Chapter 328

Name:Great Power Author:feng ben
"Well, thank you. I thought the director found me smoking -"

Alfonso was relieved. He just looked at Zheng Jianguo to leave, then looked at him again and said, "Alas, I envy you that you can take a paid vacation. Will you take advantage of this vacation to visit the game company? If the engineering machine comes out, how about giving me some information? "

"OK, no problem ~"

Again, he looked at Alfonso speechlessly. The goods were still worried about being found lazy and smoking, but now he thought of the game console. It seemed that he was going to continue to mix the inpatient. Zheng Jianguo thought about it and nodded: "if I go to the game company."

In Manion's cognition, Zheng Jianguo's behavior of helping Alfonso cover up is wrong, at least it is unfavorable to Alfonso. However, in Zheng Jianguo's and Alfonso's view, it is in line with the positioning of their identity and relationship.

In terms of identity, Alfonso is a two-year senior resident, while Zheng Jianguo is a resident who vacates the furnace. In terms of Pliny's distribution of letting Zheng Jianguo learn from Alfonso, Manion should tell Zheng Jianguo not to learn from Alfonso.

Of course, Zheng Jianguo also knows that this is the impact of his treatment of people on people's illusion of maturity. In Manion's subconscious mind, his identity and Alfonso just turned over, but she didn't feel it.

After changing clothes to the elevator entrance, Zheng Jianguo looked at the Patek Philippe watch on his wrist and found that the time was less than 10 o'clock, so he pressed the 4th floor of the digestive department after the elevator arrived.

Nathan mentioned the word hospital in his leave notice instead of the usual emergency room, so Zheng Jianguo was not sure whether the leave notice meant that the emergency room included the laboratory of the digestive center, which was the problem he thought of after he changed his clothes.

However, director Amy was not in her office. Zheng Jianguo looked that there was no one and movement in her office, so he turned to the laboratory of unknown virus. Unexpectedly, George was also in it. Bertha saw him appear and said, "George came to send me fruit. Don't you want to taste -"

"Bertha is pregnant -"

The tall George said with a gentle look on his big face. Zheng Jianguo couldn't help looking at them in surprise. Subconsciously, he looked at the fruit next to him and said, "then you should eat more -"

After half a sentence, Zheng Jianguo was stunned. What he wanted to say was folic acid, but he didn't calm down until his words came to his mouth and searched his vocabulary in his mind like all non-native English speakers.

This is not to say that Zheng Jianguo didn't find the word folic acid in his vocabulary reserve. On the contrary, after he found the word, he also jumped out several related words such as vitamin B9 and butterfly glutamic acid.

However, what makes Zheng Jianguo absent-minded is that at present, the doctors' greatest cognition of it still plays a role in some anemia symptoms. As for the statement used in his memory to prevent neural tube malformation, anemia and cleft lip and palate, it has not yet appeared!

In my last life, it seemed that I had this research conclusion in the late 1990s?

"Yes, Bertha, you should eat more. I'm leaving."

George looked at Zheng Jianguo, who was silent. He thought he was unhappy with his running time at work. He waved to Bertha and turned away. At this time, he was interrupted by George's voice. Zheng Jianguo also came back, nodded and smiled, "Congratulations, doctor Bertha."

"Thank you, but I won't let the children disturb the research -"

Bertha held her hands together and said. Zheng Jianguo nodded with a smile and said, "speak when you can't hold it. I'll send someone to help you. Remember not to be too tired. After all, the safety of your mother and son is the most important --"

"OK, thank you, Zheng ~"

Bertha answered with a smile, and Zheng Jianguo also talked about his purpose of coming: "there's my holiday in the emergency room. If you have anything, you can leave a message at home or page me. I'll give it back to you when I see it."

"Is it for the meeting at the end of the month? Congratulations."

Bertha's laboratory is attached to the digestive center, so I still know something about the most important meeting in the digestive Center: "don't worry about preparing. I'll ask Catherine or Esther if I don't understand."

