Xiao Yang didn't know how to explain what zanprawang couldn't figure out, so the two had to be worried and silent.

The night wind blew slowly in the jungle. Zamprawang felt the heat of the men around him and couldn't help leaning over a little.

"Cold?" Xiao Yang frowned. He didn't expect that combat evolutionists were afraid of cold, but when he thought of each other's ability, he thought it was reasonable.

Is it cold? Zamprawang looked at the shadow of plants and trees passing by.

In my impression, there is a perverted man who likes to play on the ice carved into an ice bed, or sprinkle small ice cubes all over his body, and then torture people with an obscene smile. I haven't noticed what is cold since then

Zamprawan shook his head, and then came closer

Xiao Yang made a spot check on the corners of his mouth. He could eat such a bully when eating tofu. He was also a monarch in ancient times. After the awakening of modern people's sense of equality, such people completely disappeared from the earth.

"Zanpula is your surname?" Xiao Yang coughed and changed the subject.

Zamprawang nodded and explained: "people who lived in the mountains since childhood have no names. After civilization invaded our hometown, the government forced us to take a surname, and the officials stationed in gave us names..."

Xiao Yang nodded slightly. The characteristic of industrial society is that it needs a large number of people. Capitalists will spare no effort to plunder these "savages" in the mountains for cheap labor.

"Then what do you call before you have no name?" Xiao Yang asked curiously.

Zamprawan said, "with the names given by nature, flowers, grass, birds and fish."

"Er......" Xiao Yang thought for a moment, but he was very impressed. He just didn't know how their names were enough. Then I thought, the living conditions in the mountains are poor, and the population reproduction ability is low. I think it's enough

"My name is the winged bee, master!" zamprawang said excitedly as if he remembered something.

Ah... There are adjectives in front of it. No wonder it's enough!

Xiao Yang smiled at her: "good name!"

"But... Don't call me master..."

There was a flash of panic in zamprawan's eyes and his body tightened.

Xiao Yang felt the change of her body and couldn't help laughing. "It doesn't have any special meaning. It's just that she feels strange. Just like them in the future, call me Xiao Yang!"

"I..." zamprawang said nervously, "I'm not used to..."

Xiao Yang was stunned and looked at her with a soft look in her eyes. "Habit is formed. You can get used to it by shouting!"

"When you enter the new world, you will get used to it..." Xiao Yang didn't know how to comfort her, so he had to draw a big cake for her future.

Zamprawang was able to escape from the inhuman hell and break the spiritual shackles bound to her for more than ten years. In addition to her awakening evolutionary ability, her desire for a better future has also become her spiritual comfort.

Although the future promised by Xiao Yang is still empty, it is clear enough to grasp compared with the beautiful future imagined by a slave imprisoned in a temple for more than ten years.

Zamprawang's eyes were moist and wanted to cry, but he was afraid that crying would upset his master.

Oh, he said not to call him "master", but he's really not used to it

"Change your name!" Xiao Yang said. "The new name represents a new starting point. I hope you can throw away the past world as much as possible..."

Zamprawang was stunned and his mouth opened slightly.

Xiao Yang rolled his eyes and had to start by himself, "how about calling 'Wangwang'?"

"Hmm!" zamprawan nodded obediently.

"Er... No, it's a little ugly." although I agreed, Xiao Yang denied the answer himself.

"How about... Lala?"


"Bah!" Xiao Yang really wanted to slap himself. His brain must have been infected by those two stupid monks.

Zamprawang looked at Xiao Yang and was a little unclear. Therefore, whether it was "Wangwang" or "Lala", it was clearly a good name. Why didn't he like it at all, and it was all his own name.

Xiao Yang certainly dare not say that "Wangwang" mostly appears in dogs, "Lala" clearly refers to a common group of lovers. Although the girl looks really good, Xiao Yang's male chauvinism breaks out. Of course, she thinks that a good girl should not be bullied!

"It's called green bee, the green of green mountain, the bee of bee." bamboo Spirit said.

Dog day, the dead monk has the habit of listening to the corner!

Xiao Yang secretly scolded Zhu Ling, but the monk is a figure who has read a lot of books. His name sounds spiritual.

"How about the green bee?"


Xiao Yang suddenly had a big head and rolled his eyes. "Don't always' well ', put forward your opinions!"

The only eyes of the girl who changed her name to green bee were scattered with the same look. She looked very happy

"The master's name sounds very good. I like it!"

Xiao Yang glared at her. I'm kidding. The bald man named it. Why should he take advantage of it!

