Lu liefeng seems to understand, he looked at Ye Yiduo: "aunt Duoduo, you live in such a small house because you are too lonely, right?"

Ye Yiduo thought and nodded: "you can say that!"

She said, suddenly asked the way gale: "gale, do you know why your father lost his memory?"

Lu liefeng shook his head blankly: "I don't know. Half a year ago, my family suddenly arranged for me to transfer. When I met my father here, he seemed to have forgotten a lot of things. Aunt Xiaomeng asked me not to talk nonsense in front of him!"

Ye Yiduo nodded. It seems that six months ago, something happened to the Lu family.

Otherwise, Lu Yanchen will not become like this, and Yun Mengtian will not suddenly come to London to study.

But what happened?

Ye Yiduo thought hard and couldn't figure out why.

Lu liefeng looked at Ye Yiduo in a trance. His eyes turned: "aunt Duoduo, do you really want to know about my father?"

Ye Yiduo gave a bitter smile. Even the child knew what she wanted to know.

She laughed: "yes, I'm curious. What's the matter with him? Why don't you know me? "

Lu liefeng stretched out his hand and pulled Ye Yiduo's sleeve: "aunt Duoduo, I know you feel bad in your heart. Half a year ago, when I saw my father looking at me, I had a strange look in my eyes. I felt bad in my heart. At that time, I was thinking, if my father doesn't know me, don't want me, aunt Duoduo is gone, what should I do! Fortunately, my father finally recognized me. In the past six months, I feel that my father treated me better than before! "

Ye Yiduo looks at Lu liefeng with a complicated look.

The child's temperament is simple, and she fully believes what he says.

However, she is different from Lu liefeng. Liefeng is a child. Lu Yanchen is willing to believe him and accept him.

But she is not the same. She is 18 years old. Lu Yanchen is afraid that she will not believe what she said.

He is very alert to himself. Ye Yiduo can feel it.

In the afternoon, ye Yiduo originally planned to write his thesis, but he didn't write it at last. Instead, he played with Lu liefeng.

She asked gale, "are you used to going to school in London?"

Lu liefeng replied cleverly: "in school, I was not used to it at first, but now I'm getting used to it. I can speak a lot of spoken English. It's not a problem to communicate with my classmates everyday!"

Ye Yiduo nodded: "that's good, as long as you get used to it, I'm worried that you don't adapt to the life here!"

Lu liefeng looked at Ye Yiduo: "I'm quite used to it. Don't worry, Auntie Duoduo!"

Looking at the road Gale's pattern, ye Yiduo smiles: "by the way, gale, will you come to see me in the future?"

Lu liefeng nodded again and again: "of course, I will go to school in the week, weekend..."

Thinking of his daily schoolwork and organizing training in the dark, he said, "I may have to learn English at the weekend. I try my best to spare time, but I will come to see you, just like you often came to see me when you were in Nancy city!"

Ye Yiduo nodded with a smile.

As long as Lu liefeng comes, she can see Lu Yanchen from time to time.

She was satisfied with the result.

Lu liefeng tells Ye Yiduo about everything except the things organized by night.

At Ye Yiduo's home, ye Yiduo is happy with Lu Yanchen.

But Lu Yanchen, leaves from ye Yiduo's home, he went directly to doctor John's hospital.

He made an appointment with Dr. John yesterday and came here to have an examination today.

When Lu Yanchen just had an accident, LAN Qingfeng in the operating room did it. It was because of the miraculous doctor LAN Qingfeng that he saved his life.

LAN Qingfeng belongs to his uncle's generation, and the LAN family has a good relationship with the Lu family.

LAN Qingfeng thinks that it's normal to have an operation on the younger generation. However, Lu Yanchen is grateful from the bottom of his heart.

Doctor John was instructed by LAN Qingfeng, who sometimes operated on people who asked for help. It was in doctor John's hospital.

LAN Qingfeng is in Shennong manor all the year round, and Lu Yanchen is not easy to trouble him.

When he recovered, the attending physician became Dr. John.

Doctor John is very attentive to his health, but Lu Yanchen himself is not so attentive.

Every time he has a physical examination, doctor John comes to him on his own initiative.

For the first time, he offered to have a physical examination and wanted to cooperate with the treatment.

Of course, John didn't know that Lu Yanchen mainly wanted to remember those forgotten memories.

At the hospital, Lu Yanchen went straight to Dr. John's office.

