Having made up his mind, Li forgetful began to grind his teeth with Wang right slowly.

After talking nonsense for a long time, it is obvious that Wang you can't stand it and is ready to find out his intention.

"Mr. Lang, if I venture to visit today, I don't know if I should mention anything."

Li forgot to worry and raised his eyebrows: "but it doesn't hurt to say."

"I don't know when my husband plans to accept the levy from my Wang family?"

what? What sign?

Li forgot to worry and was at a loss. He just pretended to look at the old housekeeper. He'd better continue his memory search in his mind.

As soon as Wang You's words came out, Li Heng's originally iron green face suddenly turned red. He gnashed his teeth and said to Wang you, "don't bother housekeeper Wang. Two years later, my Li family will do this marriage even if they smash the pot and sell iron."

Li forgot to worry more ignorant. How could Wang you stimulate Li Heng to be like the provoked cricket?

However, when he found out the meaning of Wang You's words in his memory, he could only silently shake his head and smile bitterly. It was still money!

Li Heng, Li Heng, there's no money in this house. What are you talking about!

In the Tang Dynasty, there were six procedures for getting married: accepting the gift, asking for the name, accepting the gift, accepting the levy, applying for the time and welcoming the bride.

In modern words, Na Cai, asking for a name and Na Ji are proposing a marriage, calculating eight characters and changing marriage stickers, while accepting a levy, asking for a date and welcoming a bride is sending a bride price, calculating the date and receiving a daughter-in-law.

Li Qieyou's late cheap father decided to marry Wang in Taiyuan before the accident at home. Both sides have accepted mining, asked for name and good luck, and are waiting for Li Qieyou to get married when he turns 16.

Who knows that the Li family suddenly caused a sensation and fell down. Now the Taiyuan Wang family wants to repent, but they don't want to say it clearly.

Wang you takes Na Zheng to talk about things. In fact, what he means is that you Li family still have money to marry a daughter-in-law?

You know, the Taiyuan Wang family is one of the five surnames and seven hopes. It's impossible to marry ordinary people. Just get some soy sauce, vinegar, onion and ginger as a gift, which is even a bride price?

In order to correspond to the identity of Miss Wang's family, the bride price collected must not be prepared for more than a dozen cars, such as colorful satins, large bunches of brocade and silk, piles of copper coins, pigs, sheep and livestock, rice flour, grain and oil, game prey, snacks, fruits, cheese, oil and salt... A vast team of people and horses will be sent to the Wang's family in Taiyuan.

These betrothal gifts can't afford to sell Li Heng.

Li forgot to worry and smiled bitterly. Let alone the Miss Wang family is so "mellow", she is as beautiful as a fairy. She can't afford to marry herself.

Li forgot to worry and coughed: "what advice does housekeeper Wang have?"

"I don't dare, but you know, my little lady has been spoiled since she was a child. Her ancestors love her and don't want to get married so early. They want to keep her at home for more time, so..."

Wang You's words mean that my little lady can't marry the Li family now.

Before Li forgot to worry, the old housekeeper Li Heng blew his beard and stared angrily: "the words of the matchmaker ordered by my parents, how can my master change the marriage negotiated with the Wang family? If your Wang family wants to repent, the old man, I'm not afraid of your Wang family's power. I'll go to the county government to play drums and complain about my grievances and see if there are any royal laws in the world!"

Li Heng's impassioned words embarrassed both Wang you and Li forgetful, and the little servant girl Peilan dared not go out.

Wang you knew that the king's family was unjustifiable. He really wanted to make a stiff stand. If he said it out, I'm afraid the king's family will lose a big face.

Besides, in the Tang Dynasty, women are not qualified to withdraw their marriage.

The Wang family voluntarily asked to withdraw their marriage. Li Heng really wanted to sue them to the Yamen. As a result, someone in the Wang family was fought for 60 years, and the engagement was still valid.

And the divorce also involves the face and reputation of the Li family. Even if the Li family is declining now, it is also the Li Tang clan.

In the eyes of old housekeeper Du Heng, this is the last dignity of the Li family. It is absolutely not allowed to be humiliated by the Taiyuan Wang family.

"Cough." Li forgot to worry and said to Li Heng, "Li Heng, go and pour two bowls of water."

If the stubborn old housekeeper is not sent away, there will be no way to continue talking about the divorce.

"Lang Jun! I......" Li Heng is old, but his eyes are not distracted and his mind is not faint. He can't see Li forgetting his worries. He wanted to argue again, but Li forgot to worry and waved his hand to him to stop talking.

The old housekeeper was anxious and angry. At last, he stamped his feet and shook his sleeves out of the main room.

Seeing Du Heng leave, Li forgetful worry and Wang you both took a breath, and the atmosphere that had fallen into freezing point in the main room began to warm up slowly.

Modern business negotiation skills 1: establish a harmonious negotiation atmosphere.

Su Changqing temporarily taught Li Lianyou some modern business negotiation skills. He used them to learn and use them flexibly.

Li forgot to worry and smiled at Wang You: "what housekeeper Wang said is also human nature. I understand it very much, but..."

He deliberately dragged on and didn't go on. Wang you brightened his eyes and hurriedly asked, "please speak, Mr. Lang, but don't dare to say anything."

Go! Li Qieyou gave Wang you a thumb in his heart.

In the study before, Su Changqing told him a truth. Now the Wang family begged him. In that case, it's impossible not to get some benefits from the Taiyuan Wang family.

Li forgot to worry, coughed softly, and looked at Wang you with a smile: "but my father's great talent died a year, and I still need to die for two years. So I'm not in a hurry. How about talking about it in two years?"

Modern business negotiation skills II: curve attack.

What he said about decaying is filial piety. When his father died, he was filial for three years and was not allowed to marry.

Although Li forgot to worry, Wang you saw at a glance that he had something to say. It was not Li Heng who was unwilling to withdraw from his marriage, but he was just taking care of himself.

"Lang Jun, you should know what my master and ancestors meant, and just like your house now..." Wang you was also worried. He came to Chang'an from Taiyuan this time, but his master told him again and again to take back the withdrawal letter.

"Ha ha." Li forgot to worry and smiled without answering.

Modern business negotiation skills 3: fully understand the negotiators.

Wang you looked at his attitude, but he didn't understand it. He simply clenched his teeth and said, "how about my Wang family give Lang Jun 100000 money to boost his family? Lang Junru is 16 this year. Why bother about his children's love?"

For the Wang family in Taiyuan, it doesn't matter to give some money. It's important not to have a relationship with the unlucky Li family in Huxian county.

Your sister, I wish I had talked about money earlier. My legs are numb after so long detour!

Li forgot to worry, moved his numb legs, changed his posture, leaned comfortably on the table, and calculated silently in his heart.

One hundred thousand dollars is one hundred copper coins, which is equal to four hundred thousand in future generations!

I'm still a family leader. Be stingy. How about sending beggars?

Although he told Su Changqing that the monthly salary of a top-ranking official in the current Dynasty was only 6800 yuan, finding a confidant to accompany him in pingkang square in Chang'an city was several copper coins a night.

Moreover, compared with the huge debt he is now carrying, 100000 money is a drop in the bucket.

Li forgot to worry and didn't promise, but picked it up.

Hey, hey, it's the local tyrant who begged himself and sent him to the door. Why don't you kill him?