"Um ~"

Then he nodded with satisfaction. Zheng Jianguo turned and left the laboratory. He ran back to Amy's office. When he found that no one wanted to leave, he saw Amy coming from the distance of the corridor and quickly came in front of him and said, "today is not your time to come to the digestive Center?"

"Director Nathan said that the hospital gave me a holiday and asked me to go back to prepare the meeting materials. I'm not sure whether it was here or not. Now it seems that it's just a holiday in the emergency room -"

Zheng Jianguo knew he was right after listening to Amy's words. Sure enough, before his voice fell, Amy said, "I don't know the arrangement over there. I haven't received any notice to let you go back to rest, but I'm just ready. Do you know about Bertha's mother?"

"About Bertha's mother? What's up? Tumor? "

Zheng Jianguo suddenly remembered the last time Bertha called to ask her about her pregnancy, and he knew where his surprise at hearing her pregnancy came from. When he came to the emergency room, he had an examination. The doctor asked her if she had any medication contraindications for pregnancy. At that time, he said he had no intention of getting married, She thought her mother had a positive result: "malignant tumor?"

"Yes, it's in our hospital now. The operation was performed only last night -"

Amy looked at Zheng Jianguo and continued to say, "but I don't think she told you?"

"No, she still looks very strong -"

Shook his head, Zheng Jianguo knew it was really troublesome, but now there was no good choice: "then I'm going to transfer Esther to the unknown virus laboratory, what do you think?"

"The arrangement in the laboratory is up to you. I only want the results. To be exact, the hospital only wants the results. I heard that an article from Hopkins was posted on the lancet. Remember to go and have a look."

Amy said, taking the case from the doctor nearby, Zheng Jianguo nodded and said, "OK, then I won't bother you."

"What did you find out?"

Zheng Jianguo was not surprised that someone was competing with him on Helicobacter pylori. On the contrary, he had expected it long before he published his article. To tell the truth, he didn't mind that someone scrambled with himself to study Helicobacter pylori, because it meant that his territory in this field had expanded again, I just didn't expect to meet Professor Kong before going abroad.

Of course, after Zheng Jianguo came out, he found that there was Professor Kong in China and nongshaoshan across the sea. There was also feilig in the United States. However, compared with Professor Kong and fake nongshaoshan, feilig's practice was not as exaggerated as the first two. He just used the identity of the reviewer to steal other people's papers.

After all, as long as we design another verification method to make the results solid and send them out before the other party sends them out, we can start a lawsuit. But even the false data in the paper was stolen and sent by the magazine to other teachers for review, which detonated this matter.

Remembering the investigation results that have not been released yet, Zheng Jianguo always felt that this was a pit specially dug for Professor feilige, but it had little to do with him. He quickly went to the Helicobacter pylori laboratory and found Catherine: "have you read the article on the lancet?"

"To uncover the true face of Helicobacter pylori is to see its appearance -"

She quickly went to the filing cabinet and found the lancet. Catherine opened it and handed it to Zheng Jianguo. She watched him sweep it quickly and said, "I thought you had seen --"

"There are a lot of things these two days, oh, just photos, oh, and size, so we don't have to do this research and merge all the people into another group."

After looking at the appearance of Helicobacter pylori in the magazine, Zheng Jianguo didn't take it to heart. He just scanned the name of the paper he cited at the back of the paper and put it away: "do you have any ideas if you go to the unknown virus laboratory?"

"What's the matter with Dr. Bertha?"

Katherine was still in the decision to cancel the research project. She didn't think back, so she heard the decision to go to the unknown virus laboratory. Don't mention her surprise: "she quit?"

"She's pregnant. Even if she persists, she may not be able to hold on until there are results, so it's not too late for you now, but in addition to basic research, in vivo experiments have to be carried out at the same time, that is, the working environment is worse -"

Zheng Jianguo didn't hide Bertha's physical condition, and as far as he knew, Bertha and George were not married, so he must have done it before the child was born, so he was in such a hurry to find a substitute. He said that after looking at Catherine, who was tall, cold and slightly arrogant, tilted her head, He didn't hide his different eyes: "I'm afraid I'll break your few hobbies."