The two talked a few words before the examination.

John watched him sit down and asked, "how's it going? Chen, have you had any discomfort recently

Lu Yanchen shook his head: "no!"

John laughed: "there is no discomfort, you can take the initiative to ask for examination, this is really strange, I am very curious, what do you think in your heart!"In the face of doctors, Lu Yanchen is not good, what to hide.

He truthfully replied: "I didn't tell you before that I would always have a dream. In the dream, a person called me brother Xiaobai. I feel that person is very familiar, but I can't see clearly what that person looks like. This dream is basically kept at the frequency of once a week!"

John nodded: "I remember, I also told you, because you are missing part of your memory. This dream may have something to do with your missing memory!"

Lu Yanchen's heart was a little nervous. He nodded: "I also feel that this dream has something to do with my missing memory. To be honest, I recently met a girl who said she knew me and called me brother Xiaobai just like the people in the dream. However, I don't know her. I feel Strange has familiar, do you understand? "

John's eyes lit up. "I can understand. Maybe you knew her before. You just forgot her!"

Lu Yanchen thought about it and continued: "I also thought about this possibility, because after I met her, I heard her call me brother Xiaobai. Since that day, my once a week dream has suddenly become something I do every day. As long as I fall asleep, I can dream about that girl, and that girl has become the face of that girl in real life. She looks at her every time I, sad to shout out brother Xiaobai, I am sad and worried. Every time I wake up in a dream, my heart feels terrible. I feel that if this dream continues, my brain will be weak! "

John seldom heard it once. Lu Yanchen analyzed himself so deeply and told him so many things.

He looked at Lu Yanchen with interest: "Chen, if I guess correctly, that girl should be your muse before, otherwise, how can you dream about her every day? I feel that before you two, there should be a deep tie. If you want to retrieve that part of the missing memory, she is a very important person. I feel that she can help you I found it

Looking at John's excited eyes, Lu Yanchen frowned: "John, she is not a doctor, how can she help me?"

John smile: "Chen, your country is not a good old saying, heart disease also need heart medicine doctor, I feel, that girl, should be your heart medicine!"

Lu Yanchen frowned: "but I don't know her!"

John shook his head helplessly: "Chen, I didn't feel it before, I feel now, how can you be so dead hearted? Indeed, you don't know her now, that's because you forgot her. You should have investigated her. You know it, you should have known her before, right?"

Lu Yanchen frowned at him and nodded for a long time: "even if I knew him before, I don't know if he had any plans when he approached me before!"

John laughs helplessly: "Chen, I didn't say you, you are too vigilant. It seems that you want to treat everyone as the enemy!"

Lu Yanchen looked at him without expression: "not everyone, just unfamiliar people, I will be like this!"

"Don't you think you're familiar? If you are not familiar with it, how can you dream about each other every day? " John gave a playful smile.

For Lu Yanchen this iceberg, if there is a girl who can accept him, it is also a miracle.

When Lu Yanchen heard what John said, he couldn't stop frowning.

After a while, he said, "dreams are different from everyday life."

John smile hook lips, no longer say this thing: "forget it, don't say these, check it, after the check, we'll have a good chat!"

Lu Yanchen nodded.

He believed in John, so when John checked him, he was very cooperative.

If the general unfamiliar people, Lu Yanchen is very likely to have a deep hostility.

The inspection process is very fast, about half an hour.

But wait.

John took advantage of this time and said to Lu Yanchen, "Chen, I don't care what you think about the girl you often dream about. I have to tell you that if you want to think about the past as soon as possible, this girl may be the source of stimulation. You often see her. The memories you lack, the sooner you come back!"

Lu Yanchen frowned severely: "is there no other way? Must I see her often? "

John had no choice but to smile bitterly: "Chen, I remember I told you that the congestion in your head, which oppresses the nerves, can't be operated on, otherwise, I can't let you drag it to the present. I often wonder if your congestion will disperse by chance, but who can be sure of this kind of thing, but now, it's different from that part Memory related person, appeared, she can stimulate you, let your brain nerve cells active, that blood clot is strongly stimulated, maybe can disperse, this is the most safe method, if really can't, then I can only do surgery, risk a try, the question is, such a risk, you are willing to bear it? "

Hearing what John said, Lu Yanchen hesitated.

Lu Yanchen wants to remember those missing memories, but he doesn't want to take some risks.