by chance. How can he be so brazen to take a ride?

"Brother Binwang, I can also ask you for your poems and songs along the way. Don't refuse." Li forgetful added a fire.

This surprised Ma Zhou. He thought Xiao Lang was just an ordinary farmer. How can he understand poetry?

Huxian Li forget worry? Ma Zhou just reacted. The name sounded familiar. After careful consideration, he got up and bowed.

"How dare you ask, Lang Jun, who wrote the poems shangyangzui and Xiake Xing?"

Several poems copied by Li forget you have already spread all over Chang'an City, and none of the scholars can't recite them.

Ma Zhou liked it very much. He copied these poems and read them all day. He always regretted that he didn't get to know the plum worry. He often lamented what kind of talent he had in this world to write such famous works.

He just listened to Li forget worry's self introduction, but he didn't react for a moment. In front of him, the young farmer Lang, who was recruited to serve as a corvee, was the author of those poems.

Li Qieyou also got up and saluted: "it's my book. I hope brother Binwang can give me some advice."

Confirm that the young man in front of him is really the plum worry he thinks about day and night. Ma Zhou is a little at a loss. He never thought that he would be such a young man who could write such famous poems handed down from generation to generation.

"No, Ziyou's poems are magnificent and exquisite. I should ask Ziyou for advice."

With a smile in his heart, Li forgets to worry. He is ready to start the deception method. If he doesn't deceive Ma Zhou to Dingzhou village, it won't be a success.

The last time he tried to deceive the medicine King Sun Simiao, Ma Zhou couldn't let go of it anyway.

Li forgot to worry about pulling Ma Zhou, and couldn't care to sleep. They sat by the campfire and began to communicate.

As a modern traveller, although Li Qieyou is only an ordinary college student, after the explosive information impact of the information age in later generations, the amount of knowledge in his mind is placed in Datang, which can be said to know astronomy from the top and geography from the bottom.

Having a good talk with Ma Zhou, Li forgets worry and gives full play to the eloquence honed by people talking at night when they turned off the lights in the dormitory in college. He was eloquent and eloquent. This meal successfully lamed Ma Zhou.

Ma Zhou cited Li QIAOYOU as heaven and man: "Ziyou, you have such talents, why don't you become an official?"

"Ha ha, I only wish to express my affection for the landscape and have no interest in officialdom. But brother Binwang, I think you have the ability to kill and assist. You will be able to join the cabinet and worship the prime minister in the future."

"Ziyou is too famous, but what's the meaning of entering the cabinet to worship the prime minister?" Ma Zhou asked.

Li forgot to worry for a moment. He forgot that there was only a grand scholar in the palace in the Ming Dynasty. In the Tang Dynasty, where did you say that you joined the cabinet and worshipped each other.

The next morning, Ma Zhou put the old donkey in the post station without hesitation, and quickly climbed into Li forgetful's carriage for fear of missing the opportunity to talk with Li forgetful.

The four wheeled carriage team rushed out of the post station and sped all the way to Yinzhou