It was confirmed that the four wheeled carriage was indeed feasible. Lao Murakami was so excited that he almost knelt down for Li forgetful worry again.

I thought it was doomed this time. I'm afraid all the strong labor in the village will be transferred to carry out the grain transportation task in spring. However, I didn't expect Li forget you to create an artifact such as a four-wheel carriage.

The poison scheme set by Li's family in Huxian county was so simple that Li forgot to worry about it.

Xu Jingzong's idea for Li's clan was to stop the family.

Since Li Zhou's death in Huxian County, there have been only a few small officials of seven or eight grades left in the dynasty. The highest grade is the family member who joined the army as a secretary in Chang'an County.

Xu Jingzong is naturally very clear about the situation of Li family in Huxian county. After all, he is the Shaoqing of Zongzheng temple and is responsible for the management of these Royal clans.

So Xu Jingzong gave Li clan leader such a desperate plan.

At this time, it was time to adjust the spring. He asked the Secretary of Li's family to join the army, given Zhou Village to levy corvee, and pushed all the grain transportation tasks of several villages to Dingzhou village.

Even if Zhoucun wanted to sue, he couldn't say a word.

Transporting grain for a thousand stones and a distance of 800 Li is completely in line with the regulations on adjusting the corvee in spring, but due to the busy farming in spring, the county government will not do so under normal circumstances, which will delay the busy farming.

Small households in a village levy corvee once a year. If it is a grain transportation task, 200 stones or 1000 stones are in line with the common practice.

Once Dingzhou village's small households want to complete the grain transportation task, they have to force the strong labor of the whole village to go to battle.

If Li tries to do something else, such as replacing the cart puller with an old cow or a sick cow, it will make the Ding households in Dingzhou village live and die. By then, in 20 days, I'm afraid the mobilization of the whole village may not be able to transport the 1000 stone grain to Yinzhou.

If you can't finish the task within 20 days, wait for the county government to send someone to put them in prison and fight a lawsuit.

Including Li forgetting worry, none of the villagers who offended Li's family in the transfer county can escape, and they will peel off if they don't die.

At this time, the old village couldn't care to say more. They were about to start in five days. Now they must hurry to catch up with the four-wheel carriage.

He told the farmers loudly about the corvee in spring, which immediately caused an uproar in the whole village.

"What? Murakami, are you right? Let's transport grain and a thousand stones in a village. Is this going to kill us?"

"Dog officials in Chang'an County! They must die!" someone directly scolded the word "dog official" regardless of Yang Zui's presence, leaving Yang Zui speechless, which can only be regarded as not listening.

"Old village Zheng, how can we transfer so many strong labor in this spring farming season? If spring farming is delayed, it will be all over."

"Chang'an County can't be so unreasonable!"

"Yang Ming's residence, you decide for us! Isn't this spring going to kill more than 100 households in Dingzhou village?" more villagers immediately knelt down and begged Yang Zuo.

The village was in a mess. The old village was jumping into the four wheeled carriage full of food and shouted with all his strength: "be quiet, be quiet, listen to me!"

Finally, the farmers stopped, and old village Zhengcai pointed to his carriage and shouted: "You counsellors, make a fart! See what this is? Are you afraid we can't finish the task with the four-wheel carriage built by Li Xiaolang? I tell you, it's easy to transport grain this time. It won't take ten days to go back and forth. It can not only delay the agricultural work, but also enrich a lot of time."

When he shouted, the farmers in Dingzhou village suddenly reacted. Isn't it? Everyone saw the four wheeled carriage just now, and the four horses trotted all the way with thirty stone grain.

The quick witted farmer immediately calculated: "a cart of 30 stones, a thousand stones is more than 30 cars. A carriage of two people, then 60 or 70 people in our village are enough. Is that right, Murakami?"

"Yes, that's it!"

The farmers in Dingzhou village became noisy again. They all looked gray just now and now they all look smiling.

The old villager roared again, "quiet, things haven't finished yet. This four-wheel carriage is good, but it's just such a carriage. We have to build 30 carriages in five days. The strong workers in the whole village put down their work and went to listen to carpenter Liu's command to build a four-wheel carriage. Do you hear me?"

His words were nodded and agreed by the farmers, which was related to their own interests. Naturally, no one prevaricated.

All the old and young men in the village were busy under the command of carpenter Liu and his three sons.

Five days to build more than 30 four-wheel carriages, time is still very tight.

Fortunately, this is just a carriage for transporting grain. Except for chassis, vehicle and steering mechanism, it doesn't need to be refined.

The village immediately became lively. They went to the woodcutters in the mountains to cut and transport wood. They helped carpenter Liu's family pull a big saw with some skills.

Looking at the busy work scene in Dingzhou village, Yang Zui twisted his beard: "Ziyou, your ability is really amazing. I don't know how many good things you haven't taken out in your stomach."

Li forgot to worry and said with a smile, "the Ming government praised me, but I'd like to ask the Ming government for more help in replacing the cattle pulling the cart with the horses."

What he feared most was that the carriage had been built, but Chang'an County would not pull a horse for itself at that time, which would be bad.

"Ziyou, don't worry. I'll leave this matter to the county and promise to give you the horses in five days." Yang Zui assured him.

Originally, Chang'an County needed to prepare more than 100 cattle carts and more than 200 cattle pulling carts for the villagers of Zhou Village. Now, in exchange for more than 100 horses, Yang Zui naturally dares to play this ticket. Chang'an County has no reason not to agree.

Five days passed quickly. With the efforts of the whole village, more than 30 freshly baked four-wheel carriages were made.

In order to save time, even the shafts didn't have time to planed with a plane. They were simply made of logs cut down from the mountains. They didn't even peel off the bark. It seems that these more than 30 four-wheel carriages are very poor and rough.

However, all these carriages have been tested and are very strong. Each can easily drag thirty stones of grain without any problem.

Yang Zui did not break his promise. Early that morning, Chang'an County sent someone to bring more than 100 carts and horses to the village.

All the four wheeled carriages were fitted with horses and could start at any time.

Li Qieyou is also among the small households in the spring. Of course, he has to start together. Niu Yong still looks after the house at home, and Niu Wu accompanies him to Yinzhou to transport grain.

Under the advice of her boss, Li forgot to worry and climbed into the carriage.

The old village was also starting to transport grain. He shouted, "go!" and more than 30 four-wheel carriages rushed out of the village to Chang'an City