The old Dao doesn't even disinfect, so he cuts the wound directly. Do you want to cure the disease or spread bacteria!

"Why did Xiao Lang stop me?" the old Taoist asked.

"Your knife is not disinfected!" Li forgot to worry and pointed to the lancet in the old Taoist's hand.

The old Taoist priest was confused: "disinfection again? What is disinfection?"

"Your knife is not clean, there are bacteria!" Li forgetful worry can only explain this.

The Taoist priest picked up his clean and shining Lancet. Where is it not clean? No dust at all? What are bacteria?

Li Qieyou couldn't explain what bacteria were to the Taoist priest, and was too lazy to talk nonsense. He directly asked Li Heng whether the boiled water was well cooked.

No alcohol has been brewed, even high alcohol baijiu. Disinfection can only be boiled with boiling water.

Li forgot to worry and asked the old Taoist priest to take the lancet. He took it to Li Heng, told him to go to the kitchen, and asked pelan to boil it in boiling water for a few minutes before taking it out.

He looked at the cloth strip that had been wrapped up for Niu Yong. He was disgusted and asked Li Heng to find a clean white cloth and cut it into strips. He also asked Peilan to throw it into boiling water for disinfection.

It took only half an hour to ride back and forth from Dingzhou village to Huxian county at the speed of Niu Wu.

When Niu Wu ran back on his sweaty white horse, Li forgets worry and just got everything ready.

Not caring for his horse, Li forgot to worry and immediately asked pelan to take Niuwu's lamb intestines to the kitchen, scrape off the fat, take the innermost mucosa, soak it in alkaline water and wash it, and then divide it into small strands.

Perrin was quick and ready soon.

After the little girl brought the old Taoist's lancet boiled and disinfected with boiling water, Li forget worry immediately asked the old Taoist to start cleaning the rotten meat from Niu Yong's back wound.

The old Taoist was really good at surgery. He took the lancet with quick hands and feet. He didn't dislike the pus and stench from the wound at all. He cut off the inflamed and purulent parts around the wound in two or three times. The technique was very professional.

"Perrin, is the warm water ready?"

"Lang Jun, you're ready. Do you need to bring it in now?"

"Well, remember to add more salt."

Because there was no other thing to disinfect, Li forgot to worry, so he had to make it simple and sterilize Niu Yong's wound with high concentration saline.

When the high concentration saline was drenched on the wound on Niu Yong's back, even if Niu Yong had fallen into a coma due to high fever, even if there was the silver needle used for anesthesia on his back, it still hurt. He unconsciously whispered in his mouth and his body kept shaking.

"Xiao Lang, is my eldest brother all right?" Niu Wu asked with heartache.

"It's all right. It must hurt to disinfect the wound with high concentration saline. There's no way."

Cut off the rotten meat on the wound, clean and disinfect the wound, and then suture it.

When Lao Dao treated Niu Yong's wound again, he had cut the mulberry thread used for sewing before. At this time, he took out the mulberry thread and was ready to sew again.

"Taoist priest, wait, use this catgut to sew the wound."

"Catgut?" the old Taoist was puzzled. He took the catgut in Li forgetful's hand and looked at it: "is this what you asked Niu Erlang to go to the county to find lamb intestines?"


"What are the benefits?"

"After the wound heals, there is no need to remove the suture, and the human body can absorb it." Li forgets worry and shows off for a while. Finally, he can take out something a little better than the old way.

After a little thought, the old Taoist nodded, picked up the catgut provided by Li forgetful and began to sew the wound again for Niu Yong.

After stitching up the wound, the Taoist priest smeared the muscle generating hemostatic drug on the wound again, took Li forgetful's command to pelan to boil the sterilized cloth with boiling water and bandage Niu Yong again.

"Hey, I can only do this. Grandpa's internal injury was feverish because of his wound ulcer, and I can't do better. I'll write a prescription and ask the little boy to find someone to fill the medicine to fry Grandpa. I hope it will be useful, immeasurable God."

Traditional Chinese medicine really has no specific drugs and methods for wound suppurative infection. It was not until the invention of penicillin in modern times that it saved the lives of countless war wounded. This is also the reason.

The reason why Li Lianyou dares to say that he can save Niu Yong is that he has cephalosporin capsule in his hand. Cephalosporin is a second-generation antibiotic with good effect and little side effects.

Su Changqing had already taken the cephalosporin capsule. Li forget worry took a capsule and fed it to Niu Yong, forcing him to take it with clean water.

The strange appearance of the capsule made the Taoist priest stare at it for a long time.

"Well, Dalang has taken the medicine, and his fever will go down tomorrow." Li forgets worry and is sure that cephalosporin will be useful.

The Tang people have never taken any antibiotics. Unlike later generations, antibiotics have been rampant for a long time, and drug resistance is about to appear.

After eating cephalosporin for three consecutive days, Li forgets worry and believes that he will save Niu Yong's life.

"But what if you don't get rid of the fever?" Niu Wu was still very worried. The Taoist priest told him that the fever was very deadly.

Li Qieyou reached out and touched Niu Yong's forehead, which was very hot. Even without a thermometer, Li Lianyou can be sure that Niu Yong's temperature is definitely between 39 and 40 degrees now.

Such a high fever really needs to be cooled immediately. If the high fever does not subside, it will cause dehydration, acid-base balance disorder, and serious brain edema.

"It's all right. I'll use ice to cool down Dalang later. Don't worry." Li forgets worry and says with confidence. He has considered this problem.

"Ice? It's early spring and February now. Where is the ice? Xiao Lang, do you dig an ice cellar?" Niu Wu asked in surprise.

In ancient times, there was no such thing as a refrigerator, but senior officials and nobles had a way to store ice for a long time, that is, digging an ice cellar. In the book of songs, there are records of ice drilling and storage in winter for nobles to use in summer.

When the weather is cold, chisel large pieces of ice from the clean water source, and then put them into the specially excavated ice cellar for sealed storage, so that they can be stored until the midsummer of the next year.

This method of storing ice is expensive, and non wealthy people can't afford it. There is an ice cellar in the house of Li QIAOYOU's family in Huxian County, but now there is no ice cellar in the old house of Dingzhou village.

"Hey, hey, don't store it. Did you buy the saltpeter I asked you to buy?"

"Naturally, what's the use of this saltpeter?" Niu Wu stretched out his hand and took out a bag of saltpeter in his arms and handed it to Li forgetful.

"Make ice to cool down Dalang's body."

Li's words surprised Niu Wu and Lao Dao. Can saltpeter make ice?

The old Taoist twists his beard and says, "salty, bitter and cold salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty salty