"Oh! You've learned to hide, haven't you! I told you to hide, I told you to hide Take care of city to rush to bed directly, will ye tingluo just put on good coat, and tear off.

Everything happened in such a hurry that yeting Logan didn't understand what had happened, so she was abused by the city of care.

In the presidential suite, from time to time came the broken voice of women, as well as the cry of pain.

It took about two hours to get out of the presidential suite.

In the room, ye tingluo looks at the ceiling with her eyes vacant. Her tears, like a tap out of control, flow out all the time.

Next to the ground, or broken clothes.

The people on the bed, covered with traces of blue and purple, have been abused.

What's more, it's very miserable to be abused!

Ye tingluo lay in bed for a long time, finally, she felt her body, seemed to move, she slowly got up from the bed.

Her limbs, it seems, are stiff, all over, there is no place to see.

Looking at their own tragic situation, ye tingluo laughs miserably. They are all self inflicted. Who let them be humble!

It's just, after that, it won't!

Even if it is love, she will not send it up again, let him trample on it!

Ye tingluo got up, washed her face, picked up the clothes on the ground, and put them on when she could make do with it.

Anyway, it was so dark that no one would come to see what she was wearing.

Ye tingluo dragged her tired body out of the hotel.

She took a taxi by the side of the road and gave her home address.

When the driver saw her condition, he thought she had been bullied.

"Girl, don't be afraid. I'll take you to the Public Security Bureau. Don't be afraid. You can't be bullied for nothing!" The driver was very angry.

Ye tingluo bowed her head and said: "master, no, I want to go home!"

Her voice was subdued, hoarse and weeping.

The driver said helplessly: "well, I'll take you home. Girl, you've been wronged and bullied. You should know how to find a fair place for yourself. You can't be stupid!"

"Master, I know. Take me home!" Ye tingluo finished, leaning on the back of the car, didn't want to say a word.

In this world, in fact, there are many just people, but she fell in love with a devil!

No way, who let her cheap!

Ye tingluo's mouth is full of self mockery.

The driver shook his head helplessly and sent her home.

Back home, ye tingluo takes out her mobile phone from her bag.

She saw that Subei called her a lot and asked her why she didn't come to the party.

She did not answer the phone, Subei also worried about whether she had an accident, sent a lot of information to ask her.

Ye tingluo closed her eyes, but she couldn't stop her tears.

Why! Why does she care so much about herself!

Ye tingluo crawled on the sofa and cried for a long time.

She finally managed to get up and sniffed, her shoulders still shaking.

She took out her mobile phone and sent a message back to Subei.

"Sister Beibei, you don't have to worry. I just have a cold. I didn't go to the party. When I went to bed, my mobile phone was silent. Thank you for your concern."

She almost sent it back to northern Jiangsu.

"No big deal? Ting Luo, the body is very important. You must take good care of yourself

"Mm-hmm, sister Beibei, I know. Go to bed early and don't give me back!"

After ye tingluo finished, she couldn't stop crying.

She quickly put down her cell phone and rushed to the bathroom to wash her face.

When she came back again, there was no news from northern Jiangsu.

Ye tingluo holding a mobile phone, her class micro blog, originally is a random turn, but did not think, found the reason for the crazy city of care.

The video of Lu Nan's confession to northern Jiangsu has long been photographed and sent to the Internet.

Ye tingluo looks at this video and laughs while crying.

It turned out that the plan of caring for the city failed, and Lunan proposed to Subei in front of him. That's why he was so upset. He vented all his grievances on himself!

She remembers that he seemed to say that she would unite with outsiders to punish him. Did he think that he told Lunan the secret of what happened tonight?

Ye tingluo laughs and forwards the video of Lu Nan's proposal to Subei, and @ Subei, with a blessing. Congratulations.

After all this, ye tingluo went back to the bathroom, filled the bath with water and walked in.

She lay down with a smile, picked up the eyebrow knife next to her, and cut her wrist hard.

Northern Jiangsu was going to sleep.

Seeing Lunan, who was just going to take a bath, she started her microblog again.

Ye tingluo asked her not to return the news. After thinking about it, she didn't return.However, when she opened her microblog and saw ye tingluo's blessing, her heart suddenly rose.

Ye tingluo @ her, and said, sister Beibei, I wish you and Lu Zong happiness, unfortunately, this kind of happiness, I'm afraid I'll never get it again in my life, if I can't witness your happiness, please forgive me!

In a few short sentences, the northern Jiangsu read it with a creepy feeling of reading the last words.

Almost without thinking about it, she got out of bed.

Always shy, she directly pushed open the bathroom door and pushed Lunan, who was covered with foam, to the shower.