"Oh, you know my hobby?"

The expression on the cold face moved slightly. Catherine unexpectedly showed a embarrassed and charming appearance. Fortunately, her character soon restored her to normal: "have you asked Esther?"

"No ~ I came to you first."

Zheng Jianguo tilted his head and said, Catherine frowned and said, "if I agree, can I go on business with you at the end of the month?"

"In that case, I feel that if you choose to go to the unknown virus laboratory, it is of little significance to travel with me. After all, the meeting at the end of this month mainly focuses on the comprehensive research of the digestive system, and the unknown virus includes both basic and comprehensive aspects -"

Zheng Jianguo did not expect that Catherine really valued the meeting at the end of the month, but when she thought that there was such a "cell" achievement in her current PhD research experience, she nodded and said, "if you want to go, you can --"

"Then I won't go. You can arrange Esther to go. It's just more than a week before the meeting starts. I still have to hand over with her when I go back. It's better to hand over directly now -"

It seems that Zheng Jianguo is a little embarrassed. Catherine's character is just a little lonely and arrogant, which doesn't mean she doesn't understand the world.

And after getting along for such a period of time, Catherine has realized the weight of the young "boss" in the eyes of the hospital directors. The unknown virus laboratory has been built as soon as it is said to be built, and Bertha has no foundation. Bertha said to adjust it, and the purchase of instruments and equipment also means to buy it.

Under such circumstances, Zheng Jianguo started to withdraw a research project. Catherine realized the weight of "authority", so she quickly adjusted her mentality and began to enter the role of unknown virus laboratory in advance: "if that's the case, I'm here --"

"When they have a meeting, you come to watch and keep up with the progress. Esther is the same as you. He goes to watch when they have a meeting over there -"

Zheng Jianguo did not think that she could not put her mind down, and did not think much of it. She has the final say and made the decision. Finally, she laughed, "so if you two are like Bertha, I will not be in a hurry."

"I won't. You should pay attention to Esther."

With a rare directional remark, Catherine hugged the lancet magazine returned by Zheng Jianguo, looked at the office and said, "to tell you the truth, I'm also considering that Esther is pregnant, so I can come back and continue to work for you -"

"Oh, thank you!"

Looking at Catherine, Zheng Jianguo was stunned and thanked. Then when he wanted to say something, he saw the next door open. Esther watched them enter the office with big and round eyes: "are you talking about something?"

"Well, I'm arranging work. You're here. I want Catherine to find you -"

Zheng Jianguo put his hand in his pocket and leaned against his desk. He didn't want Catherine next to him to see his little action, which was very different from the previous one. He looked thoughtfully at Esther, whose hands were intertwined. A way flashed on his cold face. Suddenly, he quickly put it away and said, "Esther, Dr. Bertha is pregnant. I'm going to share her work there."

"I'll give it to you first."

Zheng Jianguo, who didn't know he had been exposed, deliberately showed a solemn expression and said, then turned around and looked at the cold looking Catherine and continued: "considering that Catherine is going to the unknown virus laboratory and can't accompany me to the meeting at the end of the month, Esther, you have to do your homework in advance, When we leave, we can just let her preside over the work of the two laboratories -- "

"Oh, Dr. Bertha is really pregnant. Now Dr. George is very happy -"

Esther said with a happy face. Zheng Jianguo nodded before he wanted to lift his feet and leave. He just remembered that there was another thing he didn't say. He turned his head and looked at Catherine and said, "then you two hand over, I'll go first and leave a message for me."

"Well, boss, take your time."

Katherine rarely smiled and said goodbye. Zheng Jianguo nodded and left the office without looking at Esther. However, when she walked to the elevator, she realized that she didn't go to see Esther before, as if it was a little too deliberate affectation?

Thinking of this, when he got into the car in the parking lot, Zheng Jianguo turned on the radio after the ignition was started, and only heard a magnetic voice: "18-year-old Dr. Zheng Jianguo, known in Boston as Dr. Zheng Jianguo from the Republic, graduated from Harvard Medical School in advance at an unprecedented learning speed."