The green bee shrunk her neck and almost forgot that he could no longer be the "master" of the man around him. However, he felt like the master who appeared in his dream countless times. He never beat and scolded her, and he was very gentle

The green bee is very clever. Xiao Yang feels warm when he thinks of the two female tigers at home and a god rabbit who is also very gentle, but always feels separated by an invisible fence. Xiao Yang looked at the green bee more pleasing to the eye.

"It would be nice to have such a sister..." Xiao Yang sighed. He was always weak at home and didn't even have a legitimate family. Qin Jing's dog day didn't know whether his brain was not good, or whether his brain was too easy to use. He always sued him for black business.

Even the private chat content of the two big men was passed on to those women. Xiao Yang was angry every time he thought of this!


The green bee shook his head, looked at him and said naturally, "then I'll call your brother later!"

Xiao Yang was stunned. He wondered if he could communicate too deeply. He didn't have an identity here and was in danger at any time.

"Forget it, I have something to do." Xiao Yang said faintly.

The green bee looked dim and said timidly, "but you have named me. Why don't you want me..."

Xiao Yang coughed a few times. "I'm also very congenial to talk with you. I'll divide it after I save your sister. We meet by chance. There's no need to worry too much."

"Hmm!" Qingfeng whispered back. Xiao Yang really helped her too much. He shouldn't ask for more.


The bright moon hung silently in the sky, but the angle of inclination was getting bigger and bigger. I saw that it would fall soon.

After crossing the dense forest, Xiao Yang and the girl finally saw a plain washed out by the river in the depression of the mountain. A few red lights were very dazzling under the moonlight.

The buildings of the red temple are ancient and solemn. Xiao Yang squinted for a while.

The green bee's body trembled slightly, and then thought that her sister, who had been dependent on each other since childhood, was still suffering from unknown sins, and her infinite courage suddenly rose.

"Go down!"

Xiao Yang took up the cold little hand of the green bee and rushed down the mountain.

"There is a guard on the edge!" green bee doesn't know Xiao Yang's plan, but if he rushes down so rashly, he will be found by the surrounding secret whistle.

Xiao Yang's mouth turned up, "let them find it..."


The action of rushing down the mountain was too fierce. The strong wind broke the flowers and plants. The guard who was still sleeping in secretly was suddenly awakened by this temperament and just wanted to reach out and pull the alarm bell around him

Behind him, a cold feeling suddenly came and rushed into his heart. This was the only time he felt the feeling of being stabbed in his heart, but the guard had no time to describe this feeling, and the source of life in his body quickly dispersed.

"I'm careless. There's more than one layer of secret whistle." Zhuling sent a message, but there was no blame in his voice. Maybe he also consciously didn't have the suppression of identity. Preaching words are easy to embarrass people and increase the contradiction of the team.

Xiao Yang stuck out his tongue. When he was on the mountain, he sensed the existence of the secret whistle. After a little calculation, he was very confident to kill him before the secret whistle issued a warning. It was done smoothly, but he didn't expect that he didn't find the deeper secret whistle.

Xiao Yang doesn't know whether Zhuling found it by fighting intuition or by his special ability, but since he has done it, Xiao Yang has to admire others.

Well... I'm so polite. I'd better scold less in the future.

"And the secret whistle!" the green bee saw that Xiao Yang easily solved the secret whistle, but his face became nervous.

Khan... Even the little girl knows. I didn't expect me to be so bad.

Xiao Yang was ashamed, touched his nose and said faintly, "don't worry, my friend has helped us solve it!"


"Oh..." green bee was relieved. She was so nervous that she almost forgot that there was a man behind him.

Xiao Yang looked at the red temple secret sentry who fell to the ground and died. Unexpectedly, he was not dressed as a monk, with long black hair, wearing military green field clothes and holding a crossbow in his hand.

Xiao Yang narrowed his eyes, squatted on the ground and opened his body.

The weapon inserted into him was the throwing knife that Xiao Yang first used. Although compared with the power of Jiquan emperor's determination, the throwing knife is an elephant standing in front of ants, it is very practical in assassination. This is also the weapon that white fox specially ordered him to take before he left.

Xiao Yang turned the man's pocket and took out a pile of useless things such as cigarettes, chocolates and chewing gum. Finally, he touched one side of his body and felt something hard under his left armpit.

Xiao Yang smiled gently, took out a new Throwing Knife and cut his clothes "torn".

The things came out smoothly.

Xiao Yang patted his palm with these hard shell ID cards, and his eyes were full of laughter.