"Lunan, hurry to clean up and follow me to save people!" Subei speaks very fast.

Although Lunan didn't know what was going on, listening to the anxious tone of Subei, he knew what must have happened.

He flushed clean, picked up next to just take off the home clothes, directly put on.

When Lunan came out of the bathroom, Northern Jiangsu was already wearing shoes.

Lunan took the key to get on the bus, and two people from northern Jiangsu quickly went downstairs.

Subei reported ye tingluo's address.

"Lunan, get there quickly. I suspect something happened to yetingluo!" Subei said.

Lunan saw that Subei was in such a hurry to get on fire. He didn't ask much and drove out directly.

After driving a distance, Lunan asked: "Beibei, you only said that something happened to yetingluo. You can always tell me what happened and what happened."

Su Bei frowned and quickly read what ye tingluo said to Lu Nan on her microblog tonight.

Lunan frowned at this.

He said: "it's really abnormal. Beibei, let's go there now. You call 120 first and let them go to yetingluo's house. If something happens, we won't be helpless. Professional first aid may save yetingluo's life!"

Subei nodded and quickly hit 120.

She was really flustered. There was only one idea in her mind, which was to save people. She didn't think so much.

Subei calls, Lunan also speeds up.

After making the emergency call, Subei began to call ye tingluo again.

However, no matter how many times she calls, the user is always busy and there is no answer.

Fortunately, it's past twelve o'clock and there aren't so many cars on the road.

When Northern Jiangsu arrived at ye tingluo's villa area, he and Lunan rushed in directly.

They did not have keys and access cards, alerted the security personnel in the villa area and were stopped.

Lunan quickly explained the situation. With the help of the property, he opened the door of yetingluo's house.

Subei rushes directly to ye tingluo's master bedroom.

Lunan followed.

As soon as they came into the room, they smelled a strange smell, like water vapor and Bloody.

Lunan's eyes were sharp. He saw the bathroom door in the bedroom. There was a light reddish color.

He knew almost nothing about it.

Lunan went down to northern Jiangsu and turned 180 degrees.

"Beibei, just stand like this. Don't move. I'll save people!" Lunan said, quickly to the bathroom, kick the door open.

When I saw the man lying in the bathtub, even Lunan, who was used to seeing all kinds of big scenes, couldn't help shivering behind his back.

How much courage can we choose to commit suicide in this way.

Ye tingluo in the bathtub, wrists constantly bleeding, pale as a ghost.

She was so blue that she could hardly see a normal place.

The floor in the bathroom is full of light blood, and the water in the bathtub is constantly pouring out.

Lu Nan can't think of it. He pulls out the big bath towel and walks over to take ye tingluo out of the bathtub.

Looking at her bleeding hand, Lunan quickly walked out.

Subei did not listen to Lunan's words at all. She was silly. She watched Lunan holding ye tingluo, like a broken kite, out of the bathroom.

Ye tingluo's appearance, she doesn't have to think, she knows what happened.

"Beibei, don't be stunned, medicine box. I'll make a simple bandage for her first. She still has breath and heartbeat. The ambulance should be here soon!" Lunan was quick and serious.

Subei controls the secretion of lacrimal gland, so hurry to get the medicine box.

Lunan bandaged ye tingluo's wrist quickly, and tightened her arm with elastic band temporarily to prevent continuous blood loss.

After that, he looked up to North Jiangsu.

"Beibei, don't cry. Ye tingluo will be saved. Help her to change her clothes first, or the ambulance will come soon. It's not good for ye tingluo because of many people and mixed eyes!" Lunan finished and went out.

He thought he was a man with a heart of stone, but he didn't expect that when he saw this scene, his heart was very sad.

After all, ye tingluo is just a little girl, several years younger than she and Subei!What a sin!

Northern Jiangsu didn't know what Lunan meant.

However, after Lunan went out, she quickly changed ye tingluo's clothes.

When she saw the tragic situation on yetingluo, she completely broke, tears like broken beads, dripping on yetingluo.

How could she be like this!

Subei sobbed while changing ye tingluo's clothes.

As soon as she dressed yetingluo, she heard a noisy sound of footsteps outside.

When the door was opened, a group of doctors in white coats put ye tingluo on the stretcher and carried him out.

Lunan came back and held Northern Jiangsu in his arms.

He said: "Beibei, don't cry, I know you are suffering, but now, we have to follow you to have a look. Ye tingluo is here, and there is no family!"

Northern Jiangsu is out of breath.

However, she wiped her tears, followed Lunan, followed the doctors in white coats, and quickly walked out.