One year later.

New York, USA.

In front of the French window, a woman in white stands on the top floor of a hotel apartment called tower tower tower.

looked as like as two peas.

She stood respectfully in front of the window, facing the man on the sofa in the room.

"Can I do it now, sir?" Asked the woman.

The man on the sofa, lazily leaning on the back of the sofa, looks a bit listless.

He was facing the light, but his face was covered with a green fox mask. He couldn't see his face clearly.

"Well, have you found out the whereabouts of Lunan?" The man asked faintly.

"Basically, I have learned that Lunan will come to New York next week, and his twin sons, Lu Suhan and Lu Sulin, will come to the United States almost 12 times a year. Every month is the middle of the month!" The woman said quickly.

"Good, good, very good. Next, it's all up to you. You've been dormant in the dark for a year, having plastic surgery, suffering from all kinds of pain and torture. In this year, you've been imitating the tone, action and living habits of Subei all the time. Now, even if you stand in front of me with Subei, I may not be able to distinguish your identity at the first time, let alone It's been a year since we met in Northern Jiangsu and Lunan. It's hard for Lunan to recognize your identity! All you need to do is act well! " The man slowly finish this paragraph.

The woman nodded respectfully.

"Yes, sir, I'm sure I'll live up to expectations!" The woman said it very seriously.

The man nodded.

"Well, I see. You can go out!" With that, the man showed a wilting look and didn't seem to want to say a word more.

The woman took a look and turned respectfully to exit the room.

The woman at the door of the hotel apartment, deeply across the door, looked at it, and finally turned to leave.

Everything she has now is like a replica of Northern Jiangsu.

Her real identity is Su Nuan who fell into Nanxi a year ago.

She was rescued by the mysterious Mr. g, and Subei didn't know where she was taken.

In short, this year, Northern Jiangsu did not appear.

It was the mysterious Mr. g who met her just now.

He seems to have mastered everything.

He said, let Su Nuan not worry, study hard and be a good Northern Jiangsu. In this way, one year later, she will be able to appear beside Lu Nan as a northern Jiangsu.

As for the real Northern Jiangsu, Mr. g even said that she would not have to worry about his free arrangement.

Su Nuan is very clear that Mr. G is not willing to tell her. She'd better ask less.

This year, she was sent to a private hospital in the United States for half a year's plastic surgery, which was almost the same as that in Northern Jiangsu.

Although the process was painful, she was very satisfied with the result.

After plastic surgery, she looked in the mirror and could hardly tell who she was.

as like as two peas, she is just like the same person in North Jiangsu.

However, her face was scratched in the accident a year ago. The process of plastic surgery was very painful and long.

After the successful plastic surgery in Northern Jiangsu, Su Nuan began to carry out imitation training for half a year, training all the movements and behaviors of Northern Jiangsu, including her voice and expression, clothing style, and so on.

Now, after Mr. G's acceptance, he said that he could finish the task.

And her task is to accompany Lunan, which she has always dreamed of.

In the capacity of his lover.

Now, as long as Lunan mistakenly finds her and regards her as northern Jiangsu, she is confident that she can have a good life with Lunan.

Of course, the premise is that as long as northern Jiangsu does not appear.

However, Mr. g assured her that she could only listen to him for a while.

As long as you think about it, you can see Lunan in a week.

And he, too, will regard himself as the person who thinks about it all the time. Su Nuan's heart can't help but be excited.

Half an hour after su Nuan left, the door of the hotel room was opened.

The man walked out of the door slowly and left towards the other side.

Los Angeles, USA.

In a private estate.

A woman who looks like Su Nuan is sitting on the grass.

She gently looked at the baby in the stroller, her face full of gentle motherhood.

She didn't know her name.

However, Gu Niancheng told her that her original name was su Nuan.

Her face has been slightly adjusted. It is said that it was due to a car accident a year ago when three cars fell into the water at the same time.After that, Gu Niancheng left with her.

By the time they left, she was already pregnant with the child of mindfulness city.

This is a little girl. She and Gu Niancheng named her Gu zisu.

It's a nice name. It's also connected with mindfulness city and her surname!

She was very satisfied with the name.

This little girl is only four months old, but she is very cute.

She basically forgot all about her past.

Because Gu Niancheng said that when he fell into the water, he drowned for a long time, and his brain was short of oxygen supply for a long time, so he lost his memory.

This explanation, she believes.

However, there is always a sense of uneasiness in my heart.

This kind of uneasiness comes from her nightmares at night. The people and things in her dreams are very different from the past that mindfulness city told her.

She didn't know whether to believe in dreams or in the words of mindfulness.

Over the past year, she has taken good care of her and perilla. She has no heart to doubt his words.

However, whenever he wants to make out with himself, she subconsciously resists.

She attributed it all to her dreams.

However, even if she thinks so, she can't easily obliterate what the city has done for her.

She remembers the first time she woke up after she lost her memory.

She heard Gu Niancheng and the doctor's words, she learned that her heart is not good, is congenital heart disease, need surgery.

But she was pregnant.

The doctor and Gu Niancheng discussed the child's future.

They didn't expect that she heard about it.

She clearly remembers the shock and disbelief on his face when he heard her and asked who she was.

He didn't recover until she was determined to keep the child.

He was adamantly opposed at first.

But he couldn't bear to beg.

She begged him to help her keep the children.

Finally, he couldn't bear to see himself sad, so he left the child.

She couldn't help shaking her head at the thought.

How could she easily doubt the kindness of mindcheng to herself!

It must be that she lost her memory, so she felt strange to him.

He said he used to be a big star and did a lot of bad things.

However, he said that he fell in love with her and finally stayed with her because her nature was not bad.

He also told himself that her previous bad in the eyes of others was just arrogant and domineering caused by the family environment.

I don't know why. I feel strange to the person he said.

It doesn't feel like my life at all.

She sat on the grass, a little sleepy.

She will be around the stroller, fixed, lying on the damp proof mat, vaguely fell asleep.

When she woke up again, she found that mindfulness had already stood beside her.

He held the pram and looked at himself like water.

She was a little embarrassed.

But she remembered that she had just had that dream.

In the dream, the man called himself again and again, like Beibei.

Yes! That's what people in dreams call themselves.

Beibei, Beibei, he kept calling himself, as if he was very sad.

But every time she wanted to see each other clearly, the dream woke up.

She rubbed her forehead and felt a little uncomfortable.

"Niancheng, when did you come back?" She asked softly for fear of waking up the baby in the pram.

Gu Niancheng came over and sat next to her.

"Just came back soon, how did you fall asleep outside? If you want to sleep later, remember to go back to your room!" Take care of city to rub her head, smile to say.

She nodded to the dream.

"By the way, Niancheng, I had a dream just now. I dreamed that the man in the dream had been calling me Beibei. Beibei, did I have such a name before?" She asked.

Look at the city, suddenly become strange.

"What else did you dream of?" When he asked, he seemed a little worried and worried.

She shook her head.

"Nothing. What's the matter with you? You don't feel very well!" She looked at the city of mindfulness anxiously.

Take care of city unnatural smile shake head.

"How can I? I'm fine. Just think of your dream. Don't worry about it. They all say that you have thoughts every day and dreams at night. You must be confused. That's why you have such a dream. Your name is Su Nuan, Xiaoming, xiaonuan Nuan. I still like to call you Nuan. Maybe the people in your dream also call you like this, but you just listen to me!" Care for the city said with a smile.The woman frowned and looked a little unhappy.

"Niancheng, I remember my congenital heart disease a year ago. You said at that time that it was induced. What's the cause of my heart disease? Haven't you told me yet?" She asked eagerly.

I don't know why.

During this period of time, especially after giving birth to Gu zisu, she dreams more frequently.

Her thirst for knowledge of the past is also growing.

She looked at the city carefully, waiting for his answer.

"This thing It's been so long. Why do you still remember? Didn't I say that? Your heart disease has been cured. Don't think about it any more. And I can't remember the inducement. Maybe I was pregnant at that time. Maybe I was pregnant Gu Niancheng's hesitation and incoherence.

She was a little puzzled. She just asked casually.

How did he react so much.

She had the illusion that she was concerned about the city and that something was hidden from her.

Moreover, this matter, for her, is very important.

But why did he keep it from